#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Example: # export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=mesos/docker # go run hack/e2e.go -v -up -check_cluster_size=false # go run hack/e2e.go -v -test -check_version_skew=false # go run hack/e2e.go -v -down set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail set -o errtrace KUBE_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../../.." && pwd) provider_root="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" source "${provider_root}/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" # Execute a docker-compose command with the default environment and compose file. function cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose { local params="$@" # All vars required to be set declare -a env_vars=( "KUBE_KEYGEN_TIMEOUT" "MESOS_DOCKER_ETCD_TIMEOUT" "MESOS_DOCKER_MESOS_TIMEOUT" "MESOS_DOCKER_API_TIMEOUT" "MESOS_DOCKER_ADDON_TIMEOUT" "MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR" "DOCKER_DAEMON_ARGS" ) ( for var_name in "${env_vars[@]}"; do export ${var_name}="${!var_name}" done docker-compose -f "${provider_root}/docker-compose.yml" ${params} ) } # Pull the images from a docker compose file, if they're not already cached. # This avoid slow remote calls from `docker-compose pull` which delegates # to `docker pull` which always hits the remote docker repo, even if the image # is already cached. function cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose_lazy_pull { for img in $(grep '^\s*image:\s' "${provider_root}/docker-compose.yml" | sed 's/[ \t]*image:[ \t]*//'); do read repo tag <<<$(echo "${img} "| sed 's/:/ /') if [ -z "${tag}" ]; then tag="latest" fi if ! docker images "${repo}" | awk '{print $2;}' | grep -q "${tag}"; then docker pull "${img}" fi done } # Run kubernetes scripts inside docker. # This bypasses the need to set up network routing when running docker in a VM (e.g. boot2docker). # Trap signals and kills the docker container for better signal handing function cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_test { local entrypoint="$1" if [[ "${entrypoint}" = "./"* ]]; then # relative to project root entrypoint="/go/src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/${entrypoint}" fi shift local args="$@" # only mount KUBECONFIG if it exists, otherwise the directory will be created/owned by root kube_config_mount="" if [ -n "${KUBECONFIG:-}" ] && [ -e "${KUBECONFIG}" ]; then kube_config_mount="-v \"$(dirname ${KUBECONFIG}):/root/.kube\"" fi docker run \ --rm \ -t $(tty &>/dev/null && echo "-i") \ -e "KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" \ -v "${KUBE_ROOT}:/go/src/github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes" \ ${kube_config_mount} \ -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \ --link docker_mesosmaster1_1:mesosmaster1 \ --link docker_apiserver_1:apiserver \ --entrypoint="${entrypoint}" \ mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos-test \ ${args} return "$?" } # Run kube-cagen.sh inside docker. # Creating and signing in the same environment avoids a subject comparison string_mask issue. function cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_cagen { local out_dir="$1" docker run \ --rm \ -t $(tty &>/dev/null && echo "-i") \ -v "${out_dir}:/var/run/kubernetes/auth" \ mesosphere/kubernetes-keygen:v1.0.0 \ "cagen" \ "/var/run/kubernetes/auth" return "$?" } # Run kube-keygen.sh inside docker. function cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_keygen { local out_file_path="$1" local out_dir="$(dirname "${out_file_path}")" local out_file="$(basename "${out_file_path}")" docker run \ --rm \ -t $(tty &>/dev/null && echo "-i") \ -v "${out_dir}:/var/run/kubernetes/auth" \ mesosphere/kubernetes-keygen:v1.0.0 \ "keygen" \ "/var/run/kubernetes/auth/${out_file}" return "$?" } # Generate kubeconfig data for the created cluster. function create-kubeconfig { local -r auth_dir="${MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/auth" local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" export CONTEXT="${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" export KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG:-$DEFAULT_KUBECONFIG} # KUBECONFIG determines the file we write to, but it may not exist yet if [[ ! -e "${KUBECONFIG}" ]]; then mkdir -p $(dirname "${KUBECONFIG}") touch "${KUBECONFIG}" fi local token="$(cut -d, -f1 ${auth_dir}/token-users)" "${kubectl}" config set-cluster "${CONTEXT}" --server="${KUBE_SERVER}" --certificate-authority="${auth_dir}/root-ca.crt" "${kubectl}" config set-context "${CONTEXT}" --cluster="${CONTEXT}" --user="cluster-admin" "${kubectl}" config set-credentials cluster-admin --token="${token}" "${kubectl}" config use-context "${CONTEXT}" --cluster="${CONTEXT}" echo "Wrote config for ${CONTEXT} to ${KUBECONFIG}" 1>&2 } # Perform preparations required to run e2e tests function prepare-e2e { echo "TODO: prepare-e2e" 1>&2 } # Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env function test-build-release { # Make a release export KUBERNETES_CONTRIB=mesos export KUBE_RELEASE_RUN_TESTS=N "${KUBE_ROOT}/build/release.sh" } # Must ensure that the following ENV vars are set function detect-master { # echo "KUBE_MASTER: $KUBE_MASTER" 1>&2 local docker_id=$(docker ps --filter="name=docker_apiserver" --quiet) if [[ "${docker_id}" == *'\n'* ]]; then echo "ERROR: Multiple API Servers running" 1>&2 return 1 fi master_ip=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "${docker_id}") master_port=6443 KUBE_MASTER_IP="${master_ip}:${master_port}" KUBE_SERVER="https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo "KUBE_MASTER_IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP" 1>&2 } # Get minion IP addresses and store in KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[] # These Mesos slaves MAY host Kublets, # but might not have a Kublet running unless a kubernetes task has been scheduled on them. function detect-nodes { local docker_ids=$(docker ps --filter="name=docker_mesosslave" --quiet) if [ -z "${docker_ids}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Mesos slave(s) not running" 1>&2 return 1 fi while read -r docker_id; do local minion_ip=$(docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "${docker_id}") KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES+=("${minion_ip}") done <<< "$docker_ids" echo "KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES: [${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES[*]}]" 1>&2 } # Verify prereqs on host machine function verify-prereqs { echo "Verifying required commands" 1>&2 hash docker 2>/dev/null || { echo "Missing required command: docker" 1>&2; exit 1; } hash docker 2>/dev/null || { echo "Missing required command: docker-compose" 1>&2; exit 1; } } # Initialize function cluster::mesos::docker::init_auth { local -r auth_dir="${MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/auth" #TODO(karlkfi): reuse existing credentials/certs/keys # Nuke old auth echo "Creating Auth Dir: ${auth_dir}" 1>&2 mkdir -p "${auth_dir}" rm -rf "${auth_dir}"/* echo "Creating Certificate Authority" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::buffer_output cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_cagen "${auth_dir}" echo "Certificate Authority Key: ${auth_dir}/root-ca.key" 1>&2 echo "Certificate Authority Cert: ${auth_dir}/root-ca.crt" 1>&2 echo "Creating Service Account RSA Key" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::buffer_output cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_keygen "${auth_dir}/service-accounts.key" echo "Service Account Key: ${auth_dir}/service-accounts.key" 1>&2 echo "Creating User Accounts" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::create_token_user "cluster-admin" > "${auth_dir}/token-users" echo "Token Users: ${auth_dir}/token-users" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::create_basic_user "admin" "admin" > "${auth_dir}/basic-users" echo "Basic-Auth Users: ${auth_dir}/basic-users" 1>&2 } # Instantiate a kubernetes cluster. function kube-up { # Nuke old mesos-slave workspaces local work_dir="${MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/mesosslave" echo "Creating Mesos Work Dir: ${work_dir}" 1>&2 mkdir -p "${work_dir}" rm -rf "${work_dir}"/* # Nuke old logs local -r log_dir="${MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/log" mkdir -p "${log_dir}" rm -rf "${log_dir}"/* # Pull before `docker-compose up` to avoid timeouts caused by slow pulls during deployment. echo "Pulling Docker images" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose_lazy_pull if [ "${MESOS_DOCKER_SKIP_BUILD}" != "true" ]; then echo "Building Docker images" 1>&2 # TODO: version images (k8s version, git sha, and dirty state) to avoid re-building them every time. "${provider_root}/km/build.sh" "${provider_root}/test/build.sh" fi cluster::mesos::docker::init_auth # Dump logs on premature exit (errexit triggers exit). # Trap EXIT instead of ERR, because ERR can trigger