PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree

If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should refer to the docs that go with that version. The latest release of this document can be found [here](http://releases.k8s.io/release-1.3/docs/devel/e2e-node-tests.md). Documentation for other releases can be found at [releases.k8s.io](http://releases.k8s.io). -- # Node End-To-End tests Node e2e tests are component tests meant for testing the Kubelet code on a custom host environment. Tests can be run either locally or against a host running on GCE. Node e2e tests are run as both pre- and post- submit tests by the Kubernetes project. *Note: Linux only. Mac and Windows unsupported.* # Running tests ## Locally Why run tests *Locally*? Much faster than running tests Remotely. Prerequisites: - [Install etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases) on your PATH - Verify etcd is installed correctly by running `which etcd` - [Install ginkgo](https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo) on your PATH - Verify ginkgo is installed correctly by running `which ginkgo` From the Kubernetes base directory, run: ```sh make test_e2e_node ``` This will: run the *ginkgo* binary against the subdirectory *test/e2e_node*, which will in turn: - Ask for sudo access (needed for running some of the processes) - Build the Kubernetes source code - Pre-pull docker images used by the tests - Start a local instance of *etcd* - Start a local instance of *kube-apiserver* - Start a local instance of *kubelet* - Run the test using the locally started processes - Output the test results to STDOUT - Stop *kubelet*, *kube-apiserver*, and *etcd* ## Remotely Why Run tests *Remotely*? Tests will be run in a customized pristine environment. Closely mimics what will be done as pre- and post- submit testing performed by the project. Prerequisites: - [join the googlegroup](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-dev) `kubernetes-dev@googlegroups.com` - *This provides read access to the node test images.* - Setup a [Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com/) account and project with Google Compute Engine enabled - Install and setup the [gcloud sdk](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/downloads) - Verify the sdk is setup correctly by running `gcloud compute instances list` and `gcloud compute images list --project kubernetes-node-e2e-images` Run: ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true ``` This will: - Build the Kubernetes source code - Create a new GCE instance using the default test image - Instance will be called **test-e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image** - Lookup the instance public ip address - Copy a compressed archive file to the host containing the following binaries: - ginkgo - kubelet - kube-apiserver - e2e_node.test (this binary contains the actual tests to be run) - Unzip the archive to a directory under **/tmp/gcloud** - Run the tests using the `ginkgo` command - Starts etcd, kube-apiserver, kubelet - The ginkgo command is used because this supports more features than running the test binary directly - Output the remote test results to STDOUT - `scp` the log files back to the local host under /tmp/_artifacts/e2e-node-containervm-v20160321-image - Stop the processes on the remote host - **Leave the GCE instance running** **Note: Subsequent tests run using the same image will *reuse the existing host* instead of deleting it and provisioning a new one. To delete the GCE instance after each test see *[DELETE_INSTANCE](#delete-instance-after-tests-run)*.** # Additional Remote Options ## Run tests using different images This is useful if you want to run tests against a host using a different OS distro or container runtime than provided by the default image. List the available test images using gcloud. ```sh make test_e2e_node LIST_IMAGES=true ``` This will output a list of the available images for the default image project. Then run: ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true IMAGES="" ``` ## Run tests against a running GCE instance (not an image) This is useful if you have an host instance running already and want to run the tests there instead of on a new instance. ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true HOSTS="" ``` ## Delete instance after tests run This is useful if you want recreate the instance for each test run to trigger flakes related to starting the instance. ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true DELETE_INSTANCES=true ``` ## Keep instance, test binaries, and *processes* around after tests run This is useful if you want to manually inspect or debug the kubelet process run as part of the tests. ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true CLEANUP=false ``` ## Run tests using an image in another project This is useful if you want to create your own host image in another project and use it for testing. ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true IMAGE_PROJECT="" IMAGES="" ``` Setting up your own host image may require additional steps such as installing etcd or docker. See [setup_host.sh](../../test/e2e_node/environment/setup_host.sh) for common steps to setup hosts to run node tests. ## Create instances using a different instance name prefix This is useful if you want to create instances using a different name so that you can run multiple copies of the test in parallel against different instances of the same image. ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true INSTANCE_PREFIX="my-prefix" ``` # Additional Test Options for both Remote and Local execution ## Only run a subset of the tests To run tests matching a regex: ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true FOCUS="" ``` To run tests NOT matching a regex: ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true SKIP="" ``` ## Run tests continually until they fail This is useful if you are trying to debug a flaky test failure. This will cause ginkgo to continually run the tests until they fail. **Note: this will only perform test setup once (e.g. creating the instance) and is less useful for catching flakes related creating the instance from an image.** ```sh make test_e2e_node REMOTE=true RUN_UNTIL_FAILURE=true ``` # Notes on tests run by the Kubernetes project during pre-, post- submit. The node e2e tests are run by the PR builder for each Pull Request and the results published at the bottom of the comments section. To re-run just the node e2e tests from the PR builder add the comment `@k8s-bot node e2e test this issue: #` and **include a link to the test failure logs if caused by a flake.** The PR builder runs tests against the images listed in [jenkins-pull.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/jenkins-pull.properties) The post submit tests run against the images listed in [jenkins-ci.properties](../../test/e2e_node/jenkins/jenkins-ci.properties) [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/docs/devel/e2e-node-tests.md?pixel)]()