var gulp = require('gulp'), concat = require('gulp-concat'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), less = require('gulp-less'), path = require('path'), livereload = require('gulp-livereload'), path = require('path'), changed = require('gulp-changed'), prettify = require('gulp-html-prettify'), w3cjs = require('gulp-w3cjs'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), through = require('through2'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), htmlify = require('gulp-angular-htmlify'), minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'), gulpFilter = require('gulp-filter'), expect = require('gulp-expect-file'), gulpsync = require('gulp-sync')(gulp), ngAnnotate = require('gulp-ng-annotate'), sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'), del = require('del'), jsoncombine = require('gulp-jsoncombine'), ngConstant = require('gulp-ng-constant'), foreach = require('gulp-foreach'), gcallback = require('gulp-callback'), changeCase = require('change-case'), tag_version = require('gulp-tag-version'), PluginError = gutil.PluginError; // LiveReload port. Change it only if there's a conflict var lvr_port = 35729; var W3C_OPTIONS = { // Set here your local validator if your using one. leave it empty if not // uri: 'http://validator/check', doctype: 'HTML5', output: 'json', // Remove some messages that angular will always display. filter: function(message) { if (/Element head is missing a required instance of child element title/.test(message)) { return false; } if (/Attribute .+ not allowed on element .+ at this point/.test(message)) { return false; } if (/Element .+ not allowed as child of element .+ in this context/.test(message)) { return false; } if (/Comments seen before doctype./.test(message)) { return false; } } }; // production mode (see build task) var isProduction = false; var useSourceMaps = false; // ignore everything that begins with underscore var hidden_files = '**/_*.*'; var ignored_files = '!' + hidden_files; var output_folder = '../app'; // VENDOR CONFIG var vendor = { // vendor scripts required to start the app base: { source: require('./vendor.base.json'), dest: '../app/assets/js', name: 'base.js' }, // vendor scripts to make to app work. Usually via lazy loading app: { // instead of the bower downloaded versions of some files, we // pull hand edited versions from the shared/vendor directory. source: require('./vendor.json'), dest: '../app/vendor' } }; // SOURCES CONFIG var source = { scripts: { app: [ 'js/app.preinit.js', 'js/app.init.js', 'js/app.config.js', 'js/app.directive.js', 'js/', 'js/app.service.js', 'js/app.provider.js', 'js/tabs.js', 'js/sections.js', 'shared/config/generated-config.js', 'shared/js/modules/*.js', 'shared/js/modules/controllers/*.js', 'shared/js/modules/directives/*.js', 'shared/js/modules/services/*.js', 'components/**/js/**/*.js' ], dest: { name: 'app.js', dir: '../app/assets/js' }, watch: [ 'manifest.json', 'js/**/*.js', 'shared/**/*.js', 'shared/config/*.json', 'components/*/js/**/*.js', 'components/*/config/*.json' ] }, styles: { app: { source: ['less/app/base.less', 'components/*/less/*.less'], paths: ['less/app', 'components'], dest: '../app/assets/css', watch: ['less/*.less', 'less/**/*.less', 'components/**/less/*.less', 'components/**/less/**/*.less'] } }, html: { app: { source: ['shared/index.html'], dest: '../app' }, views: { source: ['shared/views/**/*.*'], dest: '../app' }, watch: ['shared/index.html', 'shared/views/**/*.*'] }, components: { source: [ 'components/**/*.*', '!components/**/js/**/*.*', '!components/**/config/**/*.*', '!components/**/protractor/**/*.*', '!components/**/test/**/*.*', '!components/**/less/**/*.*', '!components/**/' ], dest: '../app/components', watch: [ 'components/**/*.*', '!components/**/js/**/*.*', '!components/**/config/**/*.*', '!components/**/protractor/**/*.*', '!components/**/test/**/*.*', '!components/**/less/**/*.*', '!components/**/' ] }, config: { dest: 'shared/config' }, assets: { source: ['shared/assets/**/*.*'], dest: '../app/assets', watch: ['shared/assets/**/*.