package snapshot_test import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" testutil "" . "" . "" ) var server *testutil.K3sServer var serverArgs = []string{"--cluster-init"} var testLock int var populatedTestSnapshotDir string var emptyTestSnapshotDir string var etcdSnapshotFilePattern = "test-snapshot" var etcdSnapshotRetention = 1 var _ = BeforeSuite(func() { if !testutil.IsExistingServer() { var err error testLock, err = testutil.K3sTestLock() Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) server, err = testutil.K3sStartServer(serverArgs...) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) } }) var _ = Describe("etcd snapshots", Ordered, func() { BeforeEach(func() { if testutil.IsExistingServer() && !testutil.ServerArgsPresent(serverArgs) { Skip("Test needs k3s server with: " + strings.Join(serverArgs, " ")) } }) When("a new etcd is created", func() { It("starts up with no problems", func() { Eventually(func() error { return testutil.K3sDefaultDeployments() }, "180s", "10s").Should(Succeed()) }) It("saves an etcd snapshot", func() { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "save")). To(ContainSubstring("saved")) }) It("list snapshots", func() { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls")). To(MatchRegexp(`:///var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/snapshots/on-demand`)) }) It("deletes a snapshot", func() { lsResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) reg, err := regexp.Compile(`(?m)^on-demand[^\s]+`) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) snapshotName := reg.FindString(lsResult) Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "delete", snapshotName)). To(ContainSubstring("Snapshot " + snapshotName + " deleted locally")) }) }) When("saving a custom name", func() { It("saves an etcd snapshot with a custom name", func() { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "save --name ALIVEBEEF")). To(ContainSubstring("Saving etcd snapshot to /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/snapshots/ALIVEBEEF")) }) It("deletes that snapshot", func() { lsResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) reg, err := regexp.Compile(`(?m)^ALIVEBEEF[^\s]+`) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) snapshotName := reg.FindString(lsResult) Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "delete", snapshotName)). To(ContainSubstring("Snapshot " + snapshotName + " deleted locally")) }) }) When("using etcd snapshot prune", func() { It("saves 3 different snapshots", func() { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "save -name PRUNE_TEST")). To(ContainSubstring("saved")) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "save -name PRUNE_TEST")). To(ContainSubstring("saved")) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "save -name PRUNE_TEST")). To(ContainSubstring("saved")) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) }) It("lists all 3 snapshots", func() { lsResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) reg, err := regexp.Compile(`(?m):///var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/snapshots/PRUNE_TEST`) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) sepLines := reg.FindAllString(lsResult, -1) Expect(sepLines).To(HaveLen(3)) }) It("prunes snapshots down to 2", func() { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "prune --snapshot-retention 2 --name PRUNE_TEST")). To(ContainSubstring("Removing local snapshot")) lsResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) reg, err := regexp.Compile(`(?m):///var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/db/snapshots/PRUNE_TEST`) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) sepLines := reg.FindAllString(lsResult, -1) Expect(sepLines).To(HaveLen(2)) }) It("cleans up remaining snapshots", func() { lsResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "ls") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) reg, err := regexp.Compile(`(?m)^PRUNE_TEST[^\s]+`) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) for _, snapshotName := range reg.FindAllString(lsResult, -1) { Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("etcd-snapshot", "delete", snapshotName)). To(ContainSubstring("Snapshot " + snapshotName + " deleted locally")) } }) }) When("a new etcd is created with server start flags", func() { It("kills previous server and start up with no problems", func() { var err error Expect(testutil.K3sKillServer(server)).To(Succeed()) localServerArgs := []string{"--cluster-init", "--etcd-snapshot-name", etcdSnapshotFilePattern, "--etcd-snapshot-dir", populatedTestSnapshotDir, "--etcd-snapshot-retention", fmt.Sprint(etcdSnapshotRetention), "--etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron", `* * * * *`, "--etcd-snapshot-compress"} server, err = testutil.K3sStartServer(localServerArgs...) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(func() error { return testutil.K3sDefaultDeployments() }, "180s", "5s").Should(Succeed()) }) It("saves an etcd snapshot with specified name and it should be no more than 1 compressed file", func() { Eventually(func() (int, error) { matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(populatedTestSnapshotDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", "*", etcdSnapshotFilePattern, "*.zip"))) return len(matches), err }, "180s", "30s").Should(Equal(etcdSnapshotRetention)) Consistently(func() (int, error) { matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(populatedTestSnapshotDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", "*", etcdSnapshotFilePattern, "*.zip"))) return len(matches), err }, "120s", "30s").Should(Equal(etcdSnapshotRetention)) }) It("kills previous server and start up with no problems and disabled snapshots", func() { var err error Expect(testutil.K3sKillServer(server)).To(Succeed()) localServerArgs := []string{"--cluster-init", "--etcd-snapshot-dir", emptyTestSnapshotDir, "--etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron", `* * * * *`, "--etcd-disable-snapshots"} server, err = testutil.K3sStartServer(localServerArgs...) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(func() error { return testutil.K3sDefaultDeployments() }, "180s", "5s").Should(Succeed()) }) It("should not save any snapshot", func() { Consistently(func() error { matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(emptyTestSnapshotDir, "*")) if matches != nil || err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("something went wrong: err != nil (%v) or matches != nil (%v)", err, matches) } return nil }, "180s", "60s").Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) var failed bool var _ = AfterEach(func() { failed = failed || CurrentSpecReport().Failed() }) var _ = AfterSuite(func() { if !testutil.IsExistingServer() { if failed { testutil.K3sSaveLog(server, false) } Expect(testutil.K3sKillServer(server)).To(Succeed()) Expect(testutil.K3sCleanup(testLock, "")).To(Succeed()) } }) func Test_IntegrationEtcdSnapshot(t *testing.T) { RegisterFailHandler(Fail) populatedTestSnapshotDir = t.TempDir() emptyTestSnapshotDir = t.TempDir() RunSpecs(t, "Etcd Snapshot Suite") }