#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ZONE=${KUBE_AWS_ZONE:-us-west-2a} MASTER_SIZE=${MASTER_SIZE:-} NODE_SIZE=${NODE_SIZE:-} NUM_NODES=${NUM_NODES:-2} # Dynamically set node sizes so that Heapster has enough space to run if [[ -z ${NODE_SIZE} ]]; then if (( ${NUM_NODES} < 50 )); then NODE_SIZE="t2.micro" elif (( ${NUM_NODES} < 150 )); then NODE_SIZE="t2.small" else NODE_SIZE="t2.medium" fi fi # Dynamically set the master size by the number of nodes, these are guesses # TODO: gather some data if [[ -z ${MASTER_SIZE} ]]; then if (( ${NUM_NODES} < 50 )); then MASTER_SIZE="t2.micro" elif (( ${NUM_NODES} < 150 )); then MASTER_SIZE="t2.small" else MASTER_SIZE="t2.medium" fi fi # Because regions are globally named, we want to create in a single region; default to us-east-1 AWS_S3_REGION=${AWS_S3_REGION:-us-east-1} # Which docker storage mechanism to use. DOCKER_STORAGE=${DOCKER_STORAGE:-aufs} INSTANCE_PREFIX="${KUBE_AWS_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-e2e-test-${USER}}" CLUSTER_ID=${INSTANCE_PREFIX} AWS_SSH_KEY=${AWS_SSH_KEY:-$HOME/.ssh/kube_aws_rsa} IAM_PROFILE_MASTER="kubernetes-master" IAM_PROFILE_NODE="kubernetes-minion" LOG="/dev/null" MASTER_DISK_TYPE="${MASTER_DISK_TYPE:-gp2}" MASTER_DISK_SIZE=${MASTER_DISK_SIZE:-20} # The master root EBS volume size (typically does not need to be very large) MASTER_ROOT_DISK_TYPE="${MASTER_ROOT_DISK_TYPE:-gp2}" MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE=${MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE:-8} # The minions root EBS volume size (used to house Docker images) NODE_ROOT_DISK_TYPE="${NODE_ROOT_DISK_TYPE:-gp2}" NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE=${NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE:-32} MASTER_NAME="${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-master" MASTER_TAG="${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-master" NODE_TAG="${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion" NODE_SCOPES="" POLL_SLEEP_INTERVAL=3 SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE="" # formerly PORTAL_NET CLUSTER_IP_RANGE="${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-}" MASTER_IP_RANGE="${MASTER_IP_RANGE:-}" # If set to Elastic IP, master instance will be associated with this IP. # If set to auto, a new Elastic IP will be acquired # Otherwise amazon-given public ip will be used (it'll change with reboot). MASTER_RESERVED_IP="${MASTER_RESERVED_IP:-}" RUNTIME_CONFIG="${KUBE_RUNTIME_CONFIG:-}" # Enable various v1beta1 features ENABLE_DEPLOYMENTS="${KUBE_ENABLE_DEPLOYMENTS:-}" ENABLE_DAEMONSETS="${KUBE_ENABLE_DAEMONSETS:-}" # Optional: Cluster monitoring to setup as part of the cluster bring up: # none - No cluster monitoring setup # influxdb - Heapster, InfluxDB, and Grafana ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING="${KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING:-none}" # Optional: Enable node logging. ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING="${KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING:-true}" LOGGING_DESTINATION="${KUBE_LOGGING_DESTINATION:-elasticsearch}" # options: elasticsearch, gcp # Optional: When set to true, Elasticsearch and Kibana will be setup as part of the cluster bring up. ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING="${KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING:-false}" ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS=1 # Optional: Don't require https for registries in our local RFC1918 network if [[ ${KUBE_ENABLE_INSECURE_REGISTRY:-false} == "true" ]]; then EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry" fi # Optional: Install cluster DNS. ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS="${KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS:-true}" DNS_SERVER_IP="" DNS_DOMAIN="cluster.local" DNS_REPLICAS=1 # Optional: Install Kubernetes UI ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI="${KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI:-true}" # Optional: Create autoscaler for cluster's nodes. ENABLE_NODE_AUTOSCALER="${KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_AUTOSCALER:-false}" if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]]; then # TODO: actually configure ASG or similar AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES="${KUBE_AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES:-1}" AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES="${KUBE_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES:-${NUM_NODES}}" TARGET_NODE_UTILIZATION="${KUBE_TARGET_NODE_UTILIZATION:-0.7}" fi # Admission Controllers to invoke prior to persisting objects in cluster ADMISSION_CONTROL=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota,PersistentVolumeLabel # Optional: Enable/disable public IP assignment for minions. # Important Note: disable only if you have setup a NAT instance for internet access and configured appropriate routes! ENABLE_NODE_PUBLIC_IP=${KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_PUBLIC_IP:-true} # OS options for minions KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION="${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION:-vivid}" KUBE_NODE_IMAGE="${KUBE_NODE_IMAGE:-}" COREOS_CHANNEL="${COREOS_CHANNEL:-alpha}" CONTAINER_RUNTIME="${KUBE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-docker}" RKT_VERSION="${KUBE_RKT_VERSION:-0.5.5}" # Optional: if set to true, kube-up will configure the cluster to run e2e tests. E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=${KUBE_E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT:-false}