*'] } }; function stringSrc(filename, string) { var src = require('stream').Readable({objectMode: true}); src._read = function() { this.push(new gutil.File({cwd: "", base: "", path: filename, contents: new Buffer(string)})); this.push(null); }; return src; } // Error handler function handleError(err) { console.log(err.toString()); this.emit('end'); process.exit(1); } //--------------- // TASKS //--------------- var manifestDirectory = function(manifestFile) { return manifestFile.relative.slice(0, '/manifest.json'.length * -1); }; gulp.task('bundle-manifest', function() { var components = []; var namespace = []; gulp.src('./components/*/manifest.json') .pipe(foreach (function(stream, file) { var component = manifestDirectory(file); components.push(component); namespace.push(changeCase.camelCase(component)); return stream; })) .pipe(gcallback(function() { var tabs = []; components.forEach(function(component) { tabs.push({component: component, title: changeCase.titleCase(component)}); }); stringSrc("tabs.js", 'app.value("tabs", ' + JSON.stringify(tabs) + ');').pipe(gulp.dest("js")); var _appNS = 'kubernetesApp.components.'; var _appSkeleton = require('./js/app.skeleton.json'); stringSrc("app.preinit.js", _appSkeleton.appSkeleton.replace('%s', '"' + _appNS + namespace.join('", "' + _appNS) + '"')) .pipe(gulp.dest("js")); })); }); gulp.task('bundle-manifest-routes', function() { var sections = []; gulp.src('./components/*/manifest.json') .pipe(foreach (function(stream, file) { var component = manifestDirectory(file); var manifestFile = require(file.path); var routes = []; if (manifestFile.routes) { manifestFile.routes.forEach(function(r) { // Hacky deep copy. Modifying manifestFile here will be repeated // each time the task is called (consider watch/reload) due to // cached file reads. var route = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r)); if (route.url) { route.url = '/' + component + route.url; } routes.push(route); }); } sections = sections.concat(routes); return stream; })) .pipe(gcallback(function() { var output_sections = JSON.stringify(sections); var _file_contents = 'app.constant("manifestRoutes", ' + output_sections + ');\n'; stringSrc("sections.js", _file_contents).pipe(gulp.dest("js")); })); }); // JS APP gulp.task('scripts:app', gulpsync.sync(['bundle-manifest', 'bundle-manifest-routes', 'config', 'scripts:app:base'])); // JS APP BUILD gulp.task('scripts:app:base', function() { // Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts) return gulp.src( .pipe(useSourceMaps ? sourcemaps.init() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(concat( .pipe(ngAnnotate()) // Now that we run a production build, uglification is breaking angular injection, // so disable it for now. // TODO: Find out which dependencies are not string based and upgrade them accordingly. // .pipe(isProduction ? uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}) : gutil.noop()) .pipe(useSourceMaps ? sourcemaps.write() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(gulp.dest(source.scripts.dest.dir)) .on("error", handleError); }); // VENDOR BUILD gulp.task('scripts:vendor', gulpsync.sync(['scripts:vendor:base', 'scripts:vendor:app'])); // This will be included vendor files statically gulp.task('scripts:vendor:base', function() { // Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts) return gulp.src(vendor.base.source) .pipe(expect({ errorOnFailure: true }, vendor.base.source)) .pipe(isProduction ? uglify() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(concat( .pipe(gulp.dest(vendor.base.dest)) .on("error", handleError); }); // copy file from bower folder into the app vendor folder gulp.task('scripts:vendor:app', function() { var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js'); var cssFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.css'); return gulp.src( .pipe(expect({ errorOnFailure: true }, .pipe(jsFilter) .pipe(isProduction ? uglify() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(jsFilter.restore()) .pipe(cssFilter) .pipe(isProduction ? minifyCSS() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(cssFilter.restore()) .pipe(gulp.dest( .on("error", handleError); }); // APP LESS gulp.task('styles:app', function() { return gulp.src( .pipe(foreach (function(stream, file) { return stringSrc('import.less', '@import "' + file.relative + '";\n'); })) .pipe(concat('app.less')) .pipe(useSourceMaps ? sourcemaps.init() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(less({paths:})) .pipe(isProduction ? minifyCSS() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(useSourceMaps ? sourcemaps.write() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(gulp.dest( .on("error", handleError); }); gulp.task('config', gulpsync.sync(['config:base', 'config:copy'])); gulp.task('config:base', function() { return stringSrc('generated-config.js', 'angular.module("kubernetesApp.config", [])' + '\n' + '.constant("ENV", {})').pipe(gulp.dest(source.config.dest)); }); gulp.task('config:copy', function() { var environment = isProduction ? 