#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail run_kubectl_old_print_tests() { set -o nounset set -o errexit create_and_use_new_namespace kube::log::status "Testing kubectl get --server-print=false" ### Test retrieval of all types in discovery # Pre-condition: no resources exist output_message=$(kubectl get pods --server-print=false 2>&1 "${kube_flags[@]}") # Post-condition: Expect text indicating no resources were found kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'No resources found.' ### Test retrieval of pods against server-side printing kubectl create -f test/fixtures/doc-yaml/admin/limitrange/valid-pod.yaml "${kube_flags[@]}" # Post-condition: valid-pod POD is created kube::test::get_object_assert pods "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'valid-pod:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get pod "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get pod --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" # Test printing objects with --use-openapi-print-columns actual_output=$(kubectl get namespaces --use-openapi-print-columns --v=7 "${kube_flags[@]}" 2>&1) # it should request full objects (not server-side printing) kube::test::if_has_not_string "${actual_output}" 'application/json;as=Table' kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" 'application/json' ### Test retrieval of daemonsets against server-side printing kubectl apply -f hack/testdata/rollingupdate-daemonset.yaml "${kube_flags[@]}" # Post-condition: daemonset is created kube::test::get_object_assert ds "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'bind:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get ds "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get ds --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" ### Test retrieval of replicationcontrollers against server-side printing kubectl create -f hack/testdata/frontend-controller.yaml "${kube_flags[@]}" # Post-condition: frontend replication controller is created kube::test::get_object_assert rc "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'frontend:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get rc "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get rc --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" ### Test retrieval of replicasets against server-side printing kubectl create -f hack/testdata/frontend-replicaset.yaml "${kube_flags[@]}" # Post-condition: frontend replica set is created kube::test::get_object_assert rs "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'frontend:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get rs "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get rs --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" ### Test retrieval of jobs against server-side printing kubectl run pi --generator=job/v1 "--image=$IMAGE_PERL" --restart=OnFailure -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(20)' "${kube_flags[@]}" # Post-Condition: assertion object exists kube::test::get_object_assert jobs "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'pi:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get jobs/pi "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get jobs/pi --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" ### Test retrieval of clusterroles against server-side printing kubectl create "${kube_flags[@]}" clusterrole sample-role --verb=* --resource=pods # Post-Condition: assertion object exists kube::test::get_object_assert clusterrole/sample-role "{{range.rules}}{{range.resources}}{{.}}:{{end}}{{end}}" 'pods:' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same # remove the last column, as it contains the object's AGE, which could cause a mismatch. expected_output=$(kubectl get clusterroles/sample-role "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get clusterroles/sample-role --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" ### Test retrieval of crds against server-side printing kubectl "${kube_flags_with_token[@]}" create -f - << __EOF__ { "kind": "CustomResourceDefinition", "apiVersion": "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1", "metadata": { "name": "foos.company.com" }, "spec": { "group": "company.com", "version": "v1", "scope": "Namespaced", "names": { "plural": "foos", "kind": "Foo" } } } __EOF__ # Post-Condition: assertion object exists kube::test::get_object_assert customresourcedefinitions "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" 'foos.company.com:' # Test that we can list this new CustomResource kube::test::get_object_assert foos "{{range.items}}{{$id_field}}:{{end}}" '' # Compare "old" output with experimental output and ensure both are the same expected_output=$(kubectl get foos "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') actual_output=$(kubectl get foos --server-print=false "${kube_flags[@]}" | awk 'NF{NF--};1') kube::test::if_has_string "${actual_output}" "${expected_output}" # teardown kubectl delete customresourcedefinitions/foos.company.com "${kube_flags_with_token[@]}" kubectl delete clusterroles/sample-role "${kube_flags_with_token[@]}" kubectl delete jobs pi "${kube_flags[@]}" kubectl delete rs frontend "${kube_flags[@]}" kubectl delete rc frontend "${kube_flags[@]}" kubectl delete ds bind "${kube_flags[@]}" kubectl delete pod valid-pod "${kube_flags[@]}" set +o nounset set +o errexit }