## Getting started on AWS ### Prerequisites 1. You need an AWS account. Visit [http://aws.amazon.com](http://aws.amazon.com) to get started 2. Install and configure [AWS Command Line Interface](http://aws.amazon.com/cli) ### Cluster turnup #### Download Kubernetes ##### a) Preferred Option: Install from [0.5 release](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/tag/v0.5) 1. ```wget https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/download/v0.5/kubernetes.tar.gz``` 2. ```tar -xzf kubernetes.tar.gz; cd kubernetes``` 3. ```export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/platforms//``` 4. __Temporary for v0.5__ : Edit the ```cluster/aws/config-default.sh``` so that ```IMAGE=ami-39501209``` ##### b) Alternate Option: Install from source at head 1. ```git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes.git``` 2. ```cd kubernetes; make release``` 3. ```export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/_output/local/bin//``` #### Turn up the cluster ``` export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws cluster/kube-up.sh ``` The script above relies on AWS S3 to deploy the software to instances running in EC2. Once the cluster is up, it will print the ip address of your cluster. ``` export KUBERNETES_MASTER=https:// ``` Also setup your path to point to the released binaries: ``` ``` ### Running examples Take a look at [next steps](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes#where-to-go-next) ### Tearing down the cluster ``` cd kubernetes cluster/kube-down.sh ``` ### Cloud Formation [optional] There is a contributed [example](aws-coreos.md) from [CoreOS](http://www.coreos.com) using Cloud Formation.