#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Script that creates a Kubemark cluster for any given cloud provider. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail TMP_ROOT="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../.." KUBE_ROOT=$(readlink -e ${TMP_ROOT} 2> /dev/null || perl -MCwd -e 'print Cwd::abs_path shift' ${TMP_ROOT}) source "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/kubemark/skeleton/util.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/kubemark/cloud-provider-config.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/kubemark/${CLOUD_PROVIDER}/util.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubemark/${CLOUD_PROVIDER}/config-default.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubemark/util.sh" # hack/lib/init.sh will ovewrite ETCD_VERSION if this is unset # what what is default in hack/lib/etcd.sh # To avoid it, if it is empty, we set it to 'avoid-overwrite' and # clean it after that. if [ -z "${ETCD_VERSION:-}" ]; then ETCD_VERSION="avoid-overwrite" fi source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh" if [ "${ETCD_VERSION:-}" == "avoid-overwrite" ]; then ETCD_VERSION="" fi KUBECTL="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" KUBEMARK_DIRECTORY="${KUBE_ROOT}/test/kubemark" RESOURCE_DIRECTORY="${KUBEMARK_DIRECTORY}/resources" # Generate a random 6-digit alphanumeric tag for the kubemark image. # Used to uniquify image builds across different invocations of this script. KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1) # Write all environment variables that we need to pass to the kubemark master, # locally to the file ${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubemark-master-env.sh. function create-master-environment-file { cat > "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubemark-master-env.sh" </dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) HEAPSTER_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) KUBE_DNS_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) echo "Generated PKI authentication data for kubemark." } # Wait for the master to be reachable for executing commands on it. We do this by # trying to run the bash noop(:) on the master, with 10 retries. function wait-for-master-reachability { execute-cmd-on-master-with-retries ":" 10 echo "Checked master reachability for remote command execution." } # Write all the relevant certs/keys/tokens to the master. function write-pki-config-to-master { PKI_SETUP_CMD="sudo mkdir /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data -p && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${CA_CERT_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/ca.crt\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${MASTER_CERT_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/server.cert\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${MASTER_KEY_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/server.key\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/aggr_ca.crt\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/proxy_client.crt\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/proxy_client.key\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${KUBECFG_CERT_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/kubecfg.crt\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${KUBECFG_KEY_BASE64} | base64 --decode > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/kubecfg.key\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN},admin,admin\" > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${KUBELET_TOKEN},system:node:node-name,uid:kubelet,system:nodes\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN},system:kube-proxy,uid:kube_proxy\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${HEAPSTER_TOKEN},system:heapster,uid:heapster\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_TOKEN},system:cluster-autoscaler,uid:cluster-autoscaler\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN},system:node-problem-detector,uid:system:node-problem-detector\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo \"${KUBE_DNS_TOKEN},system:kube-dns,uid:kube-dns\" >> /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/known_tokens.csv\" && \ sudo bash -c \"echo ${KUBE_PASSWORD},admin,admin > /home/kubernetes/k8s_auth_data/basic_auth.csv\"" execute-cmd-on-master-with-retries "${PKI_SETUP_CMD}" 3 echo "Wrote PKI certs, keys, tokens and admin password to master." } # Write kubeconfig to ${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubeconfig.kubemark in order to # use kubectl locally. function write-local-kubeconfig { LOCAL_KUBECONFIG="${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubeconfig.kubemark" cat > "${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" << EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kubecfg user: client-certificate-data: "${KUBECFG_CERT_BASE64}" client-key-data: "${KUBECFG_KEY_BASE64}" username: admin password: admin clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: certificate-authority-data: "${CA_CERT_BASE64}" server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: kubecfg name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context EOF echo "Kubeconfig file for kubemark master written to ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}." } # Copy all the necessary resource files (scripts/configs/manifests) to the master. function copy-resource-files-to-master { copy-files \ "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR}" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubemark-master-env.sh" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/start-kubemark-master.sh" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubeconfig.kubemark" \ "${KUBEMARK_DIRECTORY}/configure-kubectl.sh" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/etcd.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/etcd-events.