multiple times with errtrace enabled. trap "cluster::mesos::docker::dump_logs '${log_dir}'" EXIT echo "Starting ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} cluster" 1>&2 cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose up -d echo "Scaling ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} cluster to ${NUM_NODES} slaves" cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose scale mesosslave=${NUM_NODES} # await-health-check requires GNU timeout # apiserver hostname resolved by docker cluster::mesos::docker::run_in_docker_test await-health-check "-t=${MESOS_DOCKER_API_TIMEOUT}" http://apiserver:8888/healthz detect-master detect-nodes create-kubeconfig echo "Deploying Addons" 1>&2 KUBE_SERVER=${KUBE_SERVER} "${provider_root}/deploy-addons.sh" # Wait for addons to deploy cluster::mesos::docker::await_ready "kube-dns" "${MESOS_DOCKER_ADDON_TIMEOUT}" cluster::mesos::docker::await_ready "kubernetes-dashboard" "${MESOS_DOCKER_ADDON_TIMEOUT}" trap - EXIT } function validate-cluster { echo "Validating ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} cluster" 1>&2 # Do not validate cluster size. There will be zero k8s minions until a pod is created. # TODO(karlkfi): use componentstatuses or equivalent when it supports non-localhost core components # Validate immediate cluster reachability and responsiveness echo "KubeDNS: $(cluster::mesos::docker::addon_status 'kube-dns')" echo "Kubernetes Dashboard: $(cluster::mesos::docker::addon_status 'kubernetes-dashboard')" } # Delete a kubernetes cluster function kube-down { if [ "${MESOS_DOCKER_DUMP_LOGS}" == "true" ]; then cluster::mesos::docker::dump_logs "${MESOS_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/log" fi echo "Stopping ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} cluster" 1>&2 # Since restoring a stopped cluster is not yet supported, use the nuclear option cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose kill cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose rm -f } function test-setup { echo "test-setup" 1>&2 "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-up.sh" } # Execute after running tests to perform any required clean-up function test-teardown { echo "test-teardown" 1>&2 kube-down } ## Below functions used by hack/e2e-suite/services.sh # SSH to a node by name or IP ($1) and run a command ($2). function ssh-to-node { echo "TODO: ssh-to-node" 1>&2 } # Waits for a kube-system pod (of the provided name) to have the phase/status "Running". function cluster::mesos::docker::await_ready { local pod_name="$1" local max_attempts="$2" local phase="Unknown" echo -n "${pod_name}: " local n=0 until [ ${n} -ge ${max_attempts} ]; do phase=$(cluster::mesos::docker::addon_status "${pod_name}") if [ "${phase}" == "Running" ]; then break fi echo -n "." n=$[$n+1] sleep 1 done echo "${phase}" return $([ "${phase}" == "Running" ]; echo $?) } # Prints the status of the kube-system pod specified function cluster::mesos::docker::addon_status { local pod_name="$1" local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" local phase=$("${kubectl}" get pods --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=${pod_name} -o template --template="{{(index .items 0).status.phase}}" 2>/dev/null) phase="${phase:-Unknown}" echo "${phase}" } function cluster::mesos::docker::dump_logs { local out_dir="$1" echo "Dumping logs to '${out_dir}'" 1>&2 mkdir -p "${out_dir}" while read name; do docker logs "${name}" &> "${out_dir}/${name}.log" done < <(cluster::mesos::docker::docker_compose ps -q | xargs docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}') } # Creates a k8s token auth user file. # See /docs/admin/authentication.md function cluster::mesos::docker::create_token_user { local user_name="$1" echo "$(openssl rand -hex 32),${user_name},${user_name}" } # Creates a k8s basic auth user file. # See /docs/admin/authentication.md function cluster::mesos::docker::create_basic_user { local user_name="$1" local password="$2" echo "${password},${user_name},${user_name}" } # Buffers command output to file, prints output on failure. function cluster::mesos::docker::buffer_output { local cmd="$@" local tempfile="$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/buffer.XXXXXX")" trap "kill -TERM \${PID}; rm '${tempfile}'" TERM INT set +e ${cmd} &> "${tempfile}" & PID=$! wait ${PID} trap - TERM INT wait ${PID} local exit_status="$?" set -e if [ "${exit_status}" != 0 ]; then cat "${tempfile}" 1>&2 fi rm "${tempfile}" return "${exit_status}" }