#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Bumps the version number by creating a couple of commits. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/.. NEW_VERSION=${1-} fetch_url=$(git remote -v | grep kubernetes/kubernetes.git | grep fetch | awk '{ print $2 }') if ! push_url=$(git remote -v | grep kubernetes/kubernetes.git | grep push | awk '{ print $2 }'); then push_url="https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.git" fi fetch_remote=$(git remote -v | grep kubernetes/kubernetes.git | grep fetch | awk '{ print $1 }') VERSION_REGEX="^v(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$" [[ ${NEW_VERSION} =~ $VERSION_REGEX ]] || { echo "!!! You must specify the version in the form of '$VERSION_REGEX'" >&2 exit 1 } VERSION_MAJOR="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" VERSION_MINOR="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" VERSION_PATCH="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" if ! git diff HEAD --quiet; then echo "!!! You must not have any uncommitted changes when running this command" exit 1 fi if ! git diff-files --quiet pkg/version/base.go; then echo "!!! You have changes in 'pkg/version/base.go' already." exit 1 fi release_branch="release-${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) head_commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [[ "${VERSION_PATCH}" != "0" ]]; then # sorry, no going back in time, pull latest from upstream git remote update > /dev/null 2>&1 if git ls-remote --tags --exit-code ${fetch_url} refs/tags/${NEW_VERSION} > /dev/null; then echo "!!! You are trying to tag ${NEW_VERSION} but it already exists. Stop it!" exit 1 fi last_version="v${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.$((VERSION_PATCH-1))" if ! git ls-remote --tags --exit-code ${fetch_url} refs/tags/${last_version} > /dev/null; then echo "!!! You are trying to tag ${NEW_VERSION} but ${last_version} doesn't even exist!" exit 1 fi # this is rather magic. This checks that HEAD is a descendant of the github branch release-x.y branches=$(git branch --contains $(git ls-remote --heads ${fetch_url} refs/heads/${release_branch} | cut -f1) ${current_branch}) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "!!! git failed, I dunno...." exit 1 fi if [[ ${branches} != "* ${current_branch}" ]]; then echo "!!! You are trying to tag to an existing minor release but branch: ${release_branch} is not an ancestor of ${current_branch}" exit 1 fi fi SED=sed if which gsed &>/dev/null; then SED=gsed fi if ! ($SED --version 2>&1 | grep -q GNU); then echo "!!! GNU sed is required. If on OS X, use 'brew install gnu-sed'." fi echo "+++ Running ./versionize-docs" ${KUBE_ROOT}/build/versionize-docs.sh ${NEW_VERSION} git commit -am "Versioning docs and examples for ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}" VERSION_FILE="${KUBE_ROOT}/pkg/version/base.go" GIT_MINOR="${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}" echo "+++ Updating to ${NEW_VERSION}" $SED -ri -e "s/gitMajor\s+string = \"[^\"]*\"/gitMajor string = \"${VERSION_MAJOR}\"/" "${VERSION_FILE}" $SED -ri -e "s/gitMinor\s+string = \"[^\"]*\"/gitMinor string = \"${GIT_MINOR}\"/" "${VERSION_FILE}" $SED -ri -e "s/gitVersion\s+string = \"[^\"]*\"/gitVersion string = \"$NEW_VERSION-${release_branch}+\$Format:%h\$\"/" "${VERSION_FILE}" gofmt -s -w "${VERSION_FILE}" echo "+++ Committing version change" git add "${VERSION_FILE}" git commit -m "Kubernetes version $NEW_VERSION" echo "+++ Tagging version" git tag -a -m "Kubernetes version $NEW_VERSION" "${NEW_VERSION}" newtag=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [[ "${VERSION_PATCH}" == "0" ]]; then declare -r alpha_ver="v${VERSION_MAJOR}.$((${VERSION_MINOR}+1)).0-alpha.0" git tag -a -m "Kubernetes pre-release branch ${alpha-ver}" "${alpha_ver}" "${head_commit}" fi echo "" echo "Success you must now:" echo "" echo "- Push the tag:" echo " git push ${push_url} v${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}" if [[ "${VERSION_PATCH}" == "0" ]]; then echo "- Push the alpha tag:" echo " git push ${push_url} ${alpha_ver}" echo "- Push the new release branch:" echo " git push ${push_url} ${current_branch}:${release_branch}" echo "- DO NOTHING TO MASTER. You were done with master when you pushed the alpha tag." else echo "- Send branch: ${current_branch} as a PR to ${release_branch} <-- NOTE THIS" echo "- In the contents of the PR, include the PRs in the release:" echo " hack/cherry_pick_list.sh ${current_branch}^1" echo " This helps cross-link PRs to patch releases they're part of in GitHub." echo "- Have someone review the PR. This is a mechanical review to ensure it contains" echo " the ${NEW_VERSION} commit, which was tagged at ${newtag}." fi