/* Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package testing import ( "fmt" "reflect" "sync" "time" runtimeapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/cri/v1alpha1/runtime" ) var ( version = "0.1.0" FakeRuntimeName = "fakeRuntime" FakePodSandboxIP = "" ) type FakePodSandbox struct { // PodSandboxStatus contains the runtime information for a sandbox. runtimeapi.PodSandboxStatus } type FakeContainer struct { // ContainerStatus contains the runtime information for a container. runtimeapi.ContainerStatus // the sandbox id of this container SandboxID string } type FakeRuntimeService struct { sync.Mutex Called []string FakeStatus *runtimeapi.RuntimeStatus Containers map[string]*FakeContainer Sandboxes map[string]*FakePodSandbox FakeContainerStats map[string]*runtimeapi.ContainerStats } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) GetContainerID(sandboxID, name string, attempt uint32) (string, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() for id, c := range r.Containers { if c.SandboxID == sandboxID && c.Metadata.Name == name && c.Metadata.Attempt == attempt { return id, nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("container (name, attempt, sandboxID)=(%q, %d, %q) not found", name, attempt, sandboxID) } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) SetFakeSandboxes(sandboxes []*FakePodSandbox) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Sandboxes = make(map[string]*FakePodSandbox) for _, sandbox := range sandboxes { sandboxID := sandbox.Id r.Sandboxes[sandboxID] = sandbox } } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) SetFakeContainers(containers []*FakeContainer) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Containers = make(map[string]*FakeContainer) for _, c := range containers { containerID := c.Id r.Containers[containerID] = c } } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) AssertCalls(calls []string) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() if !reflect.DeepEqual(calls, r.Called) { return fmt.Errorf("expected %#v, got %#v", calls, r.Called) } return nil } func NewFakeRuntimeService() *FakeRuntimeService { return &FakeRuntimeService{ Called: make([]string, 0), Containers: make(map[string]*FakeContainer), Sandboxes: make(map[string]*FakePodSandbox), FakeContainerStats: make(map[string]*runtimeapi.ContainerStats), } } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) Version(apiVersion string) (*runtimeapi.VersionResponse, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "Version") return &runtimeapi.VersionResponse{ Version: version, RuntimeName: FakeRuntimeName, RuntimeVersion: version, RuntimeApiVersion: version, }, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) Status() (*runtimeapi.RuntimeStatus, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "Status") return r.FakeStatus, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) RunPodSandbox(config *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig) (string, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "RunPodSandbox") // PodSandboxID should be randomized for real container runtime, but here just use // fixed name from BuildSandboxName() for easily making fake sandboxes. podSandboxID := BuildSandboxName(config.Metadata) createdAt := time.Now().UnixNano() r.Sandboxes[podSandboxID] = &FakePodSandbox{ PodSandboxStatus: runtimeapi.PodSandboxStatus{ Id: podSandboxID, Metadata: config.Metadata, State: runtimeapi.PodSandboxState_SANDBOX_READY, CreatedAt: createdAt, Network: &runtimeapi.PodSandboxNetworkStatus{ Ip: FakePodSandboxIP, }, Labels: config.Labels, Annotations: config.Annotations, }, } return podSandboxID, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) StopPodSandbox(podSandboxID string) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "StopPodSandbox") if s, ok := r.Sandboxes[podSandboxID]; ok { s.State = runtimeapi.PodSandboxState_SANDBOX_NOTREADY } else { return fmt.Errorf("pod sandbox %s not found", podSandboxID) } return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) RemovePodSandbox(podSandboxID string) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "RemovePodSandbox") // Remove the pod sandbox delete(r.Sandboxes, podSandboxID) return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) PodSandboxStatus(podSandboxID string) (*runtimeapi.PodSandboxStatus, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "PodSandboxStatus") s, ok := r.Sandboxes[podSandboxID] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("pod sandbox %q not found", podSandboxID) } status := s.PodSandboxStatus return &status, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ListPodSandbox(filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ListPodSandbox") result := make([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, 0) for id, s := range r.Sandboxes { if filter != nil { if filter.Id != "" && filter.Id != id { continue } if filter.State != nil && filter.GetState().State != s.State { continue } if filter.LabelSelector != nil && !filterInLabels(filter.LabelSelector, s.GetLabels()) { continue } } result = append(result, &runtimeapi.PodSandbox{ Id: s.Id, Metadata: s.Metadata, State: s.State, CreatedAt: s.CreatedAt, Labels: s.Labels, Annotations: s.Annotations, }) } return result, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) PortForward(*runtimeapi.PortForwardRequest) (*runtimeapi.PortForwardResponse, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "PortForward") return &runtimeapi.PortForwardResponse{}, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) CreateContainer(podSandboxID