#! /bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Common utilties, variables and checks for all build scripts. cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/.. readonly KUBE_REPO_ROOT="${PWD}" readonly KUBE_GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE=kube-build if [ -n "${KUBE_GIT_BRANCH}" ]; then KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE="${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}:${KUBE_GIT_BRANCH}" fi readonly KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE readonly KUBE_GO_PACKAGE="github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes" # We set up a volume so that we have the same output directory from one run of # the container to the next. # # Note that here "LOCAL" is local to the docker daemon. In the boot2docker case # this is still inside the VM. We use the same directory in both cases though. readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR="${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/output/build" readonly REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR="/go/src/${KUBE_GO_PACKAGE}/output/build" readonly DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME=kube-build readonly DOCKER_MOUNT="-v ${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR}:${REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR}" readonly KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE="kubernetes" readonly KUBE_RUN_BINARIES=" apiserver controller-manager proxy " # This is where the final release artifacts are created locally readonly RELEASE_DIR="${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/output/release" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic setup functions # Verify that the right utilities and such are installed for building Kube. function verify-prereqs() { if [[ -z "$(which docker)" ]]; then echo "Can't find 'docker' in PATH, please fix and retry." >&2 echo "See https://docs.docker.com/installation/#installation for installation instructions." >&2 return 1 fi if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then if [[ -z "$(which boot2docker)" ]]; then echo "It looks like you are running on Mac OS X and boot2docker can't be found." >&2 echo "See: https://docs.docker.com/installation/mac/" >&2 return 1 fi if [[ $(boot2docker status) != "running" ]]; then echo "boot2docker VM isn't started. Please run 'boot2docker start'" >&2 return 1 fi fi if ! docker info > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Can't connect to 'docker' daemon. please fix and retry." >&2 echo >&2 echo "Possible causes:" >&2 echo " - On Mac OS X, boot2docker VM isn't started" >&2 echo " - On Mac OS X, DOCKER_HOST env variable isn't set approriately" >&2 echo " - On Linux, user isn't in 'docker' group. Add and relogin." >&2 echo " - On Linux, Docker daemon hasn't been started or has crashed" >&2 return 1 fi } # Verify things are set up for uploading to GCS function verify-gcs-prereqs() { if [[ -z "$(which gsutil)" || -z "$(which gcloud)" ]]; then echo "Releasing Kubernetes requires gsutil and gcloud. Please download," echo "install and authorize through the Google Cloud SDK: " echo echo " https://developers.google.com/cloud/sdk/" return 1 fi FIND_ACCOUNT="gcloud auth list 2>/dev/null | grep '(active)' | awk '{ print \$2 }'" GCLOUD_ACCOUNT=${GCLOUD_ACCOUNT-$(eval ${FIND_ACCOUNT})} if [[ -z "${GCLOUD_ACCOUNT}" ]]; then echo "No account authorized through gcloud. Please fix with:" echo echo " gcloud auth login" return 1 fi FIND_PROJECT="gcloud config list project | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print \$3 }'" GCLOUD_PROJECT=${GCLOUD_PROJECT-$(eval ${FIND_PROJECT})} if [[ -z "${GCLOUD_PROJECT}" ]]; then echo "No account authorized through gcloud. Please fix with:" echo echo " gcloud config set project " return 1 fi } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building # Set up the context directory for the kube-build image and build it. function build-image() { local -r BUILD_CONTEXT_DIR="${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/output/images/${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" local -r SOURCE=" api build cmd examples Godeps hack LICENSE README.md pkg third_party " mkdir -p ${BUILD_CONTEXT_DIR} tar czf ${BUILD_CONTEXT_DIR}/kube-source.tar.gz ${SOURCE} cp build/build-image/Dockerfile ${BUILD_CONTEXT_DIR}/Dockerfile docker-build "${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" "${BUILD_CONTEXT_DIR}" } # Builds the runtime image. Assumes that the appropriate binaries are already # built and in output/build/. function run-image() { local -r BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE="${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/output/images/${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}" # First build the base image. This one brings in all of the binaries. mkdir -p "${BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE}" tar czf ${BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE}/kube-bins.tar.gz \ -C "output/build/linux/amd64" \ ${KUBE_RUN_BINARIES} cp -R build/run-images/base/* "${BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE}/" docker-build "${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}" "${BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE}" for b in $KUBE_RUN_BINARIES ; do local SUB_CONTEXT_DIR="${BUILD_CONTEXT_BASE}-$b" mkdir -p "${SUB_CONTEXT_DIR}" cp -R build/run-images/$b/* "${SUB_CONTEXT_DIR}/" docker-build "${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b" "${SUB_CONTEXT_DIR}" done } # Build a docker image from a Dockerfile. # $1 is the name of the image to build # $2 is the location of the "context" directory, with the Dockerfile at the root. function docker-build() { local -r IMAGE=$1 local -r CONTEXT_DIR=$2 local -r BUILD_CMD="docker build -t ${IMAGE} ${CONTEXT_DIR}" echo "+++ Building Docker image ${IMAGE}. This can take a while." set +e # We are handling the error here manually local -r DOCKER_OUTPUT="$(${BUILD_CMD} 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then set -e echo "+++ Docker build command failed for ${IMAGE}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "${DOCKER_OUTPUT}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "To retry manually, run:" >&2 echo >&2 echo " ${DOCKER_BUILD_CMD}" >&2 echo >&2 return 1 fi set -e } # Run