#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Call this to dump all master and node logs into the folder specified in $1 # (defaults to _artifacts). Only works if the provider supports SSH. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail readonly report_dir="${1:-_artifacts}" # In order to more trivially extend log-dump for custom deployments, # check for a function named log_dump_custom_get_instances. If it's # defined, we assume the function can me called with one argument, the # role, which is either "master" or "node". if [[ $(type -t log_dump_custom_get_instances) == "function" ]]; then readonly use_custom_instance_list=yes else readonly use_custom_instance_list= fi readonly master_ssh_supported_providers="gce aws kubemark" readonly node_ssh_supported_providers="gce gke aws kubemark" readonly master_logfiles="kube-apiserver kube-scheduler rescheduler kube-controller-manager etcd etcd-events glbc cluster-autoscaler kube-addon-manager fluentd" readonly node_logfiles="kube-proxy fluentd node-problem-detector" readonly node_systemd_services="node-problem-detector" readonly hollow_node_logfiles="kubelet-hollow-node-* kubeproxy-hollow-node-* npd-*" readonly aws_logfiles="cloud-init-output" readonly gce_logfiles="startupscript" readonly kern_logfile="kern" readonly initd_logfiles="docker" readonly supervisord_logfiles="kubelet supervisor/supervisord supervisor/kubelet-stdout supervisor/kubelet-stderr supervisor/docker-stdout supervisor/docker-stderr" readonly systemd_services="kubelet docker" # Limit the number of concurrent node connections so that we don't run out of # file descriptors for large clusters. readonly max_scp_processes=25 # This template spits out the external IPs and images for each node in the cluster in a format like so: # gcr.io/google_containers/kube-apiserver:1355c18c32d7bef16125120bce194fad gcr.io/google_containers/kube-controller-manager:46365cdd8d28b8207950c3c21d1f3900 [...] readonly ips_and_images='{range .items[*]}{@.status.addresses[?(@.type == "ExternalIP")].address} {@.status.images[*].names[*]}{"\n"}{end}' function setup() { if [[ -z "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/.. : ${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE:="config-test.sh"} source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-util.sh" detect-project &> /dev/null elif [[ -z "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY:-}" ]]; then echo "LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY not set, but required when using log_dump_custom_get_instances" exit 1 elif [[ -z "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER:-}" ]]; then echo "LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER not set, but required when using log_dump_custom_get_instances" exit 1 fi } function log-dump-ssh() { if [[ -z "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then ssh-to-node "$@" return fi local host="$1" local cmd="$2" ssh -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY}" "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER}@${host}" "${cmd}" } # Copy all files /var/log/{$3}.log on node $1 into local dir $2. # $3 should be a space-separated string of files. # This function shouldn't ever trigger errexit, but doesn't block stderr. function copy-logs-from-node() { local -r node="${1}" local -r dir="${2}" local files=( ${3} ) # Append ".log*" # The * at the end is needed to also copy rotated logs (which happens # in large clusters and long runs). files=( "${files[@]/%/.log*}" ) # Prepend "/var/log/" files=( "${files[@]/#/\/var\/log\/}" ) # Comma delimit (even the singleton, or scp does the wrong thing), surround by braces. local -r scp_files="{$(printf "%s," "${files[@]}")}" if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then scp -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY}" "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER}@${node}:${scp_files}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true else case "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" in gce|gke|kubemark) # get-serial-port-output lets you ask for ports 1-4, but currently (11/21/2016) only port 1 contains useful information gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" --port 1 "${node}" > "${dir}/serial-1.log" || true gcloud compute scp --recurse --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${node}:${scp_files}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true ;; aws) local ip=$(get_ssh_hostname "${node}") scp -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" "${SSH_USER}@${ip}:${scp_files}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true ;; esac fi } # Save logs for node $1 into directory $2. Pass in any non-common files in $3. # Pass in any non-common systemd services in $4. # $3 and $4 should be a space-separated list of files. # This function shouldn't ever trigger errexit function save-logs() { local -r node_name="${1}" local -r dir="${2}" local files="${3}" local opt_systemd_services="${4:-""}" if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_LOGS:-}" ]]; then files="${files} ${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_LOGS:-}" fi else case "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" in gce|gke|kubemark) files="${files} ${gce_logfiles}" if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "kubemark" && "${ENABLE_HOLLOW_NODE_LOGS:-}" == "true" ]]; then files="${files} ${hollow_node_logfiles}" fi ;; aws) files="${files} ${aws_logfiles}" ;; esac fi local -r services=( ${systemd_services} ${opt_systemd_services} ${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_SERVICES:-} ) if log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "command -v journalctl" &> /dev/null; then log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-node-installation.service" > "${dir}/kube-node-installation.log" || true log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-node-configuration.service" > "${dir}/kube-node-configuration.log" || true log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -k" > "${dir}/kern.log" || true for svc in "${services[@]}"; do log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=cat -u ${svc}.service" > "${dir}/${svc}.log" || true done else files="${kern_logfile} ${files} ${initd_logfiles} ${supervisord_logfiles}" fi echo "Changing logfiles to be world-readable for download" log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo chmod -R a+r /var/log" || true echo "Copying '${files}' from ${node_name}" copy-logs-from-node "${node_name}" "${dir}" "${files}" } function dump_masters() { local master_names if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then master_names=( $(log_dump_custom_get_instances master) ) elif [[ ! "${master_ssh_supported_providers}" =~ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" ]]; then echo "Master SSH not supported for ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" return else if ! (detect-master &> /dev/null); then echo "Master not detected. Is the cluster up?" return fi master_names=( "${MASTER_NAME}" ) fi if [[ "${#master_names[@]}" == 0 ]]; then echo "No masters found?" return fi proc=${max_scp_processes} for master_name in "${master_names[@]}"; do master_dir="${report_dir}/${master_name}" mkdir -p "${master_dir}" save-logs "${master_name}" "${master_dir}" "${master_logfiles}" & # We don't want to run more than ${max_scp_processes} at a time, so # wait once we hit that many nodes. This isn't ideal, since one might # take much longer than the others, but it should help. proc=$((proc - 1)) if [[ proc -eq 0 ]]; then proc=${max_scp_processes} wait fi done # Wait for any remaining processes. if [[ proc -gt 0 && proc -lt ${max_scp_processes} ]]; then wait fi } function dump_nodes() { local node_names if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then node_names=( $(log_dump_custom_get_instances node) ) elif [[ ! "${node_ssh_supported_providers}" =~ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" ]]; then echo "Node SSH not supported for ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" return else detect-node-names &> /dev/null if [[ "${#NODE_NAMES[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Nodes not detected. Is the cluster up?" return fi node_names=( "${NODE_NAMES[@]}" ) fi if [[ "${#node_names[@]}" == 0 ]]; then echo "No nodes found?" return fi proc=${max_scp_processes} for node_name in "${node_names[@]}"; do node_dir="${report_dir}/${node_name}" mkdir -p "${node_dir}" # Save logs in the background. This speeds up things when there are # many nodes. save-logs "${node_name}" "${node_dir}" "${node_logfiles}" "${node_systemd_services}" & # We don't want to run more than ${max_scp_processes} at a time, so # wait once we hit that many nodes. This isn't ideal, since one might # take much longer than the others, but it should help. proc=$((proc - 1)) if [[ proc -eq 0 ]]; then proc=${max_scp_processes} wait fi done # Wait for any remaining processes. if [[ proc -gt 0 && proc -lt ${max_scp_processes} ]]; then wait fi } setup echo "Dumping master logs to ${report_dir}" dump_masters if [[ "${DUMP_ONLY_MASTER_LOGS:-}" != "true" ]]; then echo "Dumping node logs to ${report_dir}" dump_nodes else echo "Skipping dumping of node logs" fi