#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script will build and release Kubernetes. # # The main parameters to this script come from the config.sh file. This is set # up by default for development releases. Feel free to edit it or override some # of the variables there. # exit on any error set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$(CDPATH="" cd $(dirname $0); pwd) source $SCRIPT_DIR/config.sh KUBE_REPO_ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../" && pwd -P)" source "${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/cluster/kube-env.sh" source $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE})/../cluster/${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"} cd $SCRIPT_DIR/.. $SCRIPT_DIR/build-release.sh $INSTANCE_PREFIX echo "Building launch script" # Create the local install script. These are the tools to install the local # tools and launch a new cluster. LOCAL_RELEASE_DIR=output/release/local-release mkdir -p $LOCAL_RELEASE_DIR/src/scripts cp -r cluster/templates $LOCAL_RELEASE_DIR/src/templates cp -r cluster/*.sh $LOCAL_RELEASE_DIR/src/scripts tar cz -C $LOCAL_RELEASE_DIR -f output/release/launch-kubernetes.tgz . echo "#!/bin/bash" >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh echo "RELEASE_TAG=$RELEASE_TAG" >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh echo "RELEASE_PREFIX=$RELEASE_PREFIX" >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh echo "RELEASE_NAME=$RELEASE_NAME" >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh echo "RELEASE_FULL_PATH=$RELEASE_FULL_PATH" >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh cat release/launch-kubernetes-base.sh >> output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh chmod a+x output/release/launch-kubernetes.sh # Now copy everything up to the release structure on GS echo "Uploading to Google Storage" if ! gsutil ls $RELEASE_BUCKET > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Creating $RELEASE_BUCKET" gsutil mb $RELEASE_BUCKET fi for x in master-release.tgz launch-kubernetes.tgz launch-kubernetes.sh; do gsutil -q cp output/release/$x $RELEASE_FULL_PATH/$x make_public_readable $RELEASE_FULL_PATH/$x done set_tag $RELEASE_FULL_TAG_PATH $RELEASE_FULL_PATH echo "Release pushed ($RELEASE_PREFIX$RELEASE_NAME)." # This isn't quite working right now. Need to figure out packaging the kubecfg tool. # echo " Launch with:" # echo # echo " curl -s -L ${RELEASE_FULL_PATH/gs:\/\//http://storage.googleapis.com/}/launch-kubernetes.sh | bash" # echo