#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A library of helper functions and constant for the local config. # Experimental flags can be removed/renamed at any time. # The intent is to allow experimentation/advanced functionality before we # are ready to commit to supporting it. # Experimental functionality: # KUBE_SHARE_MASTER=true # Detects an existing master and reuse it; useful if you want to # create more nodes, perhaps with a different instance type or in # a different subnet/AZ # KUBE_SUBNET_CIDR= # Override the default subnet CIDR; useful if you want to create # a second subnet. The default subnet is The VPC # is created with; you must pick a sub-CIDR of that. # Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to # config-default.sh. KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS=true NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX="${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion" # The ASG name must be unique, so we include the zone ASG_NAME="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-${ZONE}" # We could allow the master disk volume id to be specified in future MASTER_DISK_ID= # Defaults: ubuntu -> vivid if [[ "${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION=vivid fi case "${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" in trusty|wheezy|jessie|vivid|coreos) source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}/util.sh" ;; *) echo "Cannot start cluster using os distro: ${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" >&2 exit 2 ;; esac # This removes the final character in bash (somehow) AWS_REGION=${ZONE%?} export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS_REGION} AWS_CMD="aws --output json ec2" AWS_ELB_CMD="aws --output json elb" AWS_ASG_CMD="aws --output json autoscaling" VPC_CIDR_BASE=172.20 MASTER_IP_SUFFIX=.9 MASTER_INTERNAL_IP=${VPC_CIDR_BASE}.0${MASTER_IP_SUFFIX} VPC_CIDR=${VPC_CIDR_BASE}.0.0/16 SUBNET_CIDR=${VPC_CIDR_BASE}.0.0/24 if [[ -n "${KUBE_SUBNET_CIDR:-}" ]]; then echo "Using subnet CIDR override: ${KUBE_SUBNET_CIDR}" SUBNET_CIDR=${KUBE_SUBNET_CIDR} fi MASTER_SG_NAME="kubernetes-master-${CLUSTER_ID}" MINION_SG_NAME="kubernetes-minion-${CLUSTER_ID}" # Be sure to map all the ephemeral drives. We can specify more than we actually have. # TODO: Actually mount the correct number (especially if we have more), though this is non-trivial, and # only affects the big storage instance types, which aren't a typical use case right now. BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS_BASE="{\"DeviceName\": \"/dev/sdc\",\"VirtualName\":\"ephemeral0\"},{\"DeviceName\": \"/dev/sdd\",\"VirtualName\":\"ephemeral1\"},{\"DeviceName\": \"/dev/sde\",\"VirtualName\":\"ephemeral2\"},{\"DeviceName\": \"/dev/sdf\",\"VirtualName\":\"ephemeral3\"}" MASTER_BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS="[{\"DeviceName\":\"/dev/sda1\",\"Ebs\":{\"DeleteOnTermination\":true,\"VolumeSize\":${MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE},\"VolumeType\":\"${MASTER_ROOT_DISK_TYPE}\"}}, ${BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS_BASE}]" MINION_BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS="[{\"DeviceName\":\"/dev/sda1\",\"Ebs\":{\"DeleteOnTermination\":true,\"VolumeSize\":${MINION_ROOT_DISK_SIZE},\"VolumeType\":\"${MINION_ROOT_DISK_TYPE}\"}}, ${BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS_BASE}]" function json_val { python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj'$1'' } # TODO (ayurchuk) Refactor the get_* functions to use filters # TODO (bburns) Parameterize this for multiple cluster per project function get_vpc_id { $AWS_CMD --output text describe-vpcs \ --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=kubernetes-vpc \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query Vpcs[].VpcId } function get_subnet_id { local vpc_id=$1 local az=$2 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-subnets \ --filters Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ Name=availabilityZone,Values=${az} \ Name=vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ --query Subnets[].SubnetId } function get_igw_id { local vpc_id=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-internet-gateways \ --filters