//go:build linux // +build linux package agent import ( "net" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/k3s-io/k3s/pkg/cgroups" "github.com/k3s-io/k3s/pkg/daemons/config" "github.com/k3s-io/k3s/pkg/util" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "golang.org/x/sys/unix" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubeapiserver/authorizer/modes" utilsnet "k8s.io/utils/net" ) const socketPrefix = "unix://" func createRootlessConfig(argsMap map[string]string, controllers map[string]bool) { argsMap["feature-gates=KubeletInUserNamespace"] = "true" // "/sys/fs/cgroup" is namespaced cgroupfsWritable := unix.Access("/sys/fs/cgroup", unix.W_OK) == nil if controllers["cpu"] && controllers["pids"] && cgroupfsWritable { logrus.Info("cgroup v2 controllers are delegated for rootless.") return } logrus.Fatal("delegated cgroup v2 controllers are required for rootless.") } func kubeProxyArgs(cfg *config.Agent) map[string]string { bindAddress := "" isIPv6 := utilsnet.IsIPv6(net.ParseIP([]string{cfg.NodeIP}[0])) if isIPv6 { bindAddress = "::1" } argsMap := map[string]string{ "proxy-mode": "iptables", "healthz-bind-address": bindAddress, "kubeconfig": cfg.KubeConfigKubeProxy, "cluster-cidr": util.JoinIPNets(cfg.ClusterCIDRs), "conntrack-max-per-core": "0", "conntrack-tcp-timeout-established": "0s", "conntrack-tcp-timeout-close-wait": "0s", } if cfg.NodeName != "" { argsMap["hostname-override"] = cfg.NodeName } return argsMap } func kubeletArgs(cfg *config.Agent) map[string]string { bindAddress := "" isIPv6 := utilsnet.IsIPv6(net.ParseIP([]string{cfg.NodeIP}[0])) if isIPv6 { bindAddress = "::1" } argsMap := map[string]string{ "healthz-bind-address": bindAddress, "read-only-port": "0", "cluster-domain": cfg.ClusterDomain, "kubeconfig": cfg.KubeConfigKubelet, "eviction-hard": "imagefs.available<5%,nodefs.available<5%", "eviction-minimum-reclaim": "imagefs.available=10%,nodefs.available=10%", "fail-swap-on": "false", "cgroup-driver": "cgroupfs", "authentication-token-webhook": "true", "anonymous-auth": "false", "authorization-mode": modes.ModeWebhook, } if cfg.PodManifests != "" && argsMap["pod-manifest-path"] == "" { argsMap["pod-manifest-path"] = cfg.PodManifests } if err := os.MkdirAll(argsMap["pod-manifest-path"], 0755); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Failed to mkdir %s: %v", argsMap["pod-manifest-path"], err) } if cfg.RootDir != "" { argsMap["root-dir"] = cfg.RootDir argsMap["cert-dir"] = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "pki") } if len(cfg.ClusterDNS) > 0 { argsMap["cluster-dns"] = util.JoinIPs(cfg.ClusterDNSs) } if cfg.ResolvConf != "" { argsMap["resolv-conf"] = cfg.ResolvConf } if cfg.RuntimeSocket != "" { argsMap["serialize-image-pulls"] = "false" if strings.Contains(cfg.RuntimeSocket, "containerd") { argsMap["containerd"] = cfg.RuntimeSocket } // cadvisor wants the containerd CRI socket without the prefix, but kubelet wants it with the prefix if strings.HasPrefix(cfg.RuntimeSocket, socketPrefix) { argsMap["container-runtime-endpoint"] = cfg.RuntimeSocket } else { argsMap["container-runtime-endpoint"] = socketPrefix + cfg.RuntimeSocket } } if cfg.PauseImage != "" { argsMap["pod-infra-container-image"] = cfg.PauseImage } if cfg.ImageServiceSocket != "" { if strings.HasPrefix(cfg.ImageServiceSocket, socketPrefix) { argsMap["image-service-endpoint"] = cfg.ImageServiceSocket } else { argsMap["image-service-endpoint"] = socketPrefix + cfg.ImageServiceSocket } } if cfg.ListenAddress != "" { argsMap["address"] = cfg.ListenAddress } if cfg.ClientCA != "" { argsMap["anonymous-auth"] = "false" argsMap["client-ca-file"] = cfg.ClientCA } if cfg.ServingKubeletCert != "" && cfg.ServingKubeletKey != "" { argsMap["tls-cert-file"] = cfg.ServingKubeletCert argsMap["tls-private-key-file"] = cfg.ServingKubeletKey } if cfg.NodeName != "" { argsMap["hostname-override"] = cfg.NodeName } // If the embedded CCM is disabled, don't assume that dual-stack node IPs are safe. // When using an external CCM, the user wants dual-stack node IPs, they will need to set the node-ip kubelet arg directly. // This should be fine since most cloud providers have their own way of finding node IPs that doesn't depend on the kubelet // setting them. if cfg.DisableCCM { dualStack, err := utilsnet.IsDualStackIPs(cfg.NodeIPs) if err == nil && !dualStack { argsMap["node-ip"] = cfg.NodeIP } } else { // Cluster is using the embedded CCM, we know that the feature-gate will be enabled there as well. argsMap["feature-gates"] = util.AddFeatureGate(argsMap["feature-gates"], "CloudDualStackNodeIPs=true") if nodeIPs := util.JoinIPs(cfg.NodeIPs); nodeIPs != "" { argsMap["node-ip"] = util.JoinIPs(cfg.NodeIPs) } } kubeletRoot, runtimeRoot, controllers := cgroups.CheckCgroups() if !controllers["cpu"] { logrus.Warn("Disabling CPU quotas due to missing cpu controller or cpu.cfs_period_us") argsMap["cpu-cfs-quota"] = "false" } if !controllers["pids"] { logrus.Fatal("pids cgroup controller not found") } if kubeletRoot != "" { argsMap["kubelet-cgroups"] = kubeletRoot } if runtimeRoot != "" { argsMap["runtime-cgroups"] = runtimeRoot } argsMap["node-labels"] = strings.Join(cfg.NodeLabels, ",") if len(cfg.NodeTaints) > 0 { argsMap["register-with-taints"] = strings.Join(cfg.NodeTaints, ",") } if !cfg.DisableCCM { argsMap["cloud-provider"] = "external" } if ImageCredProvAvailable(cfg) { logrus.Infof("Kubelet image credential provider bin dir and configuration file found.") argsMap["feature-gates"] = util.AddFeatureGate(argsMap["feature-gates"], "KubeletCredentialProviders=true") argsMap["image-credential-provider-bin-dir"] = cfg.ImageCredProvBinDir argsMap["image-credential-provider-config"] = cfg.ImageCredProvConfig } if cfg.Rootless { createRootlessConfig(argsMap, controllers) } if cfg.Systemd { argsMap["cgroup-driver"] = "systemd" } if cfg.ProtectKernelDefaults { argsMap["protect-kernel-defaults"] = "true" } if !cfg.DisableServiceLB { argsMap["allowed-unsafe-sysctls"] = "net.ipv4.ip_forward,net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" } return argsMap }