#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh" FAIL_ON_CHANGES=false DRY_RUN=false RUN_FROM_UPDATE_SCRIPT=false while getopts ":fdu" opt; do case $opt in f) FAIL_ON_CHANGES=true ;; d) DRY_RUN=true ;; u) RUN_FROM_UPDATE_SCRIPT=true ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done readonly FAIL_ON_CHANGES DRY_RUN if [ "${RUN_FROM_UPDATE_SCRIPT}" != true ]; then echo "Do not run this script directly, but via hack/update-staging-client-go.sh." exit 1 fi # PREREQUISITES: run `godep restore` in the main repo before calling this script. kube::util::ensure-temp-dir TMP_GOPATH="${KUBE_TEMP}/go" mkdir -p "${TMP_GOPATH}/src/k8s.io" CLIENTSET="clientset" MAIN_REPO_FROM_SRC="k8s.io/kubernetes" MAIN_REPO="$(cd "${KUBE_ROOT}"; pwd)" # absolute path CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC="k8s.io/client-go" CLIENT_REPO="${MAIN_REPO}/staging/src/${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}" CLIENT_REPO_TEMP="${TMP_GOPATH}/src/k8s.io/construct-client-go" if LANG=C sed --help 2>&1 | grep -q GNU; then SED="sed" elif which gsed &>/dev/null; then SED="gsed" else echo "Failed to find GNU sed as sed or gsed. If you are on Mac: brew install gnu-sed." >&2 exit 1 fi # working in the ${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP} so 'godep save' won't complain about dirty working tree. echo "creating the tmp directory" mkdir -p "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" cd "${CLIENT_REPO}" # there are two classes of package in staging/client-go, those which are authoritative (client-go has the only copy) # and those which are copied and rewritten (client-go is not authoritative). # we first copy out the authoritative packages to the temp location, then copy non-authoritative packages # then save over the original # save copies code from client-go into the temp folder to make sure we don't lose it by accident # TODO this is temporary until everything in certain directories is authoritative function save() { mkdir -p "$(dirname "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/$1")" cp -r "${CLIENT_REPO}/$1"* "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/" } # save everything for which the staging directory is the source of truth save "discovery" save "dynamic" save "rest" save "testing" save "tools" save "transport" save "third_party" save "plugin" save "util" save "examples" save "OWNERS" # mkcp copies file from the main repo to the client repo, it creates the directory if it doesn't exist in the client repo. function mkcp() { mkdir -p "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/$2" && cp -r "${MAIN_REPO}/$1" "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/$2" } # assemble all the other parts of the staging directory echo "copying client packages" # need to copy version. We aren't authoritative here # version has subdirs which we don't need. Only copy the files we want mkdir -p "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/pkg/version" find "${MAIN_REPO}/pkg/version" -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -I{} cp {} "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/pkg/version" # need to copy clientsets, though later we should copy APIs and later generate clientsets mkcp "pkg/client/clientset_generated/${CLIENTSET}" "pkg/client/clientset_generated" mkcp "pkg/client/informers/informers_generated/externalversions" "pkg/client/informers/informers_generated" mkcp "pkg/api/helper" "pkg/api" mkcp "pkg/api/v1/resource" "pkg/api/v1" mkcp "pkg/api/v1/node" "pkg/api/v1" pushd "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" > /dev/null echo "generating vendor/" # make snapshots for repos in staging/" for repo in $(ls ${KUBE_ROOT}/staging/src/k8s.io); do cp -a "${KUBE_ROOT}/staging/src/k8s.io/${repo}" "${TMP_GOPATH}/src/k8s.io/" pushd "${TMP_GOPATH}/src/k8s.io/${repo}" >/dev/null git init >/dev/null git config --local user.email "nobody@k8s.io" git config --local user.name "$0" git add . >/dev/null git commit -q -m "Snapshot" >/dev/null popd >/dev/null done # client-go depends on some apimachinery packages. Adding ${TMP_GOPATH} to the # GOPATH so that if client-go has new dependencies on apimachinery, `godep save` # can find the dependent packages from ${TMP_GOPATH}, instead of failing. Note # that in Godeps.json, the "Rev"s of the entries for k8s.io/apimachinery will be # invalid, they will be updated later by the publish robot to point to the real # k8s.io/apimachinery commit. GOPATH="${TMP_GOPATH}:${GOPATH}" godep save ./... popd > /dev/null echo "moving vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes" cp -r "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/* "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/ # the publish robot will refill the