Name=attachment.vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ --query InternetGateways[].InternetGatewayId } function get_elbs_in_vpc { # ELB doesn't seem to be on the same platform as the rest of AWS; doesn't support filtering $AWS_ELB_CMD describe-load-balancers | \ python -c "import json,sys; lst = [str(lb['LoadBalancerName']) for lb in json.load(sys.stdin)['LoadBalancerDescriptions'] if lb['VPCId'] == '$1']; print '\n'.join(lst)" } function expect_instance_states { python -c "import json,sys; lst = [str(instance['InstanceId']) for reservation in json.load(sys.stdin)['Reservations'] for instance in reservation['Instances'] if instance['State']['Name'] != '$1']; print ' '.join(lst)" } function get_instanceid_from_name { local tagName=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=${tagName} \ Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId } function get_instance_public_ip { local instance_id=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --instance-ids ${instance_id} \ --query Reservations[].Instances[].NetworkInterfaces[0].Association.PublicIp } function get_instance_private_ip { local instance_id=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --instance-ids ${instance_id} \ --query Reservations[].Instances[].NetworkInterfaces[0].PrivateIpAddress } # Gets a security group id, by name ($1) function get_security_group_id { local name=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-security-groups \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${VPC_ID} \ Name=group-name,Values=${name} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId \ | tr "\t" "\n" } function detect-master () { KUBE_MASTER=${MASTER_NAME} if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_ID-}" ]]; then KUBE_MASTER_ID=$(get_instanceid_from_name ${MASTER_NAME}) fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_ID-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(get_instance_public_ip ${KUBE_MASTER_ID}) fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node IP. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 fi echo "Using master: $KUBE_MASTER (external IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP)" } function query-running-minions () { local query=$1 $AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \ Name=vpc-id,Values=${VPC_ID} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ Name=tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName,Values=${ASG_NAME} \ Name=tag:Role,Values=${MINION_TAG} \ --query ${query} } function find-running-minions () { MINION_IDS=() MINION_NAMES=() for id in $(query-running-minions "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId"); do MINION_IDS+=("${id}") # We use the minion ids as the name MINION_NAMES+=("${id}") done } function detect-minions () { find-running-minions # This is inefficient, but we want MINION_NAMES / MINION_IDS to be ordered the same as KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES=() for (( i=0; i<${#MINION_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do local minion_ip if [[ "${ENABLE_MINION_PUBLIC_IP}" == "true" ]]; then minion_ip=$(get_instance_public_ip ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}) else minion_ip=$(get_instance_private_ip ${MINION_NAMES[$i]}) fi echo "Found minion ${i}: ${MINION_NAMES[$i]} @ ${minion_ip}" KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES+=("${minion_ip}") done if [[ -z "$KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes minion nodes. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 fi } function detect-security-groups { if [[ -z "${MASTER_SG_ID-}" ]]; then MASTER_SG_ID=$(get_security_group_id "${MASTER_SG_NAME}") if [[ -z "${MASTER_SG_ID}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master security group. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 else echo "Using master security group: ${MASTER_SG_NAME} ${MASTER_SG_ID}" fi fi if [[ -z "${MINION_SG_ID-}" ]]; then MINION_SG_ID=$(get_security_group_id "${MINION_SG_NAME}") if [[ -z "${MINION_SG_ID}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes minion security group. