build: off clone_folder: c:\gopath\src\\v1\gonum cache: - '%LocalAppData%\go-build' branches: only: - master environment: # Do not move these lines; they are referred to by # Versions of go that are explicitly supported by gonum. matrix: - GOROOT: 'c:\go110' - GOROOT: 'c:\go111' # - GOROOT: 'c:\go112' TODO: Uncomment with appveyor do an update containing go1.12. GOPATH: c:\gopath GOTOOLDIR: '%GOROOT%\pkg\tool\windows_amd64' PATH: '%GOPATH%\bin;%GOROOT%\bin;%PATH%' build_script: - "%GOROOT%\\bin\\go version" - "%GOROOT%\\bin\\go get -v -t ./..." test_script: - "%GOROOT%\\bin\\go test ./..."