/* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package master import ( "reflect" "sync" "testing" "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/api" "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/client" "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/leaky" "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/registry/registrytest" ) type podInfoCall struct { host string namespace string name string } type podInfoResponse struct { useCount int data api.PodStatusResult err error } type podInfoCalls map[podInfoCall]*podInfoResponse type FakePodInfoGetter struct { calls podInfoCalls lock sync.Mutex // default data/error to return, or you can add // responses to specific calls-- that will take precedence. data api.PodStatusResult err error } func (f *FakePodInfoGetter) GetPodStatus(host, namespace, name string) (api.PodStatusResult, error) { f.lock.Lock() defer f.lock.Unlock() if f.calls == nil { f.calls = podInfoCalls{} } key := podInfoCall{host, namespace, name} call, ok := f.calls[key] if !ok { f.calls[key] = &podInfoResponse{ 0, f.data, f.err, } call = f.calls[key] } call.useCount++ return call.data, call.err } func TestPodCacheGetDifferentNamespace(t *testing.T) { cache := NewPodCache(nil, nil, nil) expectedDefault := api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{ "foo": api.ContainerStatus{}, }, } expectedOther := api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{ "bar": api.ContainerStatus{}, }, } cache.podStatus[objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "foo"}] = expectedDefault cache.podStatus[objKey{"other", "foo"}] = expectedOther info, err := cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, &expectedDefault) { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", &expectedOther, info) } info, err = cache.GetPodStatus("other", "foo") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, &expectedOther) { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", &expectedOther, info) } } func TestPodCacheGet(t *testing.T) { cache := NewPodCache(nil, nil, nil) expected := api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{ "foo": api.ContainerStatus{}, }, } cache.podStatus[objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "foo"}] = expected info, err := cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, &expected) { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", &expected, info) } } func TestPodCacheDelete(t *testing.T) { config := podCacheTestConfig{ err: client.ErrPodInfoNotAvailable, } cache := config.Construct() expected := api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{ "foo": api.ContainerStatus{}, }, } cache.podStatus[objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "foo"}] = expected info, err := cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, &expected) { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", &expected, info) } cache.ClearPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") _, err = cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err == nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected non-error after deleting") } if err != client.ErrPodInfoNotAvailable { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v, expecting: %v", err, client.ErrPodInfoNotAvailable) } } func TestPodCacheGetMissing(t *testing.T) { pod1 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{"bar": api.ContainerStatus{}}}, nodes: []api.Node{*makeHealthyNode("machine", "")}, pod: pod1, } cache := config.Construct() status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if status == nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected non-status.") } } type podCacheTestConfig struct { nodes []api.Node pods []api.Pod pod *api.Pod err error kubeletContainerInfo api.PodStatus // Construct will fill in these fields fakePodInfo *FakePodInfoGetter fakeNodes *client.Fake fakePods *registrytest.PodRegistry } func (c *podCacheTestConfig) Construct() *PodCache { c.fakePodInfo = &FakePodInfoGetter{ data: api.PodStatusResult{ Status: c.kubeletContainerInfo, }, } c.fakeNodes = &client.Fake{ MinionsList: api.NodeList{ Items: c.nodes, }, } c.fakePods = registrytest.NewPodRegistry(&api.PodList{Items: c.pods}) c.fakePods.Pod = c.pod c.fakePods.Err = c.err return NewPodCache( c.fakePodInfo, c.fakeNodes.Nodes(), c.fakePods, ) } func makePod(namespace, name, host string, containers ...string) *api.Pod { pod := &api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: namespace, Name: name}, Status: api.PodStatus{Host: host}, } for _, c := range containers { pod.Spec.Containers = append(pod.Spec.Containers, api.Container{Name: c}) } return pod } func makeHealthyNode(name string, ip string) *api.Node { return &api.Node{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: name}, Status: api.NodeStatus{ HostIP: ip, Conditions: []api.NodeCondition{ {Kind: api.NodeReady, Status: api.ConditionFull}, }, }, } } func makeUnhealthyNode(name string) *api.Node { return &api.Node{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: name}, Status: api.NodeStatus{Conditions: []api.NodeCondition{ {Kind: api.NodeReady, Status: api.ConditionNone}, }}, } } func TestPodUpdateAllContainersClearsNodeStatus(t *testing.T) { node := makeHealthyNode("machine", "") pod1 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") pod2 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "baz", "machine", "qux") config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{"bar": api.ContainerStatus{}}}, nodes: []api.Node{*node}, pods: []api.Pod{*pod1, *pod2}, } cache := config.Construct() if len(cache.currentNodes) != 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected node cache: %v", cache.currentNodes) } key := objKey{"", "machine"} cache.currentNodes[key] = makeUnhealthyNode("machine").Status cache.UpdateAllContainers() if len(cache.currentNodes) != 1 { t.Errorf("unexpected empty node cache: %v", cache.currentNodes) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(cache.currentNodes[key], node.Status) { t.Errorf("unexpected status:\n%#v\nexpected:\n%#v\n", cache.currentNodes[key], node.Status) } } func TestPodUpdateAllContainers(t *testing.T) { pod1 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") pod2 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "baz", "machine", "qux") config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{"bar": api.ContainerStatus{}}}, nodes: []api.Node{*makeHealthyNode("machine", "")}, pods: []api.Pod{*pod1, *pod2}, } cache := config.Construct() cache.UpdateAllContainers() call1 := config.fakePodInfo.calls[podInfoCall{"machine", api.NamespaceDefault, "foo"}] call2 := config.fakePodInfo.calls[podInfoCall{"machine", api.NamespaceDefault, "baz"}] if call1 == nil || call1.useCount != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 call for 'foo': %+v", config.fakePodInfo.calls) } if call2 == nil || call2.useCount != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 call for 'baz': %+v", config.fakePodInfo.calls) } if len(config.fakePodInfo.calls) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expected 2 calls: %+v", config.fakePodInfo.calls) } status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } if e, a := config.kubeletContainerInfo.Info, status.Info; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", e, a) } if e, a := "", status.HostIP; e != a { t.Errorf("Unexpected mismatch. Expected: %+v, Got: %+v", e, a) } if e, a := 1, len(config.fakeNodes.Actions); e != a { t.Errorf("Expected: %v, Got: %v; %+v", e, a, config.fakeNodes.Actions) } else { if e, a := "get-minion", config.fakeNodes.Actions[0].Action; e != a { t.Errorf("Expected: %v, Got: %v; %+v", e, a, config.fakeNodes.Actions) } } } func TestFillPodStatusNoHost(t *testing.T) { pod := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "", "bar") config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{}, nodes: []api.Node{*makeHealthyNode("machine", "")}, pods: []api.Pod{*pod}, } cache := config.Construct() err := cache.updatePodStatus(&config.pods[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(pod.Namespace, pod.Name) if e, a := api.PodPending, status.Phase; e != a { t.Errorf("Expected: %+v, Got %+v", e, a) } } func TestFillPodStatusMissingMachine(t *testing.T) { pod := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{}, nodes: []api.Node{}, pods: []api.Pod{*pod}, } cache := config.Construct() err := cache.updatePodStatus(&config.pods[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(pod.Namespace, pod.Name) if e, a := api.PodUnknown, status.Phase; e != a { t.Errorf("Expected: %+v, Got %+v", e, a) } } func TestFillPodInfoNoData(t *testing.T) { pod := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") expectedIP := "" config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: api.PodStatus{ Phase: api.PodPending, Host: "machine", HostIP: "ip of machine", Info: api.PodInfo{ leaky.PodInfraContainerName: {}, }, }, nodes: []api.Node{*makeHealthyNode("machine", "ip of machine")}, pods: []api.Pod{*pod}, } cache := config.Construct() err := cache.updatePodStatus(&config.pods[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %+v", err) } status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(pod.Namespace, pod.Name) if e, a := &config.kubeletContainerInfo, status; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) { t.Errorf("Expected: %+v, Got %+v", e, a) } if status.PodIP != expectedIP { t.Errorf("Expected %s, Got %s", expectedIP, status.PodIP) } } func TestPodPhaseWithBadNode(t *testing.T) { desiredState := api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ {Name: "containerA"}, {Name: "containerB"}, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicy{Always: &api.RestartPolicyAlways{}}, } runningState := api.ContainerStatus{ State: api.ContainerState{ Running: &api.ContainerStateRunning{}, }, } stoppedState := api.ContainerStatus{ State: api.ContainerState{ Termination: &api.ContainerStateTerminated{}, }, } tests := []struct { pod *api.Pod nodes []api.Node status api.PodPhase test string }{ { &api.Pod{ Spec: desiredState, Status: api.PodStatus{ Host: "machine-two", }, }, []api.Node{}, api.PodUnknown, "no info, but bad machine", }, { &api.Pod{ Spec: desiredState, Status: api.PodStatus{ Info: map[string]api.ContainerStatus{ "containerA": runningState, "containerB": runningState, }, Host: "machine-two", }, }, []api.Node{}, api.PodUnknown, "all running but minion is missing", }, { &api.Pod{ Spec: desiredState, Status: api.PodStatus{ Info: map[string]api.ContainerStatus{ "containerA": stoppedState, "containerB": stoppedState, }, Host: "machine-two", }, }, []api.Node{}, api.PodUnknown, "all stopped but minion missing", }, { &api.Pod{ Spec: desiredState, Status: api.PodStatus{ Info: map[string]api.ContainerStatus{ "containerA": runningState, "containerB": runningState, }, Host: "machine-two", }, }, []api.Node{*makeUnhealthyNode("machine-two")}, api.PodUnknown, "all running but minion is unhealthy", }, { &api.Pod{ Spec: desiredState, Status: api.PodStatus{ Info: map[string]api.ContainerStatus{ "containerA": stoppedState, "containerB": stoppedState, }, Host: "machine-two", }, }, []api.Node{*makeUnhealthyNode("machine-two")}, api.PodUnknown, "all stopped but minion is unhealthy", }, } for _, test := range tests { config := podCacheTestConfig{ kubeletContainerInfo: test.pod.Status, nodes: test.nodes, pods: []api.Pod{*test.pod}, } cache := config.Construct() cache.UpdateAllContainers() status, err := cache.GetPodStatus(test.pod.Namespace, test.pod.Name) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected error %v", test.test, err) continue } if e, a := test.status, status.Phase; e != a { t.Errorf("In test %s, expected %v, got %v", test.test, e, a) } } } func TestGarbageCollection(t *testing.T) { pod1 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "foo", "machine", "bar") pod2 := makePod(api.NamespaceDefault, "baz", "machine", "qux") config := podCacheTestConfig{ pods: []api.Pod{*pod1, *pod2}, } cache := config.Construct() expected := api.PodStatus{ Info: api.PodInfo{ "extra": api.ContainerStatus{}, }, } cache.podStatus[objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "extra"}] = expected cache.GarbageCollectPodStatus() status, found := cache.podStatus[objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "extra"}] if found { t.Errorf("unexpectedly found: %v for key %v", status, objKey{api.NamespaceDefault, "extra"}) } }