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 else echo "Using minion security group: ${MINION_SG_NAME} ${MINION_SG_ID}" fi fi } # Detects the AMI to use (considering the region) # This really should be in the various distro-specific util functions, # but CoreOS uses this for the master, so for now it is here. # # TODO: Remove this and just have each distro implement detect-image # # Vars set: # AWS_IMAGE function detect-image () { case "${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" in trusty|coreos) detect-trusty-image ;; vivid) detect-vivid-image ;; wheezy) detect-wheezy-image ;; jessie) detect-jessie-image ;; *) echo "Please specify AWS_IMAGE directly (distro ${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION} not recognized)" exit 2 ;; esac } # Detects the AMI to use for trusty (considering the region) # Used by CoreOS & Ubuntu # # Vars set: # AWS_IMAGE function detect-trusty-image () { # This is the ubuntu 14.04 image for , amd64, hvm:ebs-ssd # See here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ for other images # This will need to be updated from time to time as amis are deprecated if [[ -z "${AWS_IMAGE-}" ]]; then case "${AWS_REGION}" in ap-northeast-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-93876e93 ;; ap-southeast-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-66546234 ;; eu-central-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-e2a694ff ;; eu-west-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-d7fd6ea0 ;; sa-east-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-a357eebe ;; us-east-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-6089d208 ;; us-west-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-cf7d998b ;; cn-north-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-d436a4ed ;; us-gov-west-1) AWS_IMAGE=ami-01523322 ;; ap-southeast-2) AWS_IMAGE=ami-cd4e3ff7 ;; us-west-2) AWS_IMAGE=ami-3b14370b ;; *) echo "Please specify AWS_IMAGE directly (region not recognized)" exit 1 esac fi } # Computes the AWS fingerprint for a public key file ($1) # $1: path to public key file # Note that this is a different hash from the OpenSSH hash. # But AWS gives us this public key hash in the describe keys output, so we should stick with this format. # Hopefully this will be done by the aws cli tool one day: https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/191 # NOTE: This does not work on Mavericks, due to an odd ssh-keygen version, so we use get-ssh-fingerprint instead function get-aws-fingerprint { local -r pubkey_path=$1 ssh-keygen -f ${pubkey_path} -e -m PKCS8 | openssl rsa -pubin -outform DER | openssl md5 -c | sed -e 's/(stdin)= //g' } # Computes the SSH fingerprint for a public key file ($1) # #1: path to public key file # Note this is different from the AWS fingerprint; see notes on get-aws-fingerprint function get-ssh-fingerprint { local -r pubkey_path=$1 ssh-keygen -lf ${pubkey_path} | cut -f2 -d' ' } # Import an SSH public key to AWS. # Ignores duplicate names; recommended to use a name that includes the public key hash. # $1 name # $2 public key path function import-public-key { local -r name=$1 local -r path=$2 local ok=1 local output="" output=$($AWS_CMD import-key-pair --key-name ${name} --public-key-material "file://${path}" 2>&1) || ok=0 if [[ ${ok} == 0 ]]; then # Idempotency: ignore if duplicate name if [[ "${output}" != *"InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate"* ]]; then echo "Error importing public key" echo "Output: ${output}" exit 1 fi fi } # Robustly try to create a security group, if it does not exist. # $1: The name of security group; will be created if not exists # $2: Description for security group (used if created) # # Note that this doesn't actually return the sgid; we need to re-query function create-security-group { local -r name=$1 local -r description=$2 local sgid=$(get_security_group_id "${name}") if [[ -z "$sgid" ]]; then echo "Creating security group ${name}." sgid=$($AWS_CMD create-security-group --group-name "${name}" --description "${description}" --vpc-id "${VPC_ID}" --query GroupId --output text) add-tag $sgid KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} fi } # Authorize ingress to a security group. # Attempts to be idempotent, though we end up checking the output looking for error-strings. # $1 group-id # $2.. arguments to pass to authorize-security-group-ingress function authorize-security-group-ingress { local -r