package cmds import ( "time" "" "" ) const EtcdSnapshotCommand = "etcd-snapshot" var EtcdSnapshotFlags = []cli.Flag{ DebugFlag, ConfigFlag, LogFile, AlsoLogToStderr, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "node-name", Usage: "(agent/node) Node name", EnvVar: version.ProgramUpper + "_NODE_NAME", Destination: &AgentConfig.NodeName, }, DataDirFlag, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "etcd-token,t", Usage: "(cluster) Shared secret used to authenticate to etcd server", Destination: &ServerConfig.Token, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "etcd-server, s", Usage: "(cluster) Server with etcd role to connect to for snapshot management operations", Value: "", Destination: &ServerConfig.ServerURL, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dir,etcd-snapshot-dir", Usage: "(db) Directory to save etcd on-demand snapshot. (default: ${data-dir}/server/db/snapshots)", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotDir, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "name", Usage: "(db) Set the base name of the etcd on-demand snapshot (appended with UNIX timestamp).", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotName, Value: "on-demand", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "snapshot-compress,etcd-snapshot-compress", Usage: "(db) Compress etcd snapshot", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotCompress, }, &cli.IntFlag{ Name: "snapshot-retention,etcd-snapshot-retention", Usage: "(db) Number of snapshots to retain.", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdSnapshotRetention, Value: defaultSnapshotRentention, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "s3,etcd-s3", Usage: "(db) Enable backup to S3", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-endpoint,etcd-s3-endpoint", Usage: "(db) S3 endpoint url", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Endpoint, Value: "", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-endpoint-ca,etcd-s3-endpoint-ca", Usage: "(db) S3 custom CA cert to connect to S3 endpoint", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3EndpointCA, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "s3-skip-ssl-verify,etcd-s3-skip-ssl-verify", Usage: "(db) Disables S3 SSL certificate validation", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3SkipSSLVerify, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-access-key,etcd-s3-access-key", Usage: "(db) S3 access key", EnvVar: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3AccessKey, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-secret-key,etcd-s3-secret-key", Usage: "(db) S3 secret key", EnvVar: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3SecretKey, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-bucket,etcd-s3-bucket", Usage: "(db) S3 bucket name", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3BucketName, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-region,etcd-s3-region", Usage: "(db) S3 region / bucket location (optional)", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Region, Value: "us-east-1", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-folder,etcd-s3-folder", Usage: "(db) S3 folder", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Folder, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-proxy,etcd-s3-proxy", Usage: "(db) Proxy server to use when connecting to S3, overriding any proxy-releated environment variables", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Proxy, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "s3-config-secret,etcd-s3-config-secret", Usage: "(db) Name of secret in the kube-system namespace used to configure S3, if etcd-s3 is enabled and no other etcd-s3 options are set", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3ConfigSecret, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "s3-insecure,etcd-s3-insecure", Usage: "(db) Disables S3 over HTTPS", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Insecure, }, &cli.DurationFlag{ Name: "s3-timeout,etcd-s3-timeout", Usage: "(db) S3 timeout", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdS3Timeout, Value: 5 * time.Minute, }, } func NewEtcdSnapshotCommands(delete, list, prune, save func(ctx *cli.Context) error) cli.Command { return cli.Command{ Name: EtcdSnapshotCommand, SkipFlagParsing: false, SkipArgReorder: true, Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "save", Usage: "Trigger an immediate etcd snapshot", SkipFlagParsing: false, SkipArgReorder: true, Action: save, Flags: EtcdSnapshotFlags, }, { Name: "delete", Usage: "Delete given snapshot(s)", SkipFlagParsing: false, SkipArgReorder: true, Action: delete, Flags: EtcdSnapshotFlags, }, { Name: "ls", Aliases: []string{"list", "l"}, Usage: "List snapshots", SkipFlagParsing: false, SkipArgReorder: true, Action: list, Flags: append(EtcdSnapshotFlags, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "o,output", Usage: "(db) List format. Default: standard. Optional: json", Destination: &ServerConfig.EtcdListFormat, }), }, { Name: "prune", Usage: "Remove snapshots that match the name prefix that exceed the configured retention count", SkipFlagParsing: false, SkipArgReorder: true, Action: prune, Flags: EtcdSnapshotFlags, }, }, Flags: EtcdSnapshotFlags, } }