# Cluster Federation Kubernetes Cluster Federation enables users to federate multiple Kubernetes clusters. Please see the [user guide](http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/federation/) and the [admin guide](http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/federation/federated-services/) for more details about setting up and using the Cluster Federation. # Building Kubernetes Cluster Federation Please see the [Kubernetes Development Guide](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/devel/development.md) for initial setup. Once you have the development environment setup as explained in that guide, you also need to install [`jq`](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) Building cluster federation should be as simple as running: ```shell make build do=gen ``` To deploy clusters and install federation components, edit the `config.default.json` file to describe your clusters and run ```shell make build do=deploy ``` To turn down the federation components and tear down the clusters run: ```shell make build do=destroy ``` # Ideas for improvement 1. Split the `build` phase (make recipe) into multiple phases: 1. `init`: pull installer images 2. `build-binaries` 3. `build-docker` 4. `build`: build-binary + build-docker 5. `push`: to push the built images 6. `genconfig` 7. `deploy-clusters` 8. `deploy-federation` 9. `deploy`: deploy-clusters + deploy-federation 10. `destroy-federation` 11. `destroy-clusters` 12. `destroy`: destroy-federation + destroy-clusters 13. `redeploy-federation`: just redeploys the federation components. 2. Add a `release` phase to run as part of Kubernetes release process that copies only a part of the `build.sh` script that's relevant to the users into the release. 3. Continue with `destroy` phase even in the face of errors. The bash script sets `set -e errexit` which causes the script to exit at the very first error. This should be the default mode for deploying components but not for destroying/cleanup. [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/federation/README.md?pixel)]()