kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: vttablet-{{uid}} labels: component: vttablet keyspace: "{{keyspace}}" shard: "{{shard_label}}" tablet: "{{alias}}" app: vitess spec: containers: - name: vttablet image: vitess/lite:v2.0 volumeMounts: - name: syslog mountPath: /dev/log - name: vtdataroot mountPath: /vt/vtdataroot resources: limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m" command: - bash - "-c" - >- set -e mysql_socket="$VTDATAROOT/{{tablet_subdir}}/mysql.sock" mkdir -p $VTDATAROOT/tmp chown -R vitess /vt while [ ! -e $mysql_socket ]; do echo "[$(date)] waiting for $mysql_socket" ; sleep 1 ; done su -p -s /bin/bash -c "mysql -u vt_dba -S $mysql_socket -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS vt_{{keyspace}}'" vitess su -p -s /bin/bash -c "/vt/bin/vttablet -topo_implementation etcd -etcd_global_addrs http://$ETCD_GLOBAL_SERVICE_HOST:$ETCD_GLOBAL_SERVICE_PORT -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp -alsologtostderr -port {{port}} -grpc_port {{grpc_port}} -service_map 'grpc-queryservice' -tablet-path {{alias}} -tablet_hostname $(hostname -i) -init_keyspace {{keyspace}} -init_shard {{shard}} -target_tablet_type {{tablet_type}} -mysqlctl_socket $VTDATAROOT/mysqlctl.sock -db-config-app-uname vt_app -db-config-app-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-app-charset utf8 -db-config-dba-uname vt_dba -db-config-dba-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-dba-charset utf8 -db-config-repl-uname vt_repl -db-config-repl-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-repl-charset utf8 -db-config-filtered-uname vt_filtered -db-config-filtered-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-filtered-charset utf8 -enable-rowcache -rowcache-bin /usr/bin/memcached -rowcache-socket $VTDATAROOT/{{tablet_subdir}}/memcache.sock" vitess - name: mysql image: vitess/lite:v2.0 volumeMounts: - name: syslog mountPath: /dev/log - name: vtdataroot mountPath: /vt/vtdataroot resources: limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m" command: - sh - "-c" - >- mkdir -p $VTDATAROOT/tmp && chown -R vitess /vt su -p -c "/vt/bin/mysqlctld -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp -alsologtostderr -tablet_uid {{uid}} -socket_file $VTDATAROOT/mysqlctl.sock -db-config-app-uname vt_app -db-config-app-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-app-charset utf8 -db-config-dba-uname vt_dba -db-config-dba-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-dba-charset utf8 -db-config-repl-uname vt_repl -db-config-repl-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-repl-charset utf8 -db-config-filtered-uname vt_filtered -db-config-filtered-dbname vt_{{keyspace}} -db-config-filtered-charset utf8 -bootstrap_archive mysql-db-dir_10.0.13-MariaDB.tbz" vitess # The bootstrap archive above contains an empty mysql data dir # with user permissions set up as required by Vitess. The archive is # included in the Docker image. env: - name: EXTRA_MY_CNF value: /vt/config/mycnf/master_mariadb.cnf volumes: - name: syslog hostPath: {path: /dev/log} - name: vtdataroot emptyDir: {}