- job-template: name: 'kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-{suffix}' description: '{deploy-description} Test owner: {test-owner}' logrotate: daysToKeep: 14 builders: - shell: curl -fsS --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/{branch}/hack/jenkins/e2e.sh" | bash - properties: - build-blocker: use-build-blocker: true blocking-jobs: - 'kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-{suffix}' publishers: - email-ext - gcs-uploader triggers: - timed: 'H 0 * * 2' wrappers: - ansicolor: colormap: xterm - timeout: timeout: 90 fail: true - timestamps - workspace-cleanup - job-template: name: 'kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-{suffix}' description: '{e2e-description} Test Owner: {test-owner}' logrotate: daysToKeep: 7 builders: - shell: curl -fsS --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/{branch}/hack/jenkins/e2e.sh" | bash - properties: - build-blocker: use-build-blocker: true blocking-jobs: - 'kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-{suffix}' queue-scanning: ALL publishers: - claim-build - email-ext - gcs-uploader - junit-publisher - log-parser triggers: - timed: 'H/30 * * * *' wrappers: - ansicolor: colormap: xterm - timeout: timeout: 360 fail: true - timestamps - project: name: soak test-owner: 'Build Cop' suffix: - 'gce': deploy-description: | Deploy Kubernetes to soak cluster using the latest successful Kubernetes build every week.
If a kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-gce build is running, this deployment build will be blocked and remain in the queue until the test run is complete.
e2e-description: | Assumes Kubernetes soak cluster is already deployed.
If a kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-gce build is enqueued, builds will be blocked and remain in the queue until the deployment is complete.
branch: 'master' - 'gce-1.1': deploy-description: | Deploy Kubernetes to soak cluster using the latest successful current release CI-produced Kubernetes build every week.
If a kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-gce-1.1 build is running, this deployment build will be blocked and remain in the queue until the test run is complete.
e2e-description: | Assumes Kubernetes soak current-release cluster is already deployed.
If a kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-gce-1.1 build is enqueued, builds will be blocked and remain in the queue until the deployment is complete.
branch: 'release-1.1' - 'gke': deploy-description: | Deploy Kubernetes to a GKE soak cluster using the staging GKE Kubernetes build every week.
If a kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-gke build is running, this deployment build will be blocked and remain in the queue until the test run is complete.
Current Settings:
- provider: GKE
- apiary: staging
- borg job: staging
- client (kubectl): release/stable.txt
- cluster (k8s): release/stable.txt
- tests: release/stable.txt
e2e-description: | Assumes Kubernetes GKE soak cluster is already deployed.
If a kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-gke build is enqueued, builds will be blocked and remain in the queue until the deployment is complete.
branch: 'master' jobs: - 'kubernetes-soak-weekly-deploy-{suffix}' - 'kubernetes-soak-continuous-e2e-{suffix}'