## Getting start with Juju Juju handles provisioning machines and deploying complex systems to a wide number of clouds. ### Prerequisites #### On Ubuntu [Install the Juju client](https://juju.ubuntu.com/install) on your local ubuntu system: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install juju-core juju-quickstart #### With Docker If you are not using ubuntu or prefer the isolation of docker, you may run the following: mkdir ~/.juju sudo docker run -v ~/.juju:/home/ubuntu/.juju -ti whitmo/jujubox:latest At this point from either path you will have access to the `juju quickstart` command. To set up the credentials for your chosen cloud run: juju quickstart --constraints="mem=3.75G" -i Follow the dialogue and choose `save` and `use`. Quickstart will now bootstrap the juju root node and setup the juju web based user interface. ## Launch Kubernetes cluster juju quickstart https://raw.githubusercontent.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes/master/bundles.yaml First this command will start a curses based gui allowing you to set up credentials and other environmental settings for several different providers including Azure and AWS. Next it will deploy the kubernetes master, etcd, 2 minions with flannel networking. ## Exploring the cluster Juju status provides information about each unit in the cluster: juju status --format=oneline - etcd/0: (started) - flannel/0: (started) - flannel/1: (started) - juju-gui/0: (started) - kubernetes/0: (started) - kubernetes/1: (started) - kubernetes-master/0: (started) You can use `juju ssh` to access any of the units: juju ssh kubernetes-master/0 ## Run some containers! `kubectl` is available on the kubernetes master node. We'll ssh in to launch some containers, but one could use kubectl locally setting KUBERNETES_MASTER to point at the ip of `kubernetes-master/0`. No pods will be available before starting a container: kubectl get pods POD CONTAINER(S) IMAGE(S) HOST LABELS STATUS kubectl get replicationControllers CONTROLLER CONTAINER(S) IMAGE(S) SELECTOR REPLICAS We'll follow the aws-coreos example. Create a pod manifest: `pod.json` ``` { "id": "hello", "kind": "Pod", "apiVersion": "v1beta1", "desiredState": { "manifest": { "version": "v1beta1", "id": "hello", "containers": [{ "name": "hello", "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello", "ports": [{ "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80 }] }] } }, "labels": { "name": "hello", "environment": "testing" } } ``` Create the pod with kubectl: kubectl create -f pod.json Get info on the pod: kubectl get pods To test the hello app, we'll need to locate which minion is hosting the container. Better tooling for using juju to introspect container is in the works but for let'suse `juju run` and `juju status` to find our hello app. Exit out of our ssh session and run: juju run --unit kubernetes/0 "docker ps -n=1" ... juju run --unit kubernetes/1 "docker ps -n=1" CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 02beb61339d8 quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello:latest /hello About an hour ago Up About an hour k8s_hello.... We see `kubernetes/1` has our container, we can open port 80: juju run --unit kubernetes/1 "open-port 80" juju expose kubernetes sudo apt-get install curl curl $(juju status --format=oneline kubernetes/1 | cut -d' ' -f3) Finally delete the pod: juju ssh kubernetes-master/0 kubectl delete pods hello ## Scale out cluster We can add minion units like so: juju add-unit flannel # creates unit flannel/2 juju add-unit kubernetes --to flannel/2 ## Tear down cluster juju destroy-environment --force `juju env` ## More Info Kubernetes Bundle on Github - [Bundle Repository](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) * [Kubernetes master charm](https://github.com/whitmo/charm-kubernetes-master) * [Kubernetes mininion charm](https://github.com/whitmo/charm-kubernetes) - [Bundle Documentation](http://whitmo.github.io/bundle-kubernetes) - [More about Juju](https://juju.ubuntu.com) ### Cloud compatibility Juju runs natively against a variety of cloud providers and can be made to work against many more using a generic manual provider. Provider | v0.8.1 -------------- | ------- AWS | [Pass](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-parent-136) HPCloud | [Pass](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-parent-136) OpenStack | [Pass](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-parent-136) Joyent | [Pass](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-parent-136) Azure | TBD Digital Ocean | TBD MAAS (bare metal) | TBD GCE | TBD