# Mail Watcher Plugin alerts the specified address whenever a job config is updated or deleted. - property: name: mail-watcher properties: - raw: xml: | cloud-kubernetes-team@google.com - publisher: name: gcs-uploader publishers: # Use the plugin for the build log, since it isn't available on Jenkins slaves. - google-cloud-storage: credentials-id: kubernetes-jenkins uploads: - build-log: log-name: build-log.txt storage-location: gs://kubernetes-jenkins/logs/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER share-publicly: true upload-for-failed-jobs: true # Use our script for build artifacts, since it's more flexible. - postbuildscript: builders: - shell: | if [[ -x ./hack/jenkins/upload-to-gcs.sh ]]; then ./hack/jenkins/upload-to-gcs.sh else curl -fsS --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/master/hack/jenkins/upload-to-gcs.sh" | bash - fi script-only-if-succeeded: False script-only-if-failed: False # Default log parser rules. - publisher: name: log-parser publishers: - logparser: parse-rules: /jenkins-master-data/log_parser_rules.txt unstable-on-warning: false fail-on-error: false # There is a junit JJB tag, but it doesn't handle the flaky-test-handler plugin. - publisher: name: junit-publisher publishers: - raw: xml: | _artifacts/junit*.xml true 100.0 # Default email recipients are set in Jenkins global config - defaults: name: global emails: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS'