#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A library of helper functions and constant for the local config. # Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to # config-default.sh. set -e SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" done DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" KUBE_ROOT="${DIR}/../.." KUBE_CONFIG_FILE="${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE:-"${DIR}/config-default.sh"}" source "${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE}" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" AZKUBE_VERSION="v0.0.5" REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET="true" function verify-prereqs() { required_binaries=("docker" "jq") for rb in "${required_binaries[@]}"; do if ! which "$rb" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Couldn't find ${rb} in PATH" exit 1 fi done if ! "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "kubectl is unavailable. Ensure ${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh runs with a successful exit." exit 1 fi } function azure-ensure-config() { if [[ -z "${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID:-}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID must be set" exit 1 fi export AZURE_OUTPUT_RELDIR="_deployments/${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" export AZURE_OUTPUT_DIR="${DIR}/${AZURE_OUTPUT_RELDIR}" mkdir -p "${AZURE_OUTPUT_DIR}" case "${AZURE_AUTH_METHOD:-}" in "client_secret") if [[ -z "${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_CLIENT_ID must be set" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET must be set" exit 1 fi ;; "") echo "AZURE_AUTH_METHOD not set, assuming \"device\"." ;; "device" | "") echo "This will be interactive. (export AZURE_AUTH_METHOD=client_secret to avoid the prompt)" export AZURE_AUTH_METHOD="device" ;; *) echo "AZURE_AUTH_METHOD is an unsupported value: \"${AZURE_AUTH_METHOD}\"" exit 1 ;; esac } function repo-contains-image() { registry="$1" repo="$2" image="$3" version="$4" prefix="${registry}" if [[ "${prefix}" == "docker.io" ]]; then prefix="registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories" tags_json=$(curl "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/${repo}/${image}/tags/${version}/" 2>/dev/null) tags_found="$(echo "${tags_json}" | jq ".v2?")" elif [[ "${prefix}" == "gcr.io" ]]; then tags_json=$(curl "https://gcr.io/v2/${repo}/${image}/tags/list" 2>/dev/null) tags_found="$(echo "${tags_json}" | jq ".tags | indices([\"${version}\"]) | any")" fi if [[ "${tags_found}" == "true" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } function ensure-hyperkube() { hyperkube="hyperkube-amd64" official_image_tag="gcr.io/google_containers/${hyperkube}:${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" if repo-contains-image "gcr.io" "google_containers" "${hyperkube}" "${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" ; then echo "${hyperkube}:${KUBE_GIT_VERSION} was found in the gcr.io/google_containers repository" export AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC="${official_image_tag}" return 0 fi echo "${hyperkube}:${KUBE_GIT_VERSION} was not found in the gcr.io/google_containers repository" if [[ -z "${AZURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY:-}" || -z "${AZURE_DOCKER_REPO:-}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY and AZURE_DOCKER_REPO must be set in order to push ${hyperkube}:${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" return 1 fi # check if it is already in the user owned docker hub local user_image_tag="${AZURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${AZURE_DOCKER_REPO}/${hyperkube}:${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" if repo-contains-image "${AZURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}" "${AZURE_DOCKER_REPO}" "${hyperkube}" "${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" ; then echo "${image}:${version} was found in ${repo} (success)" export AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC="${user_image_tag}" return 0 fi # should these steps tell them to just immediately tag it with the final user-specified repo? # for now just stick with the assumption that `make release` will eventually tag a hyperkube image on gcr.io # and then the existing code can re-tag that for the user's repo and then push if ! docker inspect "${user_image_tag}" ; then if ! docker inspect "${official_image_tag}" ; then REGISTRY="gcr.io/google_containers" \ VERSION="${KUBE_GIT_VERSION}" \ make -C "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/images/hyperkube" build fi docker tag "${official_image_tag}" "${user_image_tag}" fi docker push "${user_image_tag}" echo "${image}:${version} was pushed to ${repo}" export AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC="${user_image_tag}" } function deploy-kube-system() { kubectl create -f - < AZURE KUBE-UP STARTED: $(date)" verify-prereqs azure-ensure-config if [[ -z "${AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC:-}" ]]; then find-release-version export KUBE_GIT_VERSION="${KUBE_GIT_VERSION//+/-}" # this will export AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC based on whether an official image was found # or if it was uploaded to the user specified docker repository. if ! ensure-hyperkube; then echo "Failed to ensure hyperkube was available. Exitting." return 1 fi else echo "Using user specified AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC: ${AZURE_HYPERKUBE_SPEC}" echo "Note: The existence of this is not verified! (It might only be pullable from your DC)" fi azure-deploy kubectl config set-cluster "${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" --server="https://${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}.${AZURE_LOCATION}.cloudapp.azure.com:6443" --certificate-authority="${AZURE_OUTPUT_DIR}/ca.crt" --api-version="v1" kubectl config set-credentials "${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}_user" --client-certificate="${AZURE_OUTPUT_DIR}/client.crt" --client-key="${AZURE_OUTPUT_DIR}/client.key" kubectl config set-context "${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" --cluster="${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" --user="${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}_user" kubectl config use-context "${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" deploy-kube-system enddate="$(date +%s)" duration="$(( (startdate - enddate) ))" echo "++> AZURE KUBE-UP FINISHED: $(date) (duration: ${duration} seconds)" } function kube-down { verify-prereqs # required if [[ -z "${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID:-}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID must be set" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID:-}" ]]; then echo "AZURE_DEPLOY_ID must be set. This selects the deployment (and resource group) to delete." return -1 fi #optional declare -a destroy_params declare -a docker_params if [[ ${AZURE_DOWN_SKIP_CONFIRM:-} == "true" ]]; then destroy_params+=("--skip-confirm") fi if [[ ! -z "${AZURE_HTTPS_PROXY:-}" ]]; then docker_params+=("--net=host" "--env=https_proxy=${AZURE_HTTPS_PROXY}") fi docker run -it \ --user "$(id -u)" \ -v "$HOME/.azkube:/.azkube" -v "/tmp:/tmp" \ "${AZKUBE_DOCKER_PARAMS[@]:+${AZKUBE_DOCKER_PARAMS[@]}}" \ "colemickens/azkube:${AZKUBE_VERSION}" /opt/azkube/azkube destroy \ --deployment-name="${AZURE_DEPLOY_ID}" \ --subscription-id="${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" \ --auth-method="${AZURE_AUTH_METHOD}" "${AZKUBE_AUTH_PARAMS[@]:+${AZKUBE_AUTH_PARAMS[@]}}" \ "${destroy_params[@]:+${destroy_params[@]}}" \ "${AZURE_AZKUBE_ARGS[@]:+${AZURE_AZKUBE_ARGS[@]}}" }