sgid=$1 shift local ok=1 local output="" output=$($AWS_CMD authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${sgid}" $@ 2>&1) || ok=0 if [[ ${ok} == 0 ]]; then # Idempotency: ignore if duplicate rule if [[ "${output}" != *"InvalidPermission.Duplicate"* ]]; then echo "Error creating security group ingress rule" echo "Output: ${output}" exit 1 fi fi } # Gets master persistent volume, if exists # Sets MASTER_DISK_ID function find-master-pd { local name=${MASTER_NAME}-pd if [[ -z "${MASTER_DISK_ID}" ]]; then MASTER_DISK_ID=`$AWS_CMD --output text describe-volumes \ --filters Name=availability-zone,Values=${ZONE} \ Name=tag:Name,Values=${name} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query Volumes[].VolumeId` fi } # Gets or creates master persistent volume # Sets MASTER_DISK_ID function ensure-master-pd { local name=${MASTER_NAME}-pd find-master-pd if [[ -z "${MASTER_DISK_ID}" ]]; then echo "Creating master disk: size ${MASTER_DISK_SIZE}GB, type ${MASTER_DISK_TYPE}" MASTER_DISK_ID=`$AWS_CMD create-volume --availability-zone ${ZONE} --volume-type ${MASTER_DISK_TYPE} --size ${MASTER_DISK_SIZE} --query VolumeId --output text` add-tag ${MASTER_DISK_ID} Name ${name} add-tag ${MASTER_DISK_ID} KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} fi } # Creates a new DHCP option set configured correctly for Kubernetes # Sets DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID function create-dhcp-option-set () { case "${AWS_REGION}" in us-east-1) OPTION_SET_DOMAIN=ec2.internal ;; *) OPTION_SET_DOMAIN="${AWS_REGION}.compute.internal" esac DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID=$($AWS_CMD create-dhcp-options --dhcp-configuration Key=domain-name,Values=${OPTION_SET_DOMAIN} Key=domain-name-servers,Values=AmazonProvidedDNS | json_val '["DhcpOptions"]["DhcpOptionsId"]') add-tag ${DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID} Name kubernetes-dhcp-option-set add-tag ${DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID} KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} $AWS_CMD associate-dhcp-options --dhcp-options-id ${DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID} --vpc-id ${VPC_ID} echo "Using DHCP option set ${DHCP_OPTION_SET_ID}" } # Verify prereqs function verify-prereqs { if [[ "${ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -z "${RUNTIME_CONFIG}" ]]; then RUNTIME_CONFIG="extensions/v1beta1=true" else # TODO: add checking if RUNTIME_CONFIG contains "extensions/v1beta1=false" and appending "extensions/v1beta1=true" if not. if echo "${RUNTIME_CONFIG}" | grep -q -v "extensions/v1beta1=true"; then echo "Experimental API should be turned on, but is not turned on in RUNTIME_CONFIG!" exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ "${ENABLE_DEPLOYMENTS}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -z "${RUNTIME_CONFIG}" ]]; then RUNTIME_CONFIG="extensions/v1beta1/deployments=true" else RUNTIME_CONFIG="${RUNTIME_CONFIG},extensions/v1beta1/deployments=true" fi fi if [[ "$(which aws)" == "" ]]; then echo "Can't find aws in PATH, please fix and retry." exit 1 fi } # Create a temp dir that'll be deleted at the end of this bash session. # # Vars set: # KUBE_TEMP function ensure-temp-dir { if [[ -z ${KUBE_TEMP-} ]]; then KUBE_TEMP=$(mktemp -d -t kubernetes.XXXXXX) trap 'rm -rf "${KUBE_TEMP}"' EXIT fi } # Take the local tar files and upload them to S3. They will then be # downloaded by the master as part of the start up script for the master. # # Assumed vars: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR # SALT_TAR # Vars set: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL # SALT_TAR_URL function upload-server-tars() { SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL= SALT_TAR_URL= ensure-temp-dir if [[ -z ${AWS_S3_BUCKET-} ]]; then local project_hash= local key=$(aws configure get aws_access_key_id) if which md5 > /dev/null 2>&1; then project_hash=$(md5 -q -s "${USER} ${key}") else project_hash=$(echo -n "${USER} ${key}" | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }') fi AWS_S3_BUCKET="kubernetes-staging-${project_hash}" fi echo "Uploading to Amazon S3" if ! aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Creating ${AWS_S3_BUCKET}" # Buckets must be globally uniquely named, so always create in a known region # We default to us-east-1 because that's the canonical region for S3, # and then the bucket is most-simply named (s3.amazonaws.com) aws s3 mb "s3://${AWS_S3_BUCKET}" --region ${AWS_S3_REGION} echo "Confirming bucket was created..." local attempt=0 while true; do if ! aws s3 ls --region ${AWS_S3_REGION} "s3://${AWS_S3_BUCKET}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then if (( attempt > 120 )); then echo echo -e "${color_red}Unable to confirm bucket creation." >&2 echo "Please ensure that s3://${AWS_S3_BUCKET} exists" >&2 echo -e "and run the script again. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi else break fi attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 1 done fi local s3_bucket_location=$(aws --output text s3api get-bucket-location --bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET}) local s3_url_base=https://s3-${s3_bucket_location}.amazonaws.com if [[ "${s3_bucket_location}" == "None" ]]; then # "US Classic" does not follow the pattern s3_url_base=https://s3.amazonaws.com s3_bucket_location=us-east-1 fi local -r staging_path="devel" local -r local_dir="${KUBE_TEMP}/s3/" mkdir ${local_dir} echo "+++ Staging server tars to S3 Storage: ${AWS_S3_BUCKET}/${staging_path}" local server_binary_path="${staging_path}/${SERVER_BINARY_TAR##*/}" cp -a "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR}" ${local_dir} cp -a "${SALT_TAR}" ${local_dir} aws s3 sync --region ${s3_bucket_location} --exact-timestamps ${local_dir} "s3://${AWS_S3_BUCKET}/${staging_path}/" aws s3api put-object-acl --region ${s3_bucket_location} --bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET} --key "${server_binary_path}" --grant-read 'uri="http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"' SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL="${s3_url_base}/${AWS_S3_BUCKET}/${server_binary_path}" local salt_tar_path="${staging_path}/${SALT_TAR##*/}" aws s3api put-object-acl --region ${s3_bucket_location} --bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET} --key "${salt_tar_path}" --grant-read 'uri="http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"' SALT_TAR_URL="${s3_url_base}/${AWS_S3_BUCKET}/${salt_tar_path}" } # Adds a tag to an AWS resource # usage: add-tag function add-tag { echo "Adding tag to ${1}: ${2}=${3}" # We need to retry in case the resource isn't yet fully created n=0 until [ $n -ge 25 ]; do $AWS_CMD create-tags --resources ${1} --tags Key=${2},Value=${3} > $LOG && return n=$[$n+1] sleep 3 done echo "Unable to add tag to AWS resource" exit 1 } # Creates the IAM profile, based on configuration files in templates/iam function create-iam-profile { local key=$1 local conf_dir=file://${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/iam echo "Creating IAM role: ${key}" aws iam create-role --role-name ${key} --assume-role-policy-document ${conf_dir}/${key}-role.json > $LOG echo "Creating IAM role-policy: ${key}" aws iam put-role-policy --role-name ${key} --policy-name ${key} --policy-document ${conf_dir}/${key}-policy.json > $LOG echo "Creating IAM instance-policy: ${key}" aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name ${key} > $LOG echo "Adding IAM role to instance-policy: ${key}" aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name ${key} --role-name ${key} > $LOG } # Creates the IAM roles (if they do not already exist) function ensure-iam-profiles { aws iam get-instance-profile --instance-profile-name ${IAM_PROFILE_MASTER} || { echo "Creating master IAM profile: ${IAM_PROFILE_MASTER}" create-iam-profile ${IAM_PROFILE_MASTER} } aws iam get-instance-profile --instance-profile-name ${IAM_PROFILE_MINION} || { echo "Creating minion IAM profile: ${IAM_PROFILE_MINION}" create-iam-profile ${IAM_PROFILE_MINION} } } # Wait for instance to be in running state function wait-for-instance-running { instance_id=$1 while true; do instance_state=$($AWS_CMD describe-instances --instance-ids ${instance_id} | expect_instance_states running) if [[ "$instance_state" == "" ]]; then break else echo "Waiting for instance ${instance_id} to spawn" echo "Sleeping for 3 seconds..." sleep 3 fi done } # Allocates new Elastic IP from Amazon # Output: allocated IP address function allocate-elastic-ip { $AWS_CMD allocate-address --domain vpc --output text | cut -f3 } function assign-ip-to-instance { local ip_address=$1 local instance_id=$2 local fallback_ip=$3 local elastic_ip_allocation_id=$($AWS_CMD describe-addresses --public-ips $ip_address --output text | cut -f2) local association_result=$($AWS_CMD associate-address --instance-id ${master_instance_id} --allocation-id ${elastic_ip_allocation_id} > /dev/null && echo "success" || echo "failure") if [[ $association_result = "success" ]]; then echo "${ip_address}" else echo "${fallback_ip}" fi } # If MASTER_RESERVED_IP looks like IP address, will try to assign it to master instance # If MASTER_RESERVED_IP is "auto", will allocate new elastic ip and assign that # If none of the above or something fails, will output originally assigne IP # Output: assigned IP address function assign-elastic-ip { local assigned_public_ip=$1 local master_instance_id=$2 # Check that MASTER_RESERVED_IP looks like an IPv4 address if [[ "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then assign-ip-to-instance "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" "${master_instance_id}" "${assigned_public_ip}" elif [[ "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" = "auto" ]]; then assign-ip-to-instance $(allocate-elastic-ip) "${master_instance_id}" "${assigned_public_ip}" else echo "${assigned_public_ip}" fi } function kube-up { echo "Starting cluster using os distro: ${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" >&2 get-tokens detect-image detect-minion-image find-release-tars ensure-temp-dir upload-server-tars ensure-iam-profiles load-or-gen-kube-basicauth if [[ ! -f "$AWS_SSH_KEY" ]]; then ssh-keygen -f "$AWS_SSH_KEY" -N '' fi # Note that we use get-ssh-fingerprint, so this works on OSX Mavericks # get-aws-fingerprint gives the same fingerprint that AWS computes, # but OSX Mavericks ssh-keygen can't compute it AWS_SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT=$(get-ssh-fingerprint ${AWS_SSH_KEY}.pub) echo "Using SSH key with (AWS) fingerprint: ${AWS_SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT}" AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME="kubernetes-${AWS_SSH_KEY_FINGERPRINT//:/}" import-public-key ${AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME} ${AWS_SSH_KEY}.pub if [[ -z "${VPC_ID:-}" ]]; then VPC_ID=$(get_vpc_id) fi if [[ -z "$VPC_ID" ]]; then echo "Creating vpc." VPC_ID=$($AWS_CMD create-vpc --cidr-block ${VPC_CIDR} | json_val '["Vpc"]["VpcId"]') $AWS_CMD modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id $VPC_ID --enable-dns-support '{"Value": true}' > $LOG $AWS_CMD modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id $VPC_ID --enable-dns-hostnames '{"Value": true}' > $LOG add-tag $VPC_ID Name kubernetes-vpc add-tag $VPC_ID KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} fi echo "Using VPC $VPC_ID" create-dhcp-option-set if [[ -z "${SUBNET_ID:-}" ]]; then SUBNET_ID=$(get_subnet_id $VPC_ID $ZONE) fi if [[ -z "$SUBNET_ID" ]]; then echo "Creating subnet." SUBNET_ID=$($AWS_CMD create-subnet --cidr-block ${SUBNET_CIDR} --vpc-id $VPC_ID --availability-zone ${ZONE} | json_val '["Subnet"]["SubnetId"]') add-tag $SUBNET_ID KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} else EXISTING_CIDR=$($AWS_CMD describe-subnets --subnet-ids ${SUBNET_ID} --query Subnets[].CidrBlock --output text) echo "Using existing subnet with CIDR $EXISTING_CIDR" VPC_CIDR=$($AWS_CMD describe-vpcs --vpc-ids ${VPC_ID} --query Vpcs[].CidrBlock --output text) echo "VPC CIDR is $VPC_CIDR" VPC_CIDR_BASE=${VPC_CIDR%.*.*} MASTER_INTERNAL_IP=${VPC_CIDR_BASE}.0${MASTER_IP_SUFFIX} echo "Assuming MASTER_INTERNAL_IP=${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" fi echo "Using subnet $SUBNET_ID" IGW_ID=$(get_igw_id $VPC_ID) if [[ -z "$IGW_ID" ]]; then echo "Creating Internet Gateway." IGW_ID=$($AWS_CMD create-internet-gateway | json_val '["InternetGateway"]["InternetGatewayId"]') $AWS_CMD attach-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id $IGW_ID --vpc-id $VPC_ID > $LOG fi echo "Using Internet Gateway $IGW_ID" echo "Associating route table." ROUTE_TABLE_ID=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-route-tables \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${VPC_ID} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query