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/kube-addon-manager.yaml" \ "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/manifests/addons/kubemark-rbac-bindings" \ "kubernetes@${MASTER_NAME}":/home/kubernetes/ echo "Copied server binary, master startup scripts, configs and resource manifests to master." } # Make startup scripts executable and run start-kubemark-master.sh. function start-master-components { echo "" MASTER_STARTUP_CMD="sudo bash /home/kubernetes/start-kubemark-master.sh" execute-cmd-on-master-with-retries "${MASTER_STARTUP_CMD}" echo "The master has started and is now live." } # Create a docker image for hollow-node and upload it to the appropriate docker registry. function create-and-upload-hollow-node-image { echo "Configuring registry authentication" mkdir -p "${HOME}/.docker" gcloud beta auth configure-docker -q KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY="${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY:-${CONTAINER_REGISTRY}/${PROJECT}}" if [[ "${KUBEMARK_BAZEL_BUILD:-}" =~ ^[yY]$ ]]; then # Build+push the image through bazel. build_cmd=("bazel" "run" "//cluster/images/kubemark:push" "--define" "REGISTRY=${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY}" "--define" "IMAGE_TAG=${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG}") run-cmd-with-retries "${build_cmd[@]}" else # Build+push the image through makefile. build_cmd=("make" "${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_MAKE_TARGET}") MAKE_DIR="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/images/kubemark" KUBEMARK_BIN="$(kube::util::find-binary-for-platform kubemark linux/amd64)" if [[ -z "${KUBEMARK_BIN}" ]]; then echo 'Cannot find cmd/kubemark binary' exit 1 fi echo "Copying kubemark binary to ${MAKE_DIR}" cp "${KUBEMARK_BIN}" "${MAKE_DIR}" CURR_DIR=`pwd` cd "${MAKE_DIR}" REGISTRY=${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY} IMAGE_TAG=${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG} run-cmd-with-retries "${build_cmd[@]}" rm kubemark cd $CURR_DIR fi echo "Created and uploaded the kubemark hollow-node image to docker registry." } # Generate secret and configMap for the hollow-node pods to work, prepare # manifests of the hollow-node and heapster replication controllers from # templates, and finally create these resources through kubectl. function create-kube-hollow-node-resources { # Create kubeconfig for Kubelet. KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kubelet user: client-certificate-data: "${KUBELET_CERT_BASE64}" client-key-data: "${KUBELET_KEY_BASE64}" clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: certificate-authority-data: "${CA_CERT_BASE64}" server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: kubelet name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubeconfig for Kubeproxy. KUBEPROXY_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kube-proxy user: token: ${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN} clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: kube-proxy name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubeconfig for Heapster. HEAPSTER_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: heapster user: token: ${HEAPSTER_TOKEN} clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: heapster name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubeconfig for Cluster Autoscaler. CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: cluster-autoscaler user: token: ${CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_TOKEN} clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: cluster-autoscaler name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubeconfig for NodeProblemDetector. NPD_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: node-problem-detector user: token: ${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN} clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: node-problem-detector name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubeconfig for Kube DNS. KUBE_DNS_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS=$(echo "apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kube-dns user: token: ${KUBE_DNS_TOKEN} clusters: - name: kubemark cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://${MASTER_IP} contexts: - context: cluster: kubemark user: kube-dns name: kubemark-context current-context: kubemark-context") # Create kubemark namespace. "${KUBECTL}" create -f "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kubemark-ns.json" # Create configmap for configuring hollow- kubelet, proxy and npd. "${KUBECTL}" create configmap "node-configmap" --namespace="kubemark" \ --from-literal=content.type="${TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE}" \ --from-file=kernel.monitor="${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kernel-monitor.json" # Create secret for passing kubeconfigs to kubelet, kubeproxy and npd. "${KUBECTL}" create secret generic "kubeconfig" --type=Opaque --namespace="kubemark" \ --from-literal=kubelet.kubeconfig="${KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" \ --from-literal=kubeproxy.kubeconfig="${KUBEPROXY_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" \ --from-literal=heapster.kubeconfig="${HEAPSTER_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" \ --from-literal=cluster_autoscaler.kubeconfig="${CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" \ --from-literal=npd.kubeconfig="${NPD_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" \ --from-literal=dns.kubeconfig="${KUBE_DNS_KUBECONFIG_CONTENTS}" # Create addon pods. # Heapster. mkdir -p "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons" sed "s/{{MASTER_IP}}/${MASTER_IP}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/heapster_template.json" > "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/heapster.json" metrics_mem_per_node=4 metrics_mem=$((200 + ${metrics_mem_per_node}*${NUM_NODES})) sed -i'' -e "s/{{METRICS_MEM}}/${metrics_mem}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/heapster.json" metrics_cpu_per_node_numerator=${NUM_NODES} metrics_cpu_per_node_denominator=2 metrics_cpu=$((80 + metrics_cpu_per_node_numerator / metrics_cpu_per_node_denominator)) sed -i'' -e "s/{{METRICS_CPU}}/${metrics_cpu}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/heapster.json" eventer_mem_per_node=500 eventer_mem=$((200 * 1024 + ${eventer_mem_per_node}*${NUM_NODES})) sed -i'' -e "s/{{EVENTER_MEM}}/${eventer_mem}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/heapster.json" # Cluster Autoscaler. if [[ "${ENABLE_KUBEMARK_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Setting up Cluster Autoscaler" KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIG_NAME="${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIG_NAME:-${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group}" KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES="${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES:-0}" KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES="${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES:-10}" NUM_NODES=${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES} echo "Setting maximum cluster size to ${NUM_NODES}." KUBEMARK_MIG_CONFIG="autoscaling.k8s.io/nodegroup: ${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIG_NAME}" sed "s/{{master_ip}}/${MASTER_IP}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/cluster-autoscaler_template.json" > "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/cluster-autoscaler.json" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubemark_autoscaler_mig_name}}/${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIG_NAME}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/cluster-autoscaler.json" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubemark_autoscaler_min_nodes}}/${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/cluster-autoscaler.json" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubemark_autoscaler_max_nodes}}/${KUBEMARK_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/cluster-autoscaler.json" fi # Kube DNS. if [[ "${ENABLE_KUBEMARK_KUBE_DNS:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Setting up kube-dns" sed "s/{{dns_domain}}/${KUBE_DNS_DOMAIN}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/kube_dns_template.yaml" > "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons/kube_dns.yaml" fi "${KUBECTL}" create -f "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/addons" --namespace="kubemark" # Create the replication controller for hollow-nodes. # We allow to override the NUM_REPLICAS when running Cluster Autoscaler. NUM_REPLICAS=${NUM_REPLICAS:-${NUM_NODES}} sed "s/{{numreplicas}}/${NUM_REPLICAS}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node_template.yaml" > "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" proxy_cpu=20 if [ "${NUM_NODES}" -gt 1000 ]; then proxy_cpu=50 fi proxy_mem_per_node=50 proxy_mem=$((100 * 1024 + ${proxy_mem_per_node}*${NUM_NODES})) sed -i'' -e "s/{{HOLLOW_PROXY_CPU}}/${proxy_cpu}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{HOLLOW_PROXY_MEM}}/${proxy_mem}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s'{{kubemark_image_registry}}'${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_REGISTRY}'g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubemark_image_tag}}/${KUBEMARK_IMAGE_TAG}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{master_ip}}/${MASTER_IP}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubelet_verbosity_level}}/${KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{kubeproxy_verbosity_level}}/${KUBEPROXY_TEST_LOG_LEVEL}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s/{{use_real_proxier}}/${USE_REAL_PROXIER}/g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" sed -i'' -e "s'{{kubemark_mig_config}}'${KUBEMARK_MIG_CONFIG:-}'g" "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" "${KUBECTL}" create -f "${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/hollow-node.yaml" --namespace="kubemark" echo "Created secrets, configMaps, replication-controllers required for hollow-nodes." } # Wait until all hollow-nodes are running or there is a timeout. function wait-for-hollow-nodes-to-run-or-timeout { echo -n "Waiting for all hollow-nodes to become Running" start=$(date +%s) nodes=$("${KUBECTL}" --kubeconfig="${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" get node 2> /dev/null) || true ready=$(($(echo "${nodes}" | grep -v "NotReady" | wc -l) - 1)) until [[ "${ready}" -ge "${NUM_REPLICAS}" ]]; do echo -n "." sleep 1 now=$(date +%s) # Fail it if it already took more than 30 minutes. if [ $((now - start)) -gt 1800 ]; then echo "" echo -e "${color_red} Timeout waiting for all hollow-nodes to become Running. ${color_norm}" # Try listing nodes again - if it fails it means that API server is not responding if "${KUBECTL}" --kubeconfig="${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" get node &> /dev/null; then echo "Found only ${ready} ready hollow-nodes while waiting for ${NUM_NODES}." else echo "Got error while trying to list hollow-nodes. Probably API server is down." fi pods=$("${KUBECTL}" get pods -l name=hollow-node --namespace=kubemark) || true running=$(($(echo "${pods}" | grep "Running" | wc -l))) echo "${running} hollow-nodes are reported as 'Running'" not_running=$(($(echo "${pods}" | grep -v "Running" | wc -l) - 1)) echo "${not_running} hollow-nodes are reported as NOT 'Running'" echo $(echo "${pods}" | grep -v "Running") exit 1 fi nodes=$("${KUBECTL}" --kubeconfig="${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}" get node 2> /dev/null) || true ready=$(($(echo "${nodes}" | grep -v "NotReady" | wc -l) - 1)) done echo -e "${color_green} Done!${color_norm}" } ############################### Main Function ######################################## detect-project &> /dev/null # Setup for master. echo -e "${color_yellow}STARTING SETUP FOR MASTER${color_norm}" find-release-tars create-master-environment-file create-master-instance-with-resources generate-pki-config wait-for-master-reachability write-pki-config-to-master write-local-kubeconfig copy-resource-files-to-master start-master-components # Setup for hollow-nodes. echo "" echo -e "${color_yellow}STARTING SETUP FOR HOLLOW-NODES${color_norm}" create-and-upload-hollow-node-image create-kube-hollow-node-resources wait-for-hollow-nodes-to-run-or-timeout echo "" echo "Master IP: ${MASTER_IP}" echo "Password to kubemark master: ${KUBE_PASSWORD}" echo "Kubeconfig for kubemark master is written in ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}"