a command in the kube-build image. This assumes that the image has # already been built. This will sync out all output data from the build. function run-build-command() { [[ -n "$@" ]] || { echo "Invalid input." >&2; return 4; } local -r DOCKER="docker run --rm --name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} -it ${DOCKER_MOUNT} ${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" docker rm ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true ${DOCKER} "$@" } # If the Docker server is remote, copy the results back out. function copy-output() { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # When we are on the Mac with boot2docker we need to copy the results back # out. Ideally we would leave the container around and use 'docker cp' to # copy the results out. However, that doesn't work for mounted volumes # currently (https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/issues/1992). And it is # just plain broken (https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/issues/6483). # # The easiest thing I (jbeda) could figure out was to launch another # container pointed at the same volume, tar the output directory and ship # that tar over stdou. local DOCKER="docker run -a stdout --rm --name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER_MOUNT} ${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" # Kill any leftover container docker rm ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true echo "+++ Syncing back output directory from boot2docker VM" mkdir -p "${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR}" rm -rf "${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR}/*" ${DOCKER} sh -c "tar c -C ${REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR} ." \ | tar xv -C "${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR}" # I (jbeda) also tried getting rsync working using 'docker run' as the # 'remote shell'. This mostly worked but there was a hang when # closing/finishing things off. Ug. # # local DOCKER="docker run -i --rm --name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER_MOUNT} ${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" # DOCKER+=" bash -c 'shift ; exec \"\$@\"' --" # rsync --blocking-io -av -e "${DOCKER}" foo:${REMOTE_OUTPUT_DIR}/ ${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR} fi } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Release # Create a unique bucket name for releasing Kube and make sure it exists. function ensure-gcs-release-bucket() { if which md5 > /dev/null 2>&1; then HASH=$(md5 -q -s "$GCLOUD_PROJECT") else HASH=$(echo -n "$GCLOUD_PROJECT" | md5sum) fi HASH=${HASH:0:5} KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET=${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET-kubernetes-releases-$HASH} KUBE_RELEASE_PREFIX=${KUBE_RELEASE_PREFIX-devel/} KUBE_DOCKER_REG_PREFIX=${KUBE_DOCKER_REG_PREFIX-docker-reg/} if ! gsutil ls gs://${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Creating Google Cloud Storage bucket: $RELEASE_BUCKET" gsutil mb gs://${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET} fi } function ensure-gcs-docker-registry() { local -r REG_CONTAINER_NAME="gcs-registry" local -r RUNNING=$(docker inspect ${REG_CONTAINER_NAME} 2>/dev/null \ | build/json-extractor.py 0.State.Running 2>/dev/null) [[ "$RUNNING" != "true" ]] || return 0 # Grovel around and find the OAuth token in the gcloud config local -r BOTO=~/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/${GCLOUD_ACCOUNT}/.boto local -r REFRESH_TOKEN=$(grep 'gs_oauth2_refresh_token =' $BOTO | awk '{ print $3 }') if [[ -z $REFRESH_TOKEN ]]; then echo "Couldn't find OAuth 2 refresh token in ${BOTO}" >&2 return 1 fi # If we have an old one sitting around, remove it docker rm ${REG_CONTAINER_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true echo "+++ Starting GCS backed Docker registry" local DOCKER="docker run -d --name=${REG_CONTAINER_NAME} " DOCKER+="-e GCS_BUCKET=${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET} " DOCKER+="-e STORAGE_PATH=${KUBE_DOCKER_REG_PREFIX} " DOCKER+="-e GCP_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN=${REFRESH_TOKEN} " DOCKER+="-p " DOCKER+="google/docker-registry" ${DOCKER} # Give it time to spin up before we start throwing stuff at it sleep 5 } function push-images-to-gcs() { ensure-gcs-docker-registry # Tag each of our run binaries with the right registry and push for b in ${KUBE_RUN_BINARIES} ; do echo "+++ Tagging and pushing ${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b to GCS bucket ${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET}" docker tag "${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b" "localhost:5000/${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b" docker push "localhost:5000/${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b" docker rmi "localhost:5000/${KUBE_RUN_IMAGE_BASE}-$b" done } # Package up all of the cross compiled clients function package-tarballs() { mkdir -p "${RELEASE_DIR}" # Find all of the built kubecfg binaries for platform in output/build/*/* ; do echo $platform local PLATFORM_TAG=$(echo $platform | awk -F / '{ printf "%s-%s", $3, $4 }') echo "+++ Building client package for $PLATFORM_TAG" local CLIENT_RELEASE_STAGE="${KUBE_REPO_ROOT}/output/release-stage/${PLATFORM_TAG}/kubernetes" mkdir -p "${CLIENT_RELEASE_STAGE}" mkdir -p "${CLIENT_RELEASE_STAGE}/bin" cp $platform/* "${CLIENT_RELEASE_STAGE}/bin" local CLIENT_PACKAGE_NAME="${RELEASE_DIR}/kubernetes-${PLATFORM_TAG}.tar.gz" tar czf ${CLIENT_PACKAGE_NAME} \ -C "${CLIENT_RELEASE_STAGE}/.." \ . done } function copy-release-to-gcs() { # TODO: This isn't atomic. There will be points in time where there will be # no active release. Also, if something fails, the release could be half- # copied. The real way to do this would perhaps to have some sort of release # version so that we are never overwriting a destination. local -r GCS_DESTINATION="gs://${KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET}/${KUBE_RELEASE_PREFIX}" echo "+++ Copying client tarballs to ${GCS_DESTINATION}" # First delete all objects at the destination gsutil -q rm -f -R "${GCS_DESTINATION}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true # Now upload everything in release directory gsutil -m cp -r "${RELEASE_DIR}" "${GCS_DESTINATION}" >/dev/null 2>&1 }