RouteTables[].RouteTableId) if [[ -z "${ROUTE_TABLE_ID}" ]]; then echo "Creating route table" ROUTE_TABLE_ID=$($AWS_CMD --output text create-route-table \ --vpc-id=${VPC_ID} \ --query RouteTable.RouteTableId) add-tag ${ROUTE_TABLE_ID} KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} fi echo "Associating route table ${ROUTE_TABLE_ID} to subnet ${SUBNET_ID}" $AWS_CMD associate-route-table --route-table-id $ROUTE_TABLE_ID --subnet-id $SUBNET_ID > $LOG || true echo "Adding route to route table ${ROUTE_TABLE_ID}" $AWS_CMD create-route --route-table-id $ROUTE_TABLE_ID --destination-cidr-block --gateway-id $IGW_ID > $LOG || true echo "Using Route Table $ROUTE_TABLE_ID" # Create security groups MASTER_SG_ID=$(get_security_group_id "${MASTER_SG_NAME}") if [[ -z "${MASTER_SG_ID}" ]]; then echo "Creating master security group." create-security-group "${MASTER_SG_NAME}" "Kubernetes security group applied to master nodes" fi MINION_SG_ID=$(get_security_group_id "${MINION_SG_NAME}") if [[ -z "${MINION_SG_ID}" ]]; then echo "Creating minion security group." create-security-group "${MINION_SG_NAME}" "Kubernetes security group applied to minion nodes" fi detect-security-groups # Masters can talk to master authorize-security-group-ingress "${MASTER_SG_ID}" "--source-group ${MASTER_SG_ID} --protocol all" # Minions can talk to minions authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--source-group ${MINION_SG_ID} --protocol all" # Masters and minions can talk to each other authorize-security-group-ingress "${MASTER_SG_ID}" "--source-group ${MINION_SG_ID} --protocol all" authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--source-group ${MASTER_SG_ID} --protocol all" # TODO(justinsb): Would be fairly easy to replace in these rules # SSH is open to the world authorize-security-group-ingress "${MASTER_SG_ID}" "--protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr" authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr" # HTTPS to the master is allowed (for API access) authorize-security-group-ingress "${MASTER_SG_ID}" "--protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr" # KUBE_SHARE_MASTER is used to add minions to an existing master if [[ "${KUBE_SHARE_MASTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then # Detect existing master detect-master # Start minions start-minions else # Create the master start-master # Start minions start-minions # Wait for the master to be ready wait-master # Build ~/.kube/config build-config fi # Check the cluster is OK check-cluster } # Starts the master node function start-master() { # Get or create master persistent volume ensure-master-pd # Determine extra certificate names for master octets=($(echo "$SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE" | sed -e 's|/.*||' -e 's/\./ /g')) ((octets[3]+=1)) service_ip=$(echo "${octets[*]}" | sed 's/ /./g') MASTER_EXTRA_SANS="IP:${service_ip},DNS:kubernetes,DNS:kubernetes.default,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.${DNS_DOMAIN},DNS:${MASTER_NAME}" ( # We pipe this to the ami as a startup script in the user-data field. Requires a compatible ami echo "#! /bin/bash" echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "readonly SALT_MASTER='${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}'" echo "readonly INSTANCE_PREFIX='${INSTANCE_PREFIX}'" echo "readonly NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX='${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}'" echo "readonly CLUSTER_IP_RANGE='${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}'" echo "readonly ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS='${ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS}'" echo "readonly SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL='${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}'" echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'" echo "readonly ZONE='${ZONE}'" echo "readonly KUBE_USER='${KUBE_USER}'" echo "readonly KUBE_PASSWORD='${KUBE_PASSWORD}'" echo "readonly SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE='${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING='${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING:-none}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING='${ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING:-false}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING='${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING:-false}'" echo "readonly LOGGING_DESTINATION='${LOGGING_DESTINATION:-}'" echo "readonly ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS='${ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS:-}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS='${ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS:-false}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI='${ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI:-false}'" echo "readonly ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API='${ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API:-false}'" echo "readonly RUNTIME_CONFIG='${RUNTIME_CONFIG}'" echo "readonly DNS_REPLICAS='${DNS_REPLICAS:-}'" echo "readonly DNS_SERVER_IP='${DNS_SERVER_IP:-}'" echo "readonly DNS_DOMAIN='${DNS_DOMAIN:-}'" echo "readonly ADMISSION_CONTROL='${ADMISSION_CONTROL:-}'" echo "readonly MASTER_IP_RANGE='${MASTER_IP_RANGE:-}'" echo "readonly KUBELET_TOKEN='${KUBELET_TOKEN}'" echo "readonly KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN='${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN}'" echo "readonly DOCKER_STORAGE='${DOCKER_STORAGE:-}'" echo "readonly MASTER_EXTRA_SANS='${MASTER_EXTRA_SANS:-}'" echo "readonly NETWORK_PROVIDER='${NETWORK_PROVIDER:-}'" echo "readonly OPENCONTRAIL_TAG='${OPENCONTRAIL_TAG:-}'" echo "readonly OPENCONTRAIL_KUBERNETES_TAG='${OPENCONTRAIL_KUBERNETES_TAG:-}'" echo "readonly OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET='${OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET:-}'" echo "readonly E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT='${E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT:-}'" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/common.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/format-disks.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/setup-master-pd.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/create-dynamic-salt-files.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/download-release.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/salt-master.sh" ) > "${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh" echo "Starting Master" master_id=$($AWS_CMD run-instances \ --image-id $AWS_IMAGE \ --iam-instance-profile Name=$IAM_PROFILE_MASTER \ --instance-type $MASTER_SIZE \ --subnet-id $SUBNET_ID \ --private-ip-address $MASTER_INTERNAL_IP \ --key-name ${AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME} \ --security-group-ids ${MASTER_SG_ID} \ --associate-public-ip-address \ --block-device-mappings "${MASTER_BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS}" \ --user-data file://${KUBE_TEMP}/master-start.sh | json_val '["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]') add-tag $master_id Name $MASTER_NAME add-tag $master_id Role $MASTER_TAG add-tag $master_id KubernetesCluster ${CLUSTER_ID} echo "Waiting for master to be ready" local attempt=0 while true; do echo -n Attempt "$(($attempt+1))" to check for master node local ip=$(get_instance_public_ip ${master_id}) if [[ -z "${ip}" ]]; then if (( attempt > 30 )); then echo echo -e "${color_red}master failed to start. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2 echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2 echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi else # We are not able to add an elastic ip, a route or volume to the instance until that instance is in "running" state. wait-for-instance-running $master_id KUBE_MASTER=${MASTER_NAME} KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(assign-elastic-ip $ip $master_id) echo -e " ${color_green}[master running @${KUBE_MASTER_IP}]${color_norm}" # This is a race between instance start and volume attachment. There appears to be no way to start an AWS instance with a volume attached. # To work around this, we wait for volume to be ready in setup-master-pd.sh echo "Attaching persistent data volume (${MASTER_DISK_ID}) to master" $AWS_CMD attach-volume --volume-id ${MASTER_DISK_ID} --device /dev/sdb --instance-id ${master_id} sleep 10 $AWS_CMD create-route --route-table-id $