'production' : 'development'; return gulp.src(['shared/config/' + environment + '.json', 'components/**/config/' + environment + '.json']) .pipe(expect({ errorOnFailure: true }, 'shared/config/' + environment + '.json')) .on("error", handleError) .pipe(jsoncombine('generated-config.js', function(data) { var env = Object.keys(data).reduce(function(result, key) { // Map the key "environment" to "/" and the keys "component/config/environment" to "component". var newKey = key.replace(environment, '/').replace(/\/config\/\/$/, ''); result[newKey] = data[key]; return result; }, {}); return new Buffer(JSON.stringify({'ENV': env})); })) .pipe(ngConstant({name: 'kubernetesApp.config', deps: [], constants: {ngConstant: true}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(source.config.dest)); }); gulp.task('copy:components', function() { var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js'); var cssFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.css'); return gulp.src(source.components.source, {base: 'components'}) .pipe(expect({ errorOnFailure: true }, source.components.source)) .pipe(jsFilter) .pipe(isProduction ? uglify() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(jsFilter.restore()) .pipe(cssFilter) .pipe(isProduction ? minifyCSS() : gutil.noop()) .pipe(cssFilter.restore()) .pipe(gulp.dest(source.components.dest)) .on("error", handleError); }); gulp.task('copy:shared-assets', function() { return gulp.src(source.assets.source, {base: 'shared/assets'}) .pipe(gulp.dest(source.assets.dest)); }); // Assuming there's "version: 1.2.3" in package.json, // tag the last commit as "v1.2.3"// gulp.task('tag', function() { return gulp.src(['./package.json']).pipe(tag_version()); }); // VIEWS gulp.task('content:html', gulpsync.sync(['content:html:app', 'content:html:views'])); gulp.task('content:html:app', function() { return gulp.src(, {base: 'shared'}) .pipe(prettify({ indent_char: ' ', indent_size: 4, unformatted: ['a', 'sub', 'sup', 'b', 'i', 'u'] })) .pipe(gulp.dest( .on("error", handleError); }); gulp.task('content:html:views', function() { return gulp.src(source.html.views.source, {base: 'shared'}) .pipe(prettify({ indent_char: ' ', indent_size: 4, unformatted: ['a', 'sub', 'sup', 'b', 'i', 'u'] })) .pipe(gulp.dest(source.html.views.dest)) .on("error", handleError); }); //--------------- // WATCH //--------------- // Rerun the task when a file changes gulp.task('watch', function() { livereload.listen();, ['content:html']);, ['scripts:app']);, ['styles:app']);, ['copy:components']);, ['copy:shared-assets']);['../app/**']) .on('change', function(event) { livereload.changed(event.path); }); }); //--------------- // ENTRY POINTS //--------------- // build for production (minify) gulp.task('build', gulpsync.sync(['prod', 'clean', 'compile'])); gulp.task('prod', function() { isProduction = true; }); // build with sourcemaps (no minify) gulp.task('sourcemaps', gulpsync.sync(['usesources', 'compile'])); gulp.task('usesources', function() { useSourceMaps = true; }); // build for development (no minify) gulp.task('default', gulpsync.sync(['clean', 'compile', 'watch']), function() { gutil.log(gutil.colors.cyan('************')); gutil.log('You can start editing your code. LiveReload will update your browser after any change.'); gutil.log(gutil.colors.cyan('************')); }); gulp.task('clean', function() { del.sync(['shared/config/generated-config.js'], {force: true}); del.sync([output_folder], {force: true}); }); gulp.task('compile', gulpsync.sync([ 'copy:shared-assets', 'copy:components', 'content:html', 'scripts:vendor', 'scripts:app', 'styles:app' ]));