# etcd-version-monitor This is a tool for exporting metrics related to etcd version, like etcd server's binary version, cluster version, and counts of different kinds of gRPC calls (which is a characteristic of v3), etc. These metrics are in prometheus format and can be scraped by a prometheus server. The metrics are exposed at the http://localhost:9101/metrics endpoint. **RUNNING THE TOOL** To run this tool as a docker container: - make build - docker run --net=host -i -t gcr.io/google_containers/etcd-version-monitor:test /etcd-version-monitor --logtostderr To run this as a pod on the kubernetes cluster: - Place the 'etcd-version-monitor.yaml' in the manifests directory of kubelet on the master machine. *Note*: This tool has to run on the same machine as etcd, as communication with etcd is over localhost. **VERIFYING THE TOOL** - Goto [http://localhost:9101/metrics](http://localhost:9101/metrics) in order to view the exported metrics. - The metrics prefixed with "etcd_" are the ones of interest to us.