# Kubernetes Documentation Kubernetes documentation is organized into several categories. - **Getting Started Guides** - for people who want to create a kubernetes cluster - in [docs/getting-started-guides](./getting-started-guides) - **User Documentation** - in [docs](./overview.md) - for people who want to run programs on kubernetes - describes current features of the system (with brief mentions of planned features) - **Developer Documentation** - in [docs/devel](./devel) - for people who want to contribute code to kubernetes - covers development conventions - explains current architecture and project plans - **Design Documentation** - in [docs/design](./design) - for people who want to understand the design choices made - describes tradeoffs, alternative designs - descriptions of planned features that are too long for a github issue. - **Walkthroughs and Examples** - in [examples](../examples) - Hands on introduction and example config files - **API documentation** - in [api](../api) - automatically generated REST API documentation - **Wiki** - in [wiki](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/wiki)