vendor/ rm -rf "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/vendor echo "rewriting Godeps.json" # The entries for k8s.io/apimahcinery are not removed from Godeps.json, though # they contain the invalid commit revision. The publish robot will set the # correct commit revision. go run "${KUBE_ROOT}/staging/godeps-json-updater.go" --godeps-file="${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/Godeps/Godeps.json" --override-import-path="${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}" --ignored-prefixes="k8s.io/client-go,k8s.io/kubernetes" --rewritten-prefixes="k8s.io/apimachinery" echo "rewriting imports" grep -Rl "\"${MAIN_REPO_FROM_SRC}" "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" | \ grep "\.go" | \ grep -v "vendor/" | \ xargs ${SED} -i "s|\"${MAIN_REPO_FROM_SRC}|\"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}|g" echo "rewrite proto names in proto.RegisterType" find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "generated.pb.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i "s/k8s\.io\.kubernetes/k8s.io.client-go/g" # strip all generator tags from client-go find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i '/^\/\/ +k8s:openapi-gen=true/d' find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i '/^\/\/ +k8s:defaulter-gen=/d' find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i '/^\/\/ +k8s:deepcopy-gen=/d' find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i '/^\/\/ +k8s:conversion-gen=/d' echo "rearranging directory layout" # $1 and $2 are relative to ${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP} function mvfolder { local src=${1%/#/} local dst=${2%/#/} mkdir -p "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/${dst}" # move mv "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/${src}"/* "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/${dst}" # rewrite package local src_package="${src##*/}" local dst_package="${dst##*/}" find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/${dst}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 ${SED} -i "s,package ${src_package},package ${dst_package},g" { grep -Rl "\"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}/${src}" "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" || true ; } | while read -r target ; do # rewrite imports # the first rule is to convert import lines like `restclient "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/client/restclient"`, # where a package alias is the same the package name. ${SED} -i "s,\<${src_package} \"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}/${src},${dst_package} \"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}/${dst},g" "${target}" ${SED} -i "s,\"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}/${src},\"${CLIENT_REPO_FROM_SRC}/${dst},g" "${target}" # rewrite import invocation if [ "${src_package}" != "${dst_package}" ]; then ${SED} -i "s,\<${src_package}\.\([a-zA-Z]\),${dst_package}\.\1,g" "${target}" fi done } mvfolder "pkg/client/clientset_generated/${CLIENTSET}" kubernetes rm -f "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/kubernetes/import_known_versions.go" mvfolder "pkg/client/informers/informers_generated/externalversions" informers mvfolder "pkg/client/listers" listers if [ "$(find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/pkg/client -type f -name "*.go")" ]; then echo "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/pkg/client is expected to be empty" exit 1 else rm -r "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/pkg/client fi echo "running gofmt" find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 gofmt -w echo "remove black listed files" find "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}" -type f \( \ -name "*.json" -not -name "Godeps.json" -o \ -name "*.yaml" -o \ -name "*.yml" -o \ -name "*.sh" \ \) -delete if [ "${FAIL_ON_CHANGES}" = true ]; then echo "running FAIL_ON_CHANGES" # ignore base.go in diff cp "${CLIENT_REPO}/pkg/version/base.go" "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}/pkg/version/" # TODO(mikedanese): figure out what to do with BUILD files here if diff -NauprB -x '*BUILD' -I '^\s*\"Comment\"' -I "GoVersion.*\|GodepVersion.*" "${CLIENT_REPO}" "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"; then echo "${CLIENT_REPO} up to date." exit 0 else echo "${CLIENT_REPO} is out of date. Please run hack/update-staging-client-go.sh" exit 1 fi fi # clean the ${CLIENT_REPO} echo "move to the client repo" if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = false ]; then ls "${CLIENT_REPO}" | { grep -v '_tmp' || true; } | xargs rm -rf mv "${CLIENT_REPO_TEMP}"/* "${CLIENT_REPO}" git checkout HEAD -- $(find "${CLIENT_REPO}" -name BUILD) fi