#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script is for configuring kubernetes master and node instances. It is # uploaded in the manifests tar ball. # TODO: this script duplicates templating logic from cluster/saltbase/salt # using sed. It should use an actual template parser on the manifest # files. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail readonly UUID_MNT_PREFIX="/mnt/disks/by-uuid/google-local-ssds" readonly UUID_BLOCK_PREFIX="/dev/disk/by-uuid/google-local-ssds" # Use --retry-connrefused opt only if it's supported by curl. CURL_RETRY_CONNREFUSED="" if curl --help | grep -q -- '--retry-connrefused'; then CURL_RETRY_CONNREFUSED='--retry-connrefused' fi function setup-os-params { # Reset core_pattern. On GCI, the default core_pattern pipes the core dumps to # /sbin/crash_reporter which is more restrictive in saving crash dumps. So for # now, set a generic core_pattern that users can work with. echo "core.%e.%p.%t" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern } function config-ip-firewall { echo "Configuring IP firewall rules" # Do not consider loopback addresses as martian source or destination while # routing. This enables the use of 127/8 for local routing purposes. sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1 # The GCI image has host firewall which drop most inbound/forwarded packets. # We need to add rules to accept all TCP/UDP/ICMP packets. if iptables -w -L INPUT | grep "Chain INPUT (policy DROP)" > /dev/null; then echo "Add rules to accept all inbound TCP/UDP/ICMP packets" iptables -A INPUT -w -p TCP -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -w -p UDP -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -w -p ICMP -j ACCEPT fi if iptables -w -L FORWARD | grep "Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)" > /dev/null; then echo "Add rules to accept all forwarded TCP/UDP/ICMP packets" iptables -A FORWARD -w -p TCP -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -w -p UDP -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -w -p ICMP -j ACCEPT fi # Flush iptables nat table iptables -w -t nat -F || true if [[ "${NON_MASQUERADE_CIDR:-}" == "" ]]; then echo "Add rules for ip masquerade" iptables -w -t nat -N IP-MASQ iptables -w -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "ip-masq: ensure nat POSTROUTING directs all non-LOCAL destination traffic to our custom IP-MASQ chain" -m addrtype ! --dst-type LOCAL -j IP-MASQ iptables -w -t nat -A IP-MASQ -d -m comment --comment "ip-masq: local traffic is not subject to MASQUERADE" -j RETURN iptables -w -t nat -A IP-MASQ -d -m comment --comment "ip-masq: local traffic is not subject to MASQUERADE" -j RETURN iptables -w -t nat -A IP-MASQ -d -m comment --comment "ip-masq: local traffic is not subject to MASQUERADE" -j RETURN iptables -w -t nat -A IP-MASQ -d -m comment --comment "ip-masq: local traffic is not subject to MASQUERADE" -j RETURN iptables -w -t nat -A IP-MASQ -m comment --comment "ip-masq: outbound traffic is subject to MASQUERADE (must be last in chain)" -j MASQUERADE fi if [[ "${ENABLE_METADATA_CONCEALMENT:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Add rule for metadata concealment" iptables -w -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -m comment --comment "metadata-concealment: bridge traffic to metadata server goes to metadata proxy" -j DNAT --to-destination fi } function create-dirs { echo "Creating required directories" mkdir -p /var/lib/kubelet mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/manifests if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" == "false" ]]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/kube-proxy fi } # Gets the total number of $(1) and $(2) type disks specified # by the user in ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT} function get-local-disk-num() { local interface="${1}" local format="${2}" localdisknum=0 if [[ ! -z "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-}" ]]; then IFS=";" read -r -a ssdgroups <<< "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-}" for ssdgroup in "${ssdgroups[@]}"; do IFS="," read -r -a ssdopts <<< "${ssdgroup}" local opnum="${ssdopts[0]}" local opinterface="${ssdopts[1]}" local opformat="${ssdopts[2]}" if [[ "${opformat,,}" == "${format,,}" && "${opinterface,,}" == "${interface,,}" ]]; then localdisknum=$((localdisknum+opnum)) fi done fi } # Creates a symlink for a ($1) so that it may be used as block storage function safe-block-symlink(){ local device="${1}" local symdir="${2}" mkdir -p "${symdir}" get-or-generate-uuid "${device}" local myuuid="${retuuid}" local sym="${symdir}/local-ssd-${myuuid}" # Do not "mkdir -p ${sym}" as that will cause unintended symlink behavior ln -s "${device}" "${sym}" echo "Created a symlink for SSD $ssd at ${sym}" chmod a+w "${sym}" } # Gets a pregenerated UUID from ${ssdmap} if it exists, otherwise generates a new # UUID and places it inside ${ssdmap} function get-or-generate-uuid(){ local device="${1}" local ssdmap="/home/kubernetes/localssdmap.txt" echo "Generating or getting UUID from ${ssdmap}" if [[ ! -e "${ssdmap}" ]]; then touch "${ssdmap}" chmod +w "${ssdmap}" fi # each line of the ssdmap looks like "${device} persistent-uuid" if [[ ! -z $(grep ${device} ${ssdmap}) ]]; then #create symlink based on saved uuid local myuuid=$(grep ${device} ${ssdmap} | cut -d ' ' -f 2) else # generate new uuid and add it to the map local myuuid=$(uuidgen) if [[ ! ${?} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to generate valid UUID with uuidgen" >&2 exit 2 fi echo "${device} ${myuuid}" >> "${ssdmap}" fi if [[ -z "${myuuid}" ]]; then echo "Failed to get a uuid for device ${device} when symlinking." >&2 exit 2 fi retuuid="${myuuid}" } #Formats the given device ($1) if needed and mounts it at given mount point # ($2). function safe-format-and-mount() { local device="${1}" local mountpoint="${2}" # Format only if the disk is not already formatted. if ! tune2fs -l "${device}" ; then echo "Formatting '${device}'" mkfs.ext4 -F "${device}" fi mkdir -p "${mountpoint}" echo "Mounting '${device}' at '${mountpoint}'" mount -o discard,defaults "${device}" "${mountpoint}" } # Gets a devices UUID and bind mounts the device to mount location in # /mnt/disks/by-id/ function unique-uuid-bind-mount(){ local mountpoint="${1}" local actual_device="${2}" # Trigger udev refresh so that newly formatted devices are propagated in by-uuid udevadm control --reload-rules udevadm trigger udevadm settle # grep the exact match of actual device, prevents substring matching local myuuid=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep "/${actual_device}$" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 9) # myuuid should be the uuid of the device as found in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ if [[ -z "${myuuid}" ]]; then echo "Failed to get a uuid for device ${actual_device} when mounting." >&2 exit 2 fi # bindpoint should be the full path of the to-be-bound device local bindpoint="${UUID_MNT_PREFIX}-${interface}-fs/local-ssd-${myuuid}" safe-bind-mount "${mountpoint}" "${bindpoint}" } # Bind mounts device at mountpoint to bindpoint function safe-bind-mount(){ local mountpoint="${1}" local bindpoint="${2}" # Mount device to the mountpoint mkdir -p "${bindpoint}" echo "Binding '${mountpoint}' at '${bindpoint}'" mount --bind "${mountpoint}" "${bindpoint}" chmod a+w "${bindpoint}" } # Mounts, bindmounts, or symlinks depending on the interface and format # of the incoming device function mount-ext(){ local ssd="${1}" local devicenum="${2}" local interface="${3}" local format="${4}" if [[ -z "${devicenum}" ]]; then echo "Failed to get the local disk number for device ${ssd}" >&2 exit 2 fi # TODO: Handle partitioned disks. Right now this code just ignores partitions if [[ "${format}" == "fs" ]]; then if [[ "${interface}" == "scsi" ]]; then local actual_device=$(readlink -f "${ssd}" | cut -d '/' -f 3) # Error checking if [[ "${actual_device}" != sd* ]]; then echo "'actual_device' is not of the correct format. It must be the kernel name of the device, got ${actual_device} instead" >&2 exit 1 fi local mountpoint="/mnt/disks/ssd${devicenum}" else # This path is required because the existing Google images do not # expose NVMe devices in /dev/disk/by-id so we are using the /dev/nvme instead local actual_device=$(echo ${ssd} | cut -d '/' -f 3) # Error checking if [[ "${actual_device}" != nvme* ]]; then echo "'actual_device' is not of the correct format. It must be the kernel name of the device, got ${actual_device} instead" >&2 exit 1 fi local mountpoint="/mnt/disks/ssd-nvme${devicenum}" fi safe-format-and-mount "${ssd}" "${mountpoint}" # We only do the bindmount if users are using the new local ssd request method # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/53466#discussion_r146431894 if [[ ! -z "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-}" ]]; then unique-uuid-bind-mount "${mountpoint}" "${actual_device}" fi elif [[ "${format}" == "block" ]]; then local symdir="${UUID_BLOCK_PREFIX}-${interface}-block" safe-block-symlink "${ssd}" "${symdir}" else echo "Disk format must be either fs or block, got ${format}" fi } # Local ssds, if present, are mounted or symlinked to their appropriate # locations function ensure-local-ssds() { get-local-disk-num "scsi" "block" local scsiblocknum="${localdisknum}" local i=0 for ssd in /dev/disk/by-id/google-local-ssd-*; do if [ -e "${ssd}" ]; then local devicenum=`echo ${ssd} | sed -e 's/\/dev\/disk\/by-id\/google-local-ssd-\([0-9]*\)/\1/'` if [[ "${i}" -lt "${scsiblocknum}" ]]; then mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "scsi" "block" else # GKE does not set NODE_LOCAL_SSDS so all non-block devices # are assumed to be filesystem devices mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "scsi" "fs" fi i=$((i+1)) else echo "No local SCSI SSD disks found." fi done # The following mounts or symlinks NVMe devices get-local-disk-num "nvme" "block" local nvmeblocknum="${localdisknum}" local i=0 for ssd in /dev/nvme*; do if [ -e "${ssd}" ]; then # This workaround to find if the NVMe device is a disk is required because # the existing Google images does not expose NVMe devices in /dev/disk/by-id if [[ `udevadm info --query=property --name=${ssd} | grep DEVTYPE | sed "s/DEVTYPE=//"` == "disk" ]]; then local devicenum=`echo ${ssd} | sed -e 's/\/dev\/nvme0n\([0-9]*\)/\1/'` if [[ "${i}" -lt "${nvmeblocknum}" ]]; then mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "nvme" "block" else mount-ext "${ssd}" "${devicenum}" "nvme" "fs" fi i=$((i+1)) fi else echo "No local NVMe SSD disks found." fi done } # Installs logrotate configuration files function setup-logrotate() { mkdir -p /etc/logrotate.d/ # Configure log rotation for all logs in /var/log, which is where k8s services # are configured to write their log files. Whenever logrotate is ran, this # config will: # * rotate the log file if its size is > 100Mb OR if one day has elapsed # * save rotated logs into a gzipped timestamped backup # * log file timestamp (controlled by 'dateformat') includes seconds too. This # ensures that logrotate can generate unique logfiles during each rotation # (otherwise it skips rotation if 'maxsize' is reached multiple times in a # day). # * keep only 5 old (rotated) logs, and will discard older logs. cat > /etc/logrotate.d/allvarlogs </dev/null; then useradd -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/etcd etcd fi chown -R etcd "${mount_point}/var/etcd" chgrp -R etcd "${mount_point}/var/etcd" } # append_or_replace_prefixed_line ensures: # 1. the specified file exists # 2. existing lines with the specified ${prefix} are removed # 3. a new line with the specified ${prefix}${suffix} is appended function append_or_replace_prefixed_line { local -r file="${1:-}" local -r prefix="${2:-}" local -r suffix="${3:-}" local -r dirname="$(dirname ${file})" local -r tmpfile="$(mktemp -t filtered.XXXX --tmpdir=${dirname})" touch "${file}" awk "substr(\$0,0,length(\"${prefix}\")) != \"${prefix}\" { print }" "${file}" > "${tmpfile}" echo "${prefix}${suffix}" >> "${tmpfile}" mv "${tmpfile}" "${file}" } function write-pki-data { local data="${1}" local path="${2}" (umask 077; echo "${data}" | base64 --decode > "${path}") } function create-node-pki { echo "Creating node pki files" local -r pki_dir="/etc/srv/kubernetes/pki" mkdir -p "${pki_dir}" if [[ -z "${CA_CERT_BUNDLE:-}" ]]; then CA_CERT_BUNDLE="${CA_CERT}" fi CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH="${pki_dir}/ca-certificates.crt" write-pki-data "${CA_CERT_BUNDLE}" "${CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH}" if [[ ! -z "${KUBELET_CERT:-}" && ! -z "${KUBELET_KEY:-}" ]]; then KUBELET_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/kubelet.crt" write-pki-data "${KUBELET_CERT}" "${KUBELET_CERT_PATH}" KUBELET_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/kubelet.key" write-pki-data "${KUBELET_KEY}" "${KUBELET_KEY_PATH}" fi } function create-master-pki { echo "Creating master pki files" local -r pki_dir="/etc/srv/kubernetes/pki" mkdir -p "${pki_dir}" CA_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/ca.crt" write-pki-data "${CA_CERT}" "${CA_CERT_PATH}" # this is not true on GKE if [[ ! -z "${CA_KEY:-}" ]]; then CA_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/ca.key" write-pki-data "${CA_KEY}" "${CA_KEY_PATH}" fi if [[ -z "${APISERVER_SERVER_CERT:-}" || -z "${APISERVER_SERVER_KEY:-}" ]]; then APISERVER_SERVER_CERT="${MASTER_CERT}" APISERVER_SERVER_KEY="${MASTER_KEY}" fi APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/apiserver.crt" write-pki-data "${APISERVER_SERVER_CERT}" "${APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_PATH}" APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/apiserver.key" write-pki-data "${APISERVER_SERVER_KEY}" "${APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_PATH}" if [[ -z "${APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT:-}" || -z "${APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY:-}" ]]; then APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT="${KUBEAPISERVER_CERT}" APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY="${KUBEAPISERVER_KEY}" fi APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/apiserver-client.crt" write-pki-data "${APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT}" "${APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH}" APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/apiserver-client.key" write-pki-data "${APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY}" "${APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH}" if [[ -z "${SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT:-}" || -z "${SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY:-}" ]]; then SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT="${MASTER_CERT}" SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY="${MASTER_KEY}" fi SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/serviceaccount.crt" write-pki-data "${SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT}" "${SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT_PATH}" SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/serviceaccount.key" write-pki-data "${SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY}" "${SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" if [[ ! -z "${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT:-}" ]]; then AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/aggr_ca.key" write-pki-data "${AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY}" "${AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_PATH}" REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/aggr_ca.crt" write-pki-data "${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT}" "${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_PATH}" PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_PATH="${pki_dir}/proxy_client.key" write-pki-data "${PROXY_CLIENT_KEY}" "${PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_PATH}" PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_PATH="${pki_dir}/proxy_client.crt" write-pki-data "${PROXY_CLIENT_CERT}" "${PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_PATH}" fi } # After the first boot and on upgrade, these files exist on the master-pd # and should never be touched again (except perhaps an additional service # account, see NB below.) One exception is if METADATA_CLOBBERS_CONFIG is # enabled. In that case the basic_auth.csv file will be rewritten to make # sure it matches the metadata source of truth. function create-master-auth { echo "Creating master auth files" local -r auth_dir="/etc/srv/kubernetes" local -r basic_auth_csv="${auth_dir}/basic_auth.csv" if [[ -n "${KUBE_PASSWORD:-}" && -n "${KUBE_USER:-}" ]]; then if [[ -e "${basic_auth_csv}" && "${METADATA_CLOBBERS_CONFIG:-false}" == "true" ]]; then # If METADATA_CLOBBERS_CONFIG is true, we want to rewrite the file # completely, because if we're changing KUBE_USER and KUBE_PASSWORD, we # have nothing to match on. The file is replaced just below with # append_or_replace_prefixed_line. rm "${basic_auth_csv}" fi append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${basic_auth_csv}" "${KUBE_PASSWORD},${KUBE_USER}," "admin,system:masters" fi local -r known_tokens_csv="${auth_dir}/known_tokens.csv" if [[ -e "${known_tokens_csv}" && "${METADATA_CLOBBERS_CONFIG:-false}" == "true" ]]; then rm "${known_tokens_csv}" fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${known_tokens_csv}" "${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN}," "admin,admin,system:masters" fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${known_tokens_csv}" "${KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TOKEN}," "system:kube-controller-manager,uid:system:kube-controller-manager" fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_SCHEDULER_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${known_tokens_csv}" "${KUBE_SCHEDULER_TOKEN}," "system:kube-scheduler,uid:system:kube-scheduler" fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${known_tokens_csv}" "${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN}," "system:kube-proxy,uid:kube_proxy" fi if [[ -n "${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then append_or_replace_prefixed_line "${known_tokens_csv}" "${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN}," "system:node-problem-detector,uid:node-problem-detector" fi local use_cloud_config="false" cat </etc/gce.conf [global] EOF if [[ -n "${GCE_API_ENDPOINT:-}" ]]; then cat <>/etc/gce.conf api-endpoint = ${GCE_API_ENDPOINT} EOF fi if [[ -n "${TOKEN_URL:-}" && -n "${TOKEN_BODY:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf token-url = ${TOKEN_URL} token-body = ${TOKEN_BODY} EOF fi if [[ -n "${PROJECT_ID:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf project-id = ${PROJECT_ID} EOF fi if [[ -n "${NETWORK_PROJECT_ID:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf network-project-id = ${NETWORK_PROJECT_ID} EOF fi if [[ -n "${NODE_NETWORK:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf network-name = ${NODE_NETWORK} EOF fi if [[ -n "${NODE_SUBNETWORK:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf subnetwork-name = ${NODE_SUBNETWORK} EOF fi if [[ -n "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" if [[ -n "${NODE_TAGS:-}" ]]; then # split NODE_TAGS into an array by comma. IFS=',' read -r -a node_tags <<< ${NODE_TAGS} else local -r node_tags="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}" fi cat <>/etc/gce.conf node-instance-prefix = ${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX} EOF for tag in ${node_tags[@]}; do cat <>/etc/gce.conf node-tags = ${tag} EOF done fi if [[ -n "${MULTIZONE:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <>/etc/gce.conf multizone = ${MULTIZONE} EOF fi if [[ -n "${GCE_ALPHA_FEATURES:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" # split GCE_ALPHA_FEATURES into an array by comma. IFS=',' read -r -a alpha_features <<< ${GCE_ALPHA_FEATURES} for feature in ${alpha_features[@]}; do cat <>/etc/gce.conf alpha-features = ${feature} EOF done fi if [[ -n "${SECONDARY_RANGE_NAME:-}" ]]; then use_cloud_config="true" cat <> /etc/gce.conf secondary-range-name = ${SECONDARY_RANGE_NAME} EOF fi if [[ "${use_cloud_config}" != "true" ]]; then rm -f /etc/gce.conf fi if [[ -n "${GCP_AUTHN_URL:-}" ]]; then cat </etc/gcp_authn.config clusters: - name: gcp-authentication-server cluster: server: ${GCP_AUTHN_URL} users: - name: kube-apiserver user: auth-provider: name: gcp current-context: webhook contexts: - context: cluster: gcp-authentication-server user: kube-apiserver name: webhook EOF fi if [[ -n "${GCP_AUTHZ_URL:-}" ]]; then cat </etc/gcp_authz.config clusters: - name: gcp-authorization-server cluster: server: ${GCP_AUTHZ_URL} users: - name: kube-apiserver user: auth-provider: name: gcp current-context: webhook contexts: - context: cluster: gcp-authorization-server user: kube-apiserver name: webhook EOF fi if [[ -n "${GCP_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_URL:-}" ]]; then # This is the config file for the image review webhook. cat </etc/gcp_image_review.config clusters: - name: gcp-image-review-server cluster: server: ${GCP_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_URL} users: - name: kube-apiserver user: auth-provider: name: gcp current-context: webhook contexts: - context: cluster: gcp-image-review-server user: kube-apiserver name: webhook EOF # This is the config for the image review admission controller. cat </etc/admission_controller.config imagePolicy: kubeConfigFile: /etc/gcp_image_review.config allowTTL: 30 denyTTL: 30 retryBackoff: 500 defaultAllow: true EOF fi } # Write the config for the audit policy. function create-master-audit-policy { local -r path="${1}" local -r policy="${2:-}" if [[ -n "${policy}" ]]; then echo "${policy}" > "${path}" return fi # Known api groups local -r known_apis=' - group: "" # core - group: "admissionregistration.k8s.io" - group: "apiextensions.k8s.io" - group: "apiregistration.k8s.io" - group: "apps" - group: "authentication.k8s.io" - group: "authorization.k8s.io" - group: "autoscaling" - group: "batch" - group: "certificates.k8s.io" - group: "extensions" - group: "metrics.k8s.io" - group: "networking.k8s.io" - group: "policy" - group: "rbac.authorization.k8s.io" - group: "settings.k8s.io" - group: "storage.k8s.io"' cat <"${path}" apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Policy rules: # The following requests were manually identified as high-volume and low-risk, # so drop them. - level: None users: ["system:kube-proxy"] verbs: ["watch"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["endpoints", "services", "services/status"] - level: None # Ingress controller reads 'configmaps/ingress-uid' through the unsecured port. # TODO(#46983): Change this to the ingress controller service account. users: ["system:unsecured"] namespaces: ["kube-system"] verbs: ["get"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["configmaps"] - level: None users: ["kubelet"] # legacy kubelet identity verbs: ["get"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["nodes", "nodes/status"] - level: None userGroups: ["system:nodes"] verbs: ["get"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["nodes", "nodes/status"] - level: None users: - system:kube-controller-manager - system:kube-scheduler - system:serviceaccount:kube-system:endpoint-controller verbs: ["get", "update"] namespaces: ["kube-system"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["endpoints"] - level: None users: ["system:apiserver"] verbs: ["get"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["namespaces", "namespaces/status", "namespaces/finalize"] # Don't log HPA fetching metrics. - level: None users: - system:kube-controller-manager verbs: ["get", "list"] resources: - group: "metrics.k8s.io" # Don't log these read-only URLs. - level: None nonResourceURLs: - /healthz* - /version - /swagger* # Don't log events requests. - level: None resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["events"] # node and pod status calls from nodes are high-volume and can be large, don't log responses for expected updates from nodes - level: Request users: ["kubelet", "system:node-problem-detector", "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:node-problem-detector"] verbs: ["update","patch"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["nodes/status", "pods/status"] omitStages: - "RequestReceived" - level: Request userGroups: ["system:nodes"] verbs: ["update","patch"] resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["nodes/status", "pods/status"] omitStages: - "RequestReceived" # deletecollection calls can be large, don't log responses for expected namespace deletions - level: Request users: ["system:serviceaccount:kube-system:namespace-controller"] verbs: ["deletecollection"] omitStages: - "RequestReceived" # Secrets, ConfigMaps, and TokenReviews can contain sensitive & binary data, # so only log at the Metadata level. - level: Metadata resources: - group: "" # core resources: ["secrets", "configmaps"] - group: authentication.k8s.io resources: ["tokenreviews"] omitStages: - "RequestReceived" # Get repsonses can be large; skip them. - level: Request verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] resources: ${known_apis} omitStages: - "RequestReceived" # Default level for known APIs - level: RequestResponse resources: ${known_apis} omitStages: - "RequestReceived" # Default level for all other requests. - level: Metadata omitStages: - "RequestReceived" EOF } # Writes the configuration file used by the webhook advanced auditing backend. function create-master-audit-webhook-config { local -r path="${1}" if [[ -n "${GCP_AUDIT_URL:-}" ]]; then # The webhook config file is a kubeconfig file describing the webhook endpoint. cat <"${path}" clusters: - name: gcp-audit-server cluster: server: ${GCP_AUDIT_URL} users: - name: kube-apiserver user: auth-provider: name: gcp current-context: webhook contexts: - context: cluster: gcp-audit-server user: kube-apiserver name: webhook EOF fi } # Arg 1: the IP address of the API server function create-kubelet-kubeconfig() { local apiserver_address="${1}" if [[ -z "${apiserver_address}" ]]; then echo "Must provide API server address to create Kubelet kubeconfig file!" exit 1 fi echo "Creating kubelet kubeconfig file" cat </var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kubelet user: client-certificate: ${KUBELET_CERT_PATH} client-key: ${KUBELET_KEY_PATH} clusters: - name: local cluster: server: https://${apiserver_address} certificate-authority: ${CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH} contexts: - context: cluster: local user: kubelet name: service-account-context current-context: service-account-context EOF } # Uses KUBELET_CA_CERT (falling back to CA_CERT), KUBELET_CERT, and KUBELET_KEY # to generate a kubeconfig file for the kubelet to securely connect to the apiserver. # Set REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET to true if kubelet on the master node # should register to the apiserver. function create-master-kubelet-auth { # Only configure the kubelet on the master if the required variables are # set in the environment. if [[ -n "${KUBELET_APISERVER:-}" && -n "${KUBELET_CERT:-}" && -n "${KUBELET_KEY:-}" ]]; then REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET="true" create-kubelet-kubeconfig ${KUBELET_APISERVER} fi } function create-kubeproxy-user-kubeconfig { echo "Creating kube-proxy user kubeconfig file" cat </var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kube-proxy user: token: ${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN} clusters: - name: local cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${CA_CERT_BUNDLE} contexts: - context: cluster: local user: kube-proxy name: service-account-context current-context: service-account-context EOF } function create-kubecontrollermanager-kubeconfig { echo "Creating kube-controller-manager kubeconfig file" mkdir -p /etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager cat </etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kube-controller-manager user: token: ${KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TOKEN} clusters: - name: local cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://localhost:443 contexts: - context: cluster: local user: kube-controller-manager name: service-account-context current-context: service-account-context EOF } function create-kubescheduler-kubeconfig { echo "Creating kube-scheduler kubeconfig file" mkdir -p /etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler cat </etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler/kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: kube-scheduler user: token: ${KUBE_SCHEDULER_TOKEN} clusters: - name: local cluster: insecure-skip-tls-verify: true server: https://localhost:443 contexts: - context: cluster: local user: kube-scheduler name: kube-scheduler current-context: kube-scheduler EOF } function create-kubescheduler-policy-config { echo "Creating kube-scheduler policy config file" mkdir -p /etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler cat </etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler/policy-config ${SCHEDULER_POLICY_CONFIG} EOF } function create-node-problem-detector-kubeconfig { echo "Creating node-problem-detector kubeconfig file" mkdir -p /var/lib/node-problem-detector cat </var/lib/node-problem-detector/kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config users: - name: node-problem-detector user: token: ${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN} clusters: - name: local cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${CA_CERT} contexts: - context: cluster: local user: node-problem-detector name: service-account-context current-context: service-account-context EOF } function create-master-etcd-auth { if [[ -n "${ETCD_CA_CERT:-}" && -n "${ETCD_PEER_KEY:-}" && -n "${ETCD_PEER_CERT:-}" ]]; then local -r auth_dir="/etc/srv/kubernetes" echo "${ETCD_CA_CERT}" | base64 --decode | gunzip > "${auth_dir}/etcd-ca.crt" echo "${ETCD_PEER_KEY}" | base64 --decode > "${auth_dir}/etcd-peer.key" echo "${ETCD_PEER_CERT}" | base64 --decode | gunzip > "${auth_dir}/etcd-peer.crt" fi } function assemble-docker-flags { echo "Assemble docker command line flags" local docker_opts="-p /var/run/docker.pid --iptables=false --ip-masq=false" if [[ "${TEST_CLUSTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then docker_opts+=" --log-level=debug" else docker_opts+=" --log-level=warn" fi local use_net_plugin="true" if [[ "${NETWORK_PROVIDER:-}" == "kubenet" || "${NETWORK_PROVIDER:-}" == "cni" ]]; then # set docker0 cidr to private ip address range to avoid conflict with cbr0 cidr range docker_opts+=" --bip=" else use_net_plugin="false" docker_opts+=" --bridge=cbr0" fi # Decide whether to enable a docker registry mirror. This is taken from # the "kube-env" metadata value. if [[ -n "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL:-}" ]]; then echo "Enable docker registry mirror at: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL}" docker_opts+=" --registry-mirror=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL}" fi # Configure docker logging docker_opts+=" --log-driver=${DOCKER_LOG_DRIVER:-json-file}" docker_opts+=" --log-opt=max-size=${DOCKER_LOG_MAX_SIZE:-10m}" docker_opts+=" --log-opt=max-file=${DOCKER_LOG_MAX_FILE:-5}" # Disable live-restore if the environment variable is set. if [[ "${DISABLE_DOCKER_LIVE_RESTORE:-false}" == "true" ]]; then docker_opts+=" --live-restore=false" fi echo "DOCKER_OPTS=\"${docker_opts} ${EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS:-}\"" > /etc/default/docker # Ensure TasksMax is sufficient for docker. # (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/51977) echo "Extend the docker.service configuration to set a higher pids limit" mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d cat </etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/01tasksmax.conf [Service] TasksMax=infinity EOF systemctl daemon-reload echo "Docker command line is updated. Restart docker to pick it up" systemctl restart docker } # This function assembles the kubelet systemd service file and starts it # using systemctl. function start-kubelet { echo "Start kubelet" local -r kubelet_cert_dir="/var/lib/kubelet/pki/" mkdir -p "${kubelet_cert_dir}" local kubelet_bin="${KUBE_HOME}/bin/kubelet" local -r version="$("${kubelet_bin}" --version=true | cut -f2 -d " ")" local -r builtin_kubelet="/usr/bin/kubelet" if [[ "${TEST_CLUSTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then # Determine which binary to use on test clusters. We use the built-in # version only if the downloaded version is the same as the built-in # version. This allows GCI to run some of the e2e tests to qualify the # built-in kubelet. if [[ -x "${builtin_kubelet}" ]]; then local -r builtin_version="$("${builtin_kubelet}" --version=true | cut -f2 -d " ")" if [[ "${builtin_version}" == "${version}" ]]; then kubelet_bin="${builtin_kubelet}" fi fi fi echo "Using kubelet binary at ${kubelet_bin}" local flags="${KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --allow-privileged=true" flags+=" --cgroup-root=/" flags+=" --cloud-provider=gce" flags+=" --cluster-dns=${DNS_SERVER_IP}" flags+=" --cluster-domain=${DNS_DOMAIN}" flags+=" --pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests" flags+=" --experimental-mounter-path=${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME}/mounter" flags+=" --experimental-check-node-capabilities-before-mount=true" flags+=" --cert-dir=${kubelet_cert_dir}" if [[ -n "${KUBELET_PORT:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --port=${KUBELET_PORT}" fi if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then flags+=" ${MASTER_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --enable-debugging-handlers=false" flags+=" --hairpin-mode=none" if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-false}" == "true" ]]; then #TODO(mikedanese): allow static pods to start before creating a client #flags+=" --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" #flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig" flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" flags+=" --register-schedulable=false" else # Standalone mode (not widely used?) flags+=" --pod-cidr=${MASTER_IP_RANGE}" fi else # For nodes flags+=" ${NODE_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --enable-debugging-handlers=true" flags+=" --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig" if [[ "${HAIRPIN_MODE:-}" == "promiscuous-bridge" ]] || \ [[ "${HAIRPIN_MODE:-}" == "hairpin-veth" ]] || \ [[ "${HAIRPIN_MODE:-}" == "none" ]]; then flags+=" --hairpin-mode=${HAIRPIN_MODE}" fi flags+=" --anonymous-auth=false --authorization-mode=Webhook --client-ca-file=${CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH}" fi # Network plugin if [[ -n "${NETWORK_PROVIDER:-}" || -n "${NETWORK_POLICY_PROVIDER:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --cni-bin-dir=/home/kubernetes/bin" if [[ "${NETWORK_POLICY_PROVIDER:-}" == "calico" ]]; then # Calico uses CNI always. # Keep KUBERNETES_PRIVATE_MASTER for backward compatibility. # Note that network policy won't work for master node. if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PRIVATE_MASTER:-}" == "true" || "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then flags+=" --network-plugin=${NETWORK_PROVIDER}" else flags+=" --network-plugin=cni" fi else # Otherwise use the configured value. flags+=" --network-plugin=${NETWORK_PROVIDER}" fi fi if [[ -n "${NON_MASQUERADE_CIDR:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --non-masquerade-cidr=${NON_MASQUERADE_CIDR}" fi # FlexVolume plugin if [[ -n "${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --volume-plugin-dir=${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR}" fi if [[ "${ENABLE_MANIFEST_URL:-}" == "true" ]]; then flags+=" --manifest-url=${MANIFEST_URL}" flags+=" --manifest-url-header=${MANIFEST_URL_HEADER}" fi if [[ -n "${ENABLE_CUSTOM_METRICS:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --enable-custom-metrics=${ENABLE_CUSTOM_METRICS}" fi local node_labels="" if [[ "${KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET:-}" == "true" && "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" != "true" ]]; then # Add kube-proxy daemonset label to node to avoid situation during cluster # upgrade/downgrade when there are two instances of kube-proxy running on a node. node_labels="beta.kubernetes.io/kube-proxy-ds-ready=true" fi if [[ -n "${NODE_LABELS:-}" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${NODE_LABELS}" fi if [[ -n "${NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS:-}" && "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" != "true" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS}" fi if [[ -n "${node_labels:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --node-labels=${node_labels}" fi if [[ -n "${NODE_TAINTS:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --register-with-taints=${NODE_TAINTS}" fi if [[ -n "${EVICTION_HARD:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --eviction-hard=${EVICTION_HARD}" fi if [[ -n "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --feature-gates=${FEATURE_GATES}" fi if [[ -n "${ROTATE_CERTIFICATES:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --rotate-certificates=true" fi if [[ -n "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --container-runtime=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME}" fi if [[ -n "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --container-runtime-endpoint=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT}" fi local -r kubelet_env_file="/etc/default/kubelet" echo "KUBELET_OPTS=\"${flags}\"" > "${kubelet_env_file}" # Write the systemd service file for kubelet. cat </etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service [Unit] Description=Kubernetes kubelet Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=10 EnvironmentFile=${kubelet_env_file} ExecStart=${kubelet_bin} \$KUBELET_OPTS [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl start kubelet.service } # This function assembles the node problem detector systemd service file and # starts it using systemctl. function start-node-problem-detector { echo "Start node problem detector" local -r npd_bin="${KUBE_HOME}/bin/node-problem-detector" local -r km_config="${KUBE_HOME}/node-problem-detector/config/kernel-monitor.json" # TODO(random-liu): Handle this for alternative container runtime. local -r dm_config="${KUBE_HOME}/node-problem-detector/config/docker-monitor.json" echo "Using node problem detector binary at ${npd_bin}" local flags="${NPD_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${NPD_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --logtostderr" flags+=" --system-log-monitors=${km_config},${dm_config}" flags+=" --apiserver-override=https://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME}?inClusterConfig=false&auth=/var/lib/node-problem-detector/kubeconfig" local -r npd_port=${NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_PORT:-20256} flags+=" --port=${npd_port}" # Write the systemd service file for node problem detector. cat </etc/systemd/system/node-problem-detector.service [Unit] Description=Kubernetes node problem detector Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=10 ExecStart=${npd_bin} ${flags} [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl start node-problem-detector.service } # Create the log file and set its properties. # # $1 is the file to create. function prepare-log-file { touch $1 chmod 644 $1 chown root:root $1 } # Prepares parameters for kube-proxy manifest. # $1 source path of kube-proxy manifest. function prepare-kube-proxy-manifest-variables { local -r src_file=$1; remove-salt-config-comments "${src_file}" local -r kubeconfig="--kubeconfig=/var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig" local kube_docker_registry="gcr.io/google_containers" if [[ -n "${KUBE_DOCKER_REGISTRY:-}" ]]; then kube_docker_registry=${KUBE_DOCKER_REGISTRY} fi local -r kube_proxy_docker_tag=$(cat /home/kubernetes/kube-docker-files/kube-proxy.docker_tag) local api_servers="--master=https://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME}" local params="${KUBEPROXY_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"}" if [[ -n "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then params+=" --feature-gates=${FEATURE_GATES}" fi params+=" --iptables-sync-period=1m --iptables-min-sync-period=10s --ipvs-sync-period=1m --ipvs-min-sync-period=10s" if [[ -n "${KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]]; then params+=" ${KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS}" fi local container_env="" local kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_name="" local kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_value="" if [[ -n "${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR:-}" ]]; then container_env="env:" kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_name="- name: KUBE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR" kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_value="value: \"${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR}\"" fi local pod_priority="" if [[ "${ENABLE_POD_PRIORITY:-}" == "true" ]]; then pod_priority="priorityClassName: system-node-critical" fi sed -i -e "s@{{kubeconfig}}@${kubeconfig}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube_docker_registry'\]}}@${kube_docker_registry}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube-proxy_docker_tag'\]}}@${kube_proxy_docker_tag}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{params}}@${params}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{container_env}}@${container_env}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_name}}@${kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_name}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_value}}@${kube_cache_mutation_detector_env_value}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{pod_priority}}@${pod_priority}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{ cpurequest }}@100m@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{api_servers_with_port}}@${api_servers}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{kubernetes_service_host_env_value}}@${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME}@g" ${src_file} if [[ -n "${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{cluster_cidr}}@--cluster-cidr=${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}@g" ${src_file} fi } # Starts kube-proxy static pod. function start-kube-proxy { echo "Start kube-proxy static pod" prepare-log-file /var/log/kube-proxy.log local -r src_file="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/kube-proxy.manifest" prepare-kube-proxy-manifest-variables "${src_file}" cp "${src_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests } # Replaces the variables in the etcd manifest file with the real values, and then # copy the file to the manifest dir # $1: value for variable 'suffix' # $2: value for variable 'port' # $3: value for variable 'server_port' # $4: value for variable 'cpulimit' # $5: pod name, which should be either etcd or etcd-events function prepare-etcd-manifest { local host_name=${ETCD_HOSTNAME:-$(hostname -s)} local etcd_cluster="" local cluster_state="new" local etcd_protocol="http" local etcd_creds="" if [[ -n "${INITIAL_ETCD_CLUSTER_STATE:-}" ]]; then cluster_state="${INITIAL_ETCD_CLUSTER_STATE}" fi if [[ -n "${ETCD_CA_KEY:-}" && -n "${ETCD_CA_CERT:-}" && -n "${ETCD_PEER_KEY:-}" && -n "${ETCD_PEER_CERT:-}" ]]; then etcd_creds=" --peer-trusted-ca-file /etc/srv/kubernetes/etcd-ca.crt --peer-cert-file /etc/srv/kubernetes/etcd-peer.crt --peer-key-file /etc/srv/kubernetes/etcd-peer.key -peer-client-cert-auth " etcd_protocol="https" fi for host in $(echo "${INITIAL_ETCD_CLUSTER:-${host_name}}" | tr "," "\n"); do etcd_host="etcd-${host}=${etcd_protocol}://${host}:$3" if [[ -n "${etcd_cluster}" ]]; then etcd_cluster+="," fi etcd_cluster+="${etcd_host}" done local -r temp_file="/tmp/$5" cp "${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/etcd.manifest" "${temp_file}" remove-salt-config-comments "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *suffix *}}@$1@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *port *}}@$2@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *server_port *}}@$3@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *cpulimit *}}@\"$4\"@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *hostname *}}@$host_name@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *srv_kube_path *}}@/etc/srv/kubernetes@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *etcd_cluster *}}@$etcd_cluster@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *liveness_probe_initial_delay *}}@${ETCD_LIVENESS_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY_SEC:-15}@g" "${temp_file}" # Get default storage backend from manifest file. local -r default_storage_backend=$(cat "${temp_file}" | \ grep -o "{{ *pillar\.get('storage_backend', '\(.*\)') *}}" | \ sed -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('storage_backend', '\(.*\)') *}}@\1@g") if [[ -n "${STORAGE_BACKEND:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('storage_backend', '\(.*\)') *}}@${STORAGE_BACKEND}@g" "${temp_file}" else sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('storage_backend', '\(.*\)') *}}@\1@g" "${temp_file}" fi if [[ "${STORAGE_BACKEND:-${default_storage_backend}}" == "etcd3" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *quota_bytes *}}@--quota-backend-bytes=4294967296@g" "${temp_file}" else sed -i -e "s@{{ *quota_bytes *}}@@g" "${temp_file}" fi sed -i -e "s@{{ *cluster_state *}}@$cluster_state@g" "${temp_file}" if [[ -n "${ETCD_IMAGE:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_docker_tag', '\(.*\)') *}}@${ETCD_IMAGE}@g" "${temp_file}" else sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_docker_tag', '\(.*\)') *}}@\1@g" "${temp_file}" fi if [[ -n "${ETCD_DOCKER_REPOSITORY:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_docker_repository', '\(.*\)') *}}@${ETCD_DOCKER_REPOSITORY}@g" "${temp_file}" else sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_docker_repository', '\(.*\)') *}}@\1@g" "${temp_file}" fi sed -i -e "s@{{ *etcd_protocol *}}@$etcd_protocol@g" "${temp_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *etcd_creds *}}@$etcd_creds@g" "${temp_file}" if [[ -n "${ETCD_VERSION:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_version', '\(.*\)') *}}@${ETCD_VERSION}@g" "${temp_file}" else sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\.get('etcd_version', '\(.*\)') *}}@\1@g" "${temp_file}" fi # Replace the volume host path. sed -i -e "s@/mnt/master-pd/var/etcd@/mnt/disks/master-pd/var/etcd@g" "${temp_file}" mv "${temp_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests } function start-etcd-empty-dir-cleanup-pod { cp "${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/etcd-empty-dir-cleanup/etcd-empty-dir-cleanup.yaml" "/etc/kubernetes/manifests" } # Starts etcd server pod (and etcd-events pod if needed). # More specifically, it prepares dirs and files, sets the variable value # in the manifests, and copies them to /etc/kubernetes/manifests. function start-etcd-servers { echo "Start etcd pods" if [[ -d /etc/etcd ]]; then rm -rf /etc/etcd fi if [[ -e /etc/default/etcd ]]; then rm -f /etc/default/etcd fi if [[ -e /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service ]]; then rm -f /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service fi if [[ -e /etc/init.d/etcd ]]; then rm -f /etc/init.d/etcd fi prepare-log-file /var/log/etcd.log prepare-etcd-manifest "" "2379" "2380" "200m" "etcd.manifest" prepare-log-file /var/log/etcd-events.log prepare-etcd-manifest "-events" "4002" "2381" "100m" "etcd-events.manifest" } # Calculates the following variables based on env variables, which will be used # by the manifests of several kube-master components. # CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT # CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME # CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT # DOCKER_REGISTRY # FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_MOUNT # FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_VOLUME function compute-master-manifest-variables { CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT="" CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME="" CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT="" if [[ -f /etc/gce.conf ]]; then CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT="--cloud-config=/etc/gce.conf" CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME="{\"name\": \"cloudconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/etc/gce.conf\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT="{\"name\": \"cloudconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"/etc/gce.conf\", \"readOnly\": true}," fi DOCKER_REGISTRY="gcr.io/google_containers" if [[ -n "${KUBE_DOCKER_REGISTRY:-}" ]]; then DOCKER_REGISTRY="${KUBE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}" fi FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_MOUNT="" FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_VOLUME="" if [[ -n "${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR:-}" ]]; then FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_MOUNT="{ \"name\": \"flexvolumedir\", \"mountPath\": \"${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR}\", \"readOnly\": true}," FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_VOLUME="{ \"name\": \"flexvolumedir\", \"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR}\"}}," fi } # A helper function that bind mounts kubelet dirs for running mount in a chroot function prepare-mounter-rootfs { echo "Prepare containerized mounter" mount --bind "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME}" "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME}" mount -o remount,exec "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME}" CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS="${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME}/rootfs" mount --rbind /var/lib/kubelet/ "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS}/var/lib/kubelet" mount --make-rshared "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS}/var/lib/kubelet" mount --bind -o ro /proc "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS}/proc" mount --bind -o ro /dev "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS}/dev" cp /etc/resolv.conf "${CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_ROOTFS}/etc/" } # A helper function for removing salt configuration and comments from a file. # This is mainly for preparing a manifest file. # # $1: Full path of the file to manipulate function remove-salt-config-comments { # Remove salt configuration. sed -i "/^[ |\t]*{[#|%]/d" $1 # Remove comments. sed -i "/^[ |\t]*#/d" $1 } # Starts kubernetes apiserver. # It prepares the log file, loads the docker image, calculates variables, sets them # in the manifest file, and then copies the manifest file to /etc/kubernetes/manifests. # # Assumed vars (which are calculated in function compute-master-manifest-variables) # CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT # CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME # CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT # DOCKER_REGISTRY function start-kube-apiserver { echo "Start kubernetes api-server" prepare-log-file /var/log/kube-apiserver.log prepare-log-file /var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log # Calculate variables and assemble the command line. local params="${API_SERVER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${APISERVER_TEST_ARGS:-} ${CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT}" params+=" --address=" params+=" --allow-privileged=true" params+=" --cloud-provider=gce" params+=" --client-ca-file=${CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH}" params+=" --etcd-servers=" params+=" --etcd-servers-overrides=/events#" params+=" --secure-port=443" params+=" --tls-cert-file=${APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_PATH}" params+=" --tls-private-key-file=${APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_PATH}" if [[ -s "${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_PATH:-}" ]]; then