$(document).ready(function() { var max_trials=1000 var headerTitleElement = $("#header h1"); var entriesElement = $("#k8petstore-entries"); var hostAddressElement = $("#k8petstore-host-address"); var currentEntries = [] var updateEntryCount = function(data, trial) { if(currentEntries.length > 1000) currentEntries.splice(0,100); //console.info("entry count " + data) ; currentEntries[trial]=data ; } var updateEntries = function(data) { entriesElement.empty(); //console.info("data - > " + Math.random()) //uncommend for debugging... //entriesElement.append("

CURRENT TIME : "+ $.now() +"

TOTAL entries : "+ JSON.stringify(currentEntries)+"

") var c1 = currentEntries[currentEntries.length-1] var c2 = currentEntries[currentEntries.length-2] entriesElement.append("

CURRENT TIME : "+ $.now() +"

TOTAL entries : "+ c1 +"
transaction delta " + (c1-c2) +"

") f(currentEntries); $.each(data, function(key, val) { //console.info(key + " -> " +val); entriesElement.append("

" + key + " " + val.substr(0,50) + val.substr(100,150) + "

"); }); } // colors = purple, blue, red, green, yellow var colors = ["#549", "#18d", "#d31", "#2a4", "#db1"]; var randomColor = colors[Math.floor(5 * Math.random())]; ( function setElementsColor(color) { headerTitleElement.css("color", color); }) (randomColor); hostAddressElement.append(document.URL); // Poll every second. (function fetchGuestbook() { // Get JSON by running the query, and append $.getJSON("lrange/k8petstore").done(updateEntries).always( function() { setTimeout(fetchGuestbook, 2000); }); })(); (function fetchLength(trial) { $.getJSON("llen").done( function a(llen1){ updateEntryCount(llen1, trial) }).always( function() { // This function is run every 2 seconds. setTimeout( function(){ trial+=1 ; fetchLength(trial); f(); }, 5000); } ) })(0); });