string, config *runtimeapi.ContainerConfig, sandboxConfig *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig) (string, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "CreateContainer") // ContainerID should be randomized for real container runtime, but here just use // fixed BuildContainerName() for easily making fake containers. containerID := BuildContainerName(config.Metadata, podSandboxID) createdAt := time.Now().UnixNano() createdState := runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_CREATED imageRef := config.Image.Image r.Containers[containerID] = &FakeContainer{ ContainerStatus: runtimeapi.ContainerStatus{ Id: containerID, Metadata: config.Metadata, Image: config.Image, ImageRef: imageRef, CreatedAt: createdAt, State: createdState, Labels: config.Labels, Annotations: config.Annotations, }, SandboxID: podSandboxID, } return containerID, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) StartContainer(containerID string) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "StartContainer") c, ok := r.Containers[containerID] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("container %s not found", containerID) } // Set container to running. c.State = runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING c.StartedAt = time.Now().UnixNano() return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) StopContainer(containerID string, timeout int64) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "StopContainer") c, ok := r.Containers[containerID] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("container %q not found", containerID) } // Set container to exited state. finishedAt := time.Now().UnixNano() exitedState := runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED c.State = exitedState c.FinishedAt = finishedAt return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) RemoveContainer(containerID string) error { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "RemoveContainer") // Remove the container delete(r.Containers, containerID) return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ListContainers(filter *runtimeapi.ContainerFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.Container, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ListContainers") result := make([]*runtimeapi.Container, 0) for _, s := range r.Containers { if filter != nil { if filter.Id != "" && filter.Id != s.Id { continue } if filter.PodSandboxId != "" && filter.PodSandboxId != s.SandboxID { continue } if filter.State != nil && filter.GetState().State != s.State { continue } if filter.LabelSelector != nil && !filterInLabels(filter.LabelSelector, s.GetLabels()) { continue } } result = append(result, &runtimeapi.Container{ Id: s.Id, CreatedAt: s.CreatedAt, PodSandboxId: s.SandboxID, Metadata: s.Metadata, State: s.State, Image: s.Image, ImageRef: s.ImageRef, Labels: s.Labels, Annotations: s.Annotations, }) } return result, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ContainerStatus(containerID string) (*runtimeapi.ContainerStatus, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ContainerStatus") c, ok := r.Containers[containerID] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("container %q not found", containerID) } status := c.ContainerStatus return &status, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) UpdateContainerResources(string, *runtimeapi.LinuxContainerResources) error { return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ExecSync(containerID string, cmd []string, timeout time.Duration) (stdout []byte, stderr []byte, err error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ExecSync") return nil, nil, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) Exec(*runtimeapi.ExecRequest) (*runtimeapi.ExecResponse, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "Exec") return &runtimeapi.ExecResponse{}, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) Attach(req *runtimeapi.AttachRequest) (*runtimeapi.AttachResponse, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "Attach") return &runtimeapi.AttachResponse{}, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) UpdateRuntimeConfig(runtimeCOnfig *runtimeapi.RuntimeConfig) error { return nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) SetFakeContainerStats(containerStats []*runtimeapi.ContainerStats) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.FakeContainerStats = make(map[string]*runtimeapi.ContainerStats) for _, s := range containerStats { r.FakeContainerStats[s.Attributes.Id] = s } } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ContainerStats(containerID string) (*runtimeapi.ContainerStats, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ContainerStats") s, found := r.FakeContainerStats[containerID] if !found { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no stats for container %q", containerID) } return s, nil } func (r *FakeRuntimeService) ListContainerStats(filter *runtimeapi.ContainerStatsFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.ContainerStats, error) { r.Lock() defer r.Unlock() r.Called = append(r.Called, "ListContainerStats") var result []*runtimeapi.ContainerStats for _, c := range r.Containers { if filter != nil { if filter.Id != "" && filter.Id != c.Id { continue } if filter.PodSandboxId != "" && filter.PodSandboxId != c.SandboxID { continue } if filter.LabelSelector != nil && !filterInLabels(filter.LabelSelector, c.GetLabels()) { continue } } s, found := r.FakeContainerStats[c.Id] if !found { continue } result = append(result, s) } return result, nil }