params+=" --requestheader-client-ca-file=${REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_PATH}" params+=" --requestheader-allowed-names=aggregator" params+=" --requestheader-extra-headers-prefix=X-Remote-Extra-" params+=" --requestheader-group-headers=X-Remote-Group" params+=" --requestheader-username-headers=X-Remote-User" params+=" --proxy-client-cert-file=${PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_PATH}" params+=" --proxy-client-key-file=${PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_PATH}" fi params+=" --enable-aggregator-routing=true" if [[ -e "${APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH}" ]] && [[ -e "${APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH}" ]]; then params+=" --kubelet-client-certificate=${APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH}" params+=" --kubelet-client-key=${APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH}" fi if [[ -n "${SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT_PATH:-}" ]]; then params+=" --service-account-key-file=${SERVICEACCOUNT_CERT_PATH}" fi params+=" --token-auth-file=/etc/srv/kubernetes/known_tokens.csv" if [[ -n "${KUBE_PASSWORD:-}" && -n "${KUBE_USER:-}" ]]; then params+=" --basic-auth-file=/etc/srv/kubernetes/basic_auth.csv" fi if [[ -n "${STORAGE_BACKEND:-}" ]]; then params+=" --storage-backend=${STORAGE_BACKEND}" fi if [[ -n "${STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --storage-media-type=${STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE}" fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC:-}" ]]; then params+=" --request-timeout=${KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC}s" fi if [[ -n "${ENABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR:-}" ]]; then params+=" --enable-garbage-collector=${ENABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR}" fi if [[ -n "${NUM_NODES:-}" ]]; then # If the cluster is large, increase max-requests-inflight limit in apiserver. if [[ "${NUM_NODES}" -ge 1000 ]]; then params+=" --max-requests-inflight=1500 --max-mutating-requests-inflight=500" fi # Set amount of memory available for apiserver based on number of nodes. # TODO: Once we start setting proper requests and limits for apiserver # we should reuse the same logic here instead of current heuristic. params+=" --target-ram-mb=$((${NUM_NODES} * 60))" fi if [[ -n "${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --service-cluster-ip-range=${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" fi if [[ -n "${ETCD_QUORUM_READ:-}" ]]; then params+=" --etcd-quorum-read=${ETCD_QUORUM_READ}" fi local audit_policy_config_mount="" local audit_policy_config_volume="" local audit_webhook_config_mount="" local audit_webhook_config_volume="" if [[ "${ENABLE_APISERVER_BASIC_AUDIT:-}" == "true" ]]; then # We currently only support enabling with a fixed path and with built-in log # rotation "disabled" (large value) so it behaves like kube-apiserver.log. # External log rotation should be set up the same as for kube-apiserver.log. params+=" --audit-log-path=/var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log" params+=" --audit-log-maxage=0" params+=" --audit-log-maxbackup=0" # Lumberjack doesn't offer any way to disable size-based rotation. It also # has an in-memory counter that doesn't notice if you truncate the file. # 2000000000 (in MiB) is a large number that fits in 31 bits. If the log # grows at 10MiB/s (~30K QPS), it will rotate after ~6 years if apiserver # never restarts. Please manually restart apiserver before this time. params+=" --audit-log-maxsize=2000000000" # Disable AdvancedAuditing enabled by default if [[ -z "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then FEATURE_GATES="AdvancedAuditing=false" else FEATURE_GATES="${FEATURE_GATES},AdvancedAuditing=false" fi elif [[ "${ENABLE_APISERVER_ADVANCED_AUDIT:-}" == "true" ]]; then local -r audit_policy_file="/etc/audit_policy.config" params+=" --audit-policy-file=${audit_policy_file}" # Create the audit policy file, and mount it into the apiserver pod. create-master-audit-policy "${audit_policy_file}" "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_POLICY:-}" audit_policy_config_mount="{\"name\": \"auditpolicyconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"${audit_policy_file}\", \"readOnly\": true}," audit_policy_config_volume="{\"name\": \"auditpolicyconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"${audit_policy_file}\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," if [[ "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_BACKEND:-log}" == *"log"* ]]; then # The advanced audit log backend config matches the basic audit log config. params+=" --audit-log-path=/var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log" params+=" --audit-log-maxage=0" params+=" --audit-log-maxbackup=0" # Lumberjack doesn't offer any way to disable size-based rotation. It also # has an in-memory counter that doesn't notice if you truncate the file. # 2000000000 (in MiB) is a large number that fits in 31 bits. If the log # grows at 10MiB/s (~30K QPS), it will rotate after ~6 years if apiserver # never restarts. Please manually restart apiserver before this time. params+=" --audit-log-maxsize=2000000000" fi if [[ "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_BACKEND:-}" == *"webhook"* ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-mode=batch" # Create the audit webhook config file, and mount it into the apiserver pod. local -r audit_webhook_config_file="/etc/audit_webhook.config" params+=" --audit-webhook-config-file=${audit_webhook_config_file}" if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_BUFFER_SIZE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-buffer-size=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_BUFFER_SIZE}" fi if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_MAX_BATCH_SIZE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-max-size=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_MAX_BATCH_SIZE}" fi if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_MAX_BATCH_WAIT:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-max-wait=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_MAX_BATCH_WAIT}" fi if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_THROTTLE_QPS:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-throttle-qps=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_THROTTLE_QPS}" fi if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_THROTTLE_BURST:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-throttle-burst=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_THROTTLE_BURST}" fi if [[ -n "${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_INITIAL_BACKOFF:-}" ]]; then params+=" --audit-webhook-batch-initial-backoff=${ADVANCED_AUDIT_WEBHOOK_INITIAL_BACKOFF}" fi create-master-audit-webhook-config "${audit_webhook_config_file}" audit_webhook_config_mount="{\"name\": \"auditwebhookconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"${audit_webhook_config_file}\", \"readOnly\": true}," audit_webhook_config_volume="{\"name\": \"auditwebhookconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"${audit_webhook_config_file}\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," fi fi if [[ "${ENABLE_APISERVER_LOGS_HANDLER:-}" == "false" ]]; then params+=" --enable-logs-handler=false" fi local admission_controller_config_mount="" local admission_controller_config_volume="" local image_policy_webhook_config_mount="" local image_policy_webhook_config_volume="" if [[ -n "${ADMISSION_CONTROL:-}" ]]; then params+=" --admission-control=${ADMISSION_CONTROL}" if [[ ${ADMISSION_CONTROL} == *"ImagePolicyWebhook"* ]]; then params+=" --admission-control-config-file=/etc/admission_controller.config" # Mount the file to configure admission controllers if ImagePolicyWebhook is set. admission_controller_config_mount="{\"name\": \"admissioncontrollerconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"/etc/admission_controller.config\", \"readOnly\": false}," admission_controller_config_volume="{\"name\": \"admissioncontrollerconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/etc/admission_controller.config\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," # Mount the file to configure the ImagePolicyWebhook's webhook. image_policy_webhook_config_mount="{\"name\": \"imagepolicywebhookconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"/etc/gcp_image_review.config\", \"readOnly\": false}," image_policy_webhook_config_volume="{\"name\": \"imagepolicywebhookconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/etc/gcp_image_review.config\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," fi fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT:-}" ]]; then params+=" --min-request-timeout=${KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT}" fi if [[ -n "${RUNTIME_CONFIG:-}" ]]; then params+=" --runtime-config=${RUNTIME_CONFIG}" fi if [[ -n "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then params+=" --feature-gates=${FEATURE_GATES}" fi if [[ -n "${PROJECT_ID:-}" && -n "${TOKEN_URL:-}" && -n "${TOKEN_BODY:-}" && -n "${NODE_NETWORK:-}" ]]; then local -r vm_external_ip=$(curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 3 ${CURL_RETRY_CONNREFUSED} --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip") if [[ -n "${PROXY_SSH_USER:-}" ]]; then params+=" --advertise-address=${vm_external_ip}" params+=" --ssh-user=${PROXY_SSH_USER}" params+=" --ssh-keyfile=/etc/srv/sshproxy/.sshkeyfile" else params+=" --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname", fi elif [ -n "${MASTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS:-}" ]; then params="${params} --advertise-address=${MASTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS}" fi local webhook_authn_config_mount="" local webhook_authn_config_volume="" if [[ -n "${GCP_AUTHN_URL:-}" ]]; then params+=" --authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/etc/gcp_authn.config" webhook_authn_config_mount="{\"name\": \"webhookauthnconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"/etc/gcp_authn.config\", \"readOnly\": false}," webhook_authn_config_volume="{\"name\": \"webhookauthnconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/etc/gcp_authn.config\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," fi local authorization_mode="Node,RBAC" local -r src_dir="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty" # Enable ABAC mode unless the user explicitly opts out with ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC=false if [[ "${ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC:-}" != "false" ]]; then echo "Warning: Enabling legacy ABAC policy. All service accounts will have superuser API access. Set ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC=false to disable this." # Create the ABAC file if it doesn't exist yet, or if we have a KUBE_USER set (to ensure the right user is given permissions) if [[ -n "${KUBE_USER:-}" || ! -e /etc/srv/kubernetes/abac-authz-policy.jsonl ]]; then local -r abac_policy_json="${src_dir}/abac-authz-policy.jsonl" remove-salt-config-comments "${abac_policy_json}" if [[ -n "${KUBE_USER:-}" ]]; then sed -i -e "s/{{kube_user}}/${KUBE_USER}/g" "${abac_policy_json}" else sed -i -e "/{{kube_user}}/d" "${abac_policy_json}" fi cp "${abac_policy_json}" /etc/srv/kubernetes/ fi params+=" --authorization-policy-file=/etc/srv/kubernetes/abac-authz-policy.jsonl" authorization_mode+=",ABAC" fi local webhook_config_mount="" local webhook_config_volume="" if [[ -n "${GCP_AUTHZ_URL:-}" ]]; then authorization_mode+=",Webhook" params+=" --authorization-webhook-config-file=/etc/gcp_authz.config" webhook_config_mount="{\"name\": \"webhookconfigmount\",\"mountPath\": \"/etc/gcp_authz.config\", \"readOnly\": false}," webhook_config_volume="{\"name\": \"webhookconfigmount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"/etc/gcp_authz.config\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," fi params+=" --authorization-mode=${authorization_mode}" local container_env="" if [[ -n "${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR:-}" ]]; then container_env="\"name\": \"KUBE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR\", \"value\": \"${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR}\"" fi if [[ -n "${ENABLE_PATCH_CONVERSION_DETECTOR:-}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${container_env}" ]]; then container_env="${container_env}, " fi container_env="\"name\": \"KUBE_PATCH_CONVERSION_DETECTOR\", \"value\": \"${ENABLE_PATCH_CONVERSION_DETECTOR}\"" fi if [[ -n "${container_env}" ]]; then container_env="\"env\":[{${container_env}}]," fi if [[ -n "${ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER_CONFIG:-}" ]]; then local encryption_provider_config_path="/etc/srv/kubernetes/encryption-provider-config.yml" echo "${ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER_CONFIG}" | base64 --decode > "${encryption_provider_config_path}" params+=" --experimental-encryption-provider-config=${encryption_provider_config_path}" fi src_file="${src_dir}/kube-apiserver.manifest" remove-salt-config-comments "${src_file}" # Evaluate variables. local -r kube_apiserver_docker_tag=$(cat /home/kubernetes/kube-docker-files/kube-apiserver.docker_tag) sed -i -e "s@{{params}}@${params}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{container_env}}@${container_env}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{srv_kube_path}}@/etc/srv/kubernetes@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{srv_sshproxy_path}}@/etc/srv/sshproxy@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_mount}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_volume}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube_docker_registry'\]}}@${DOCKER_REGISTRY}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube-apiserver_docker_tag'\]}}@${kube_apiserver_docker_tag}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['allow_privileged'\]}}@true@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{liveness_probe_initial_delay}}@${KUBE_APISERVER_LIVENESS_PROBE_INITIAL_DELAY_SEC:-15}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{secure_port}}@443@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{secure_port}}@8080@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{additional_cloud_config_mount}}@@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{additional_cloud_config_volume}}@@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{webhook_authn_config_mount}}@${webhook_authn_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{webhook_authn_config_volume}}@${webhook_authn_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{webhook_config_mount}}@${webhook_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{webhook_config_volume}}@${webhook_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{audit_policy_config_mount}}@${audit_policy_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{audit_policy_config_volume}}@${audit_policy_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{audit_webhook_config_mount}}@${audit_webhook_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{audit_webhook_config_volume}}@${audit_webhook_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{admission_controller_config_mount}}@${admission_controller_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{admission_controller_config_volume}}@${admission_controller_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{image_policy_webhook_config_mount}}@${image_policy_webhook_config_mount}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{image_policy_webhook_config_volume}}@${image_policy_webhook_config_volume}@g" "${src_file}" cp "${src_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests } # Starts kubernetes controller manager. # It prepares the log file, loads the docker image, calculates variables, sets them # in the manifest file, and then copies the manifest file to /etc/kubernetes/manifests. # # Assumed vars (which are calculated in function compute-master-manifest-variables) # CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT # CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME # CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT # DOCKER_REGISTRY function start-kube-controller-manager { echo "Start kubernetes controller-manager" create-kubecontrollermanager-kubeconfig prepare-log-file /var/log/kube-controller-manager.log # Calculate variables and assemble the command line. local params="${CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS:-} ${CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT}" params+=" --use-service-account-credentials" params+=" --cloud-provider=gce" params+=" --kubeconfig=/etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/kubeconfig" params+=" --root-ca-file=${CA_CERT_BUNDLE_PATH}" params+=" --service-account-private-key-file=${SERVICEACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" if [[ -n "${ENABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR:-}" ]]; then params+=" --enable-garbage-collector=${ENABLE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR}" fi if [[ -n "${INSTANCE_PREFIX:-}" ]]; then params+=" --cluster-name=${INSTANCE_PREFIX}" fi if [[ -n "${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --cluster-cidr=${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" fi if [[ -n "${CA_KEY:-}" ]]; then params+=" --cluster-signing-cert-file=${CA_CERT_PATH}" params+=" --cluster-signing-key-file=${CA_KEY_PATH}" fi if [[ -n "${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --service-cluster-ip-range=${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" fi if [[ -n "${CONCURRENT_SERVICE_SYNCS:-}" ]]; then params+=" --concurrent-service-syncs=${CONCURRENT_SERVICE_SYNCS}" fi if [[ "${NETWORK_PROVIDER:-}" == "kubenet" ]]; then params+=" --allocate-node-cidrs=true" elif [[ -n "${ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS:-}" ]]; then params+=" --allocate-node-cidrs=${ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS}" fi if [[ -n "${TERMINATED_POD_GC_THRESHOLD:-}" ]]; then params+=" --terminated-pod-gc-threshold=${TERMINATED_POD_GC_THRESHOLD}" fi if [[ "${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-}" == 'true' ]]; then params+=" --cidr-allocator-type=${NODE_IPAM_MODE}" params+=" --configure-cloud-routes=false" fi if [[ -n "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then params+=" --feature-gates=${FEATURE_GATES}" fi if [[ -n "${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR:-}" ]]; then params+=" --flex-volume-plugin-dir=${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR}" fi if [[ -n "${CLUSTER_SIGNING_DURATION:-}" ]]; then params+=" --experimental-cluster-signing-duration=$CLUSTER_SIGNING_DURATION" fi # Disable using HPA metrics REST clients if metrics-server isn't enabled, # or if we want to explicitly disable it by setting HPA_USE_REST_CLIENT. if [[ "${ENABLE_METRICS_SERVER:-}" != "true" ]] || [[ "${HPA_USE_REST_CLIENTS:-}" == "false" ]]; then params+=" --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-use-rest-clients=false" fi if [[ -n "${PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE:-}" ]]; then params+=" --pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-nfs=$PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE" params+=" --pv-recycler-pod-template-filepath-hostpath=$PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE" fi local -r kube_rc_docker_tag=$(cat /home/kubernetes/kube-docker-files/kube-controller-manager.docker_tag) local container_env="" if [[ -n "${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR:-}" ]]; then container_env="\"env\":[{\"name\": \"KUBE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR\", \"value\": \"${ENABLE_CACHE_MUTATION_DETECTOR}\"}]," fi local -r src_file="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/kube-controller-manager.manifest" remove-salt-config-comments "${src_file}" # Evaluate variables. sed -i -e "s@{{srv_kube_path}}@/etc/srv/kubernetes@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube_docker_registry'\]}}@${DOCKER_REGISTRY}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube-controller-manager_docker_tag'\]}}@${kube_rc_docker_tag}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{params}}@${params}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{container_env}}@${container_env}@g" ${src_file} sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_mount}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_volume}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{additional_cloud_config_mount}}@@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{additional_cloud_config_volume}}@@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pv_recycler_mount}}@${PV_RECYCLER_MOUNT}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pv_recycler_volume}}@${PV_RECYCLER_VOLUME}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{flexvolume_hostpath_mount}}@${FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_MOUNT}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{flexvolume_hostpath}}@${FLEXVOLUME_HOSTPATH_VOLUME}@g" "${src_file}" cp "${src_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests } # Starts kubernetes scheduler. # It prepares the log file, loads the docker image, calculates variables, sets them # in the manifest file, and then copies the manifest file to /etc/kubernetes/manifests. # # Assumed vars (which are calculated in compute-master-manifest-variables) # DOCKER_REGISTRY function start-kube-scheduler { echo "Start kubernetes scheduler" create-kubescheduler-kubeconfig prepare-log-file /var/log/kube-scheduler.log # Calculate variables and set them in the manifest. params="${SCHEDULER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS:-}" params+=" --kubeconfig=/etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler/kubeconfig" if [[ -n "${FEATURE_GATES:-}" ]]; then params+=" --feature-gates=${FEATURE_GATES}" fi if [[ -n "${SCHEDULING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER:-}" ]]; then params+=" --algorithm-provider=${SCHEDULING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER}" fi if [[ -n "${SCHEDULER_POLICY_CONFIG:-}" ]]; then create-kubescheduler-policy-config params+=" --use-legacy-policy-config" params+=" --policy-config-file=/etc/srv/kubernetes/kube-scheduler/policy-config" fi local -r kube_scheduler_docker_tag=$(cat "${KUBE_HOME}/kube-docker-files/kube-scheduler.docker_tag") # Remove salt comments and replace variables with values. local -r src_file="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/kube-scheduler.manifest" remove-salt-config-comments "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{srv_kube_path}}@/etc/srv/kubernetes@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{params}}@${params}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube_docker_registry'\]}}@${DOCKER_REGISTRY}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{pillar\['kube-scheduler_docker_tag'\]}}@${kube_scheduler_docker_tag}@g" "${src_file}" cp "${src_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests } # Starts cluster autoscaler. # Assumed vars (which are calculated in function compute-master-manifest-variables) # CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT # CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME # CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT function start-cluster-autoscaler { if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Start kubernetes cluster autoscaler" prepare-log-file /var/log/cluster-autoscaler.log # Remove salt comments and replace variables with values local -r src_file="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty/cluster-autoscaler.manifest" remove-salt-config-comments "${src_file}" local params="${AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG} ${CLOUD_CONFIG_OPT} ${AUTOSCALER_EXPANDER_CONFIG:---expander=price}" sed -i -e "s@{{params}}@${params}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_mount}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_MOUNT}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{cloud_config_volume}}@${CLOUD_CONFIG_VOLUME}@g" "${src_file}" sed -i -e "s@{%.*%}@@g" "${src_file}" cp "${src_file}" /etc/kubernetes/manifests fi } # A helper function for setting up addon manifests. # # $1: addon category under /etc/kubernetes # $2: manifest source dir # $3: (optional) auxilary manifest source dir function setup-addon-manifests { local -r src_dir="${KUBE_HOME}/kube-manifests/kubernetes/gci-trusty" local -r dst_dir="/etc/kubernetes/$1/$2" copy-manifests "${src_dir}/$2" "${dst_dir}" # If the PodSecurityPolicy admission controller is enabled, # set up the corresponding addon policies. if [[ "${ENABLE_POD_SECURITY_POLICY:-}" == "true" ]]; then local -r psp_dir="${src_dir}/${3:-$2}/podsecuritypolicies" if [[ -d "${psp_dir}" ]]; then copy-manifests "${psp_dir}" "${dst_dir}" fi fi } # A helper function for copying manifests and setting dir/files # permissions. # # $1: absolute source dir # $2: absolute destination dir function copy-manifests { local -r src_dir="$1" local -r dst_dir="$2" if [[ ! -d "${dst_dir}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${dst_dir}" fi local files=$(find "${src_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.yaml") if [[ -n "${files}" ]]; then cp "${src_dir}/"*.yaml "${dst_dir}" fi files=$(find "${src_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.json") if [[ -n "${files}" ]]; then cp "${src_dir}/"*.json "${dst_dir}" fi files=$(find "${src_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.yaml.in") if [[ -n "${files}" ]]; then cp "${src_dir}/"*.yaml.in "${dst_dir}" fi chown -R root:root "${dst_dir}" chmod 755 "${dst_dir}" chmod 644 "${dst_dir}"/* } # Fluentd manifest is modified using kubectl, which may not be available at # this point. Run this as a background process. function wait-for-apiserver-and-update-fluentd { local -r fluentd_gcp_yaml="${1}" local modifying_flags="" if [[ -n "${FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_LIMIT:-}" ]]; then modifying_flags="${modifying_flags} --limits=memory=${FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_LIMIT}" fi local request_resources="" if [[ -n "${FLUENTD_GCP_CPU_REQUEST:-}" ]]; then request_resources="cpu=${FLUENTD_GCP_CPU_REQUEST}" fi if [[ -n "${FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_REQUEST:-}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${request_resources}" ]]; then request_resources="${request_resources}," fi request_resources="memory=${FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_REQUEST}" fi if [[ -n "${request_resources}" ]]; then modifying_flags="${modifying_flags} --requests=${request_resources}" fi until kubectl get nodes do sleep 10 done local -r temp_fluentd_gcp_yaml="${fluentd_gcp_yaml}.tmp" if kubectl set resources --dry-run --local -f ${fluentd_gcp_yaml} ${modifying_flags} \ --containers=fluentd-gcp -o yaml > ${temp_fluentd_gcp_yaml}; then mv ${temp_fluentd_gcp_yaml} ${fluentd_gcp_yaml} else (echo "Failed to update fluentd resources. Used manifest:" && cat ${temp_fluentd_gcp_yaml}) >&2 rm ${temp_fluentd_gcp_yaml} fi } # Trigger background process that will ultimately update fluentd resource # requirements. function start-fluentd-resource-update { local -r fluentd_gcp_yaml="${1}" wait-for-apiserver-and-update-fluentd ${fluentd_gcp_yaml} & } # Updates parameters in yaml file for prometheus-to-sd configuration, or # removes component if it is disabled. function update-prometheus-to-sd-parameters { if [[ "${ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD:-}" == "true" ]]; then sed -i -e "s@{{ *prometheus_to_sd_prefix *}}@${PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_PREFIX}@g" "$1" sed -i -e "s@{{ *prometheus_to_sd_endpoint *}}@${PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_ENDPOINT}@g" "$1" else # Removes all lines between two patterns (throws away prometheus-to-sd) sed -i -e "/# BEGIN_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD/,/# END_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD/d" "$1" fi } # Sets up the manifests of coreDNS for k8s addons. function setup-coredns-manifest { local -r coredns_file="${dst_dir}/dns/coredns.yaml" mv "${dst_dir}/dns/coredns.yaml.in" "${coredns_file}" # Replace the salt configurations with variable values. sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\['dns_domain'\] *}}@${DNS_DOMAIN}@g" "${coredns_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\['dns_server'\] *}}@${DNS_SERVER_IP}@g" "${coredns_file}" sed -i -e "s@{{ *pillar\['service_cluster_ip_range'\] *}}@${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}@g" "${coredns_file}" } # Sets up the manifests of kube-dns for k8s addons. function setup-kube-dns-manifest { local -r kubedns_file="${dst_dir}/dns/kube-dns.yaml" mv "${dst_dir}/dns/kube-dns.yaml.in" "${kubedns_file}" if [ -n "${CUSTOM_KUBE_DNS_YAML:-}" ]; then # Replace with custom GKE kube-dns deployment. cat > "${kubedns_file}" < "$src_dir/kube-proxy/kube-proxy-ds.yaml" < /etc/motd < /etc/profile.d/kube_env.sh } function override-pv-recycler { if [[ -z "${PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE:-}" ]]; then echo "PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE is not set" exit 1 fi PV_RECYCLER_VOLUME="{\"name\": \"pv-recycler-mount\",\"hostPath\": {\"path\": \"${PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE}\", \"type\": \"FileOrCreate\"}}," PV_RECYCLER_MOUNT="{\"name\": \"pv-recycler-mount\",\"mountPath\": \"${PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE}\", \"readOnly\": true}," cat > ${PV_RECYCLER_OVERRIDE_TEMPLATE} </dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) KUBE_SCHEDULER_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) setup-os-params config-ip-firewall create-dirs setup-kubelet-dir ensure-local-ssds setup-logrotate if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then mount-master-pd create-node-pki create-master-pki create-master-auth create-master-kubelet-auth create-master-etcd-auth override-pv-recycler else create-node-pki create-kubelet-kubeconfig ${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME} if [[ "${KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET:-}" != "true" ]]; then create-kubeproxy-user-kubeconfig fi if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-}" == "standalone" ]]; then create-node-problem-detector-kubeconfig fi fi override-kubectl # Run the containerized mounter once to pre-cache the container image. if [[ "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-docker}" == "docker" ]]; then assemble-docker-flags fi start-kubelet if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then compute-master-manifest-variables start-etcd-servers start-etcd-empty-dir-cleanup-pod start-kube-apiserver start-kube-controller-manager start-kube-scheduler start-kube-addons start-cluster-autoscaler start-lb-controller start-rescheduler else if [[ "${KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET:-}" != "true" ]]; then start-kube-proxy fi # Kube-registry-proxy. if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY:-}" == "true" ]]; then start-kube-registry-proxy fi if [[ "${PREPULL_E2E_IMAGES:-}" == "true" ]]; then start-image-puller fi if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-}" == "standalone" ]]; then start-node-problem-detector fi fi reset-motd prepare-mounter-rootfs modprobe configs echo "Done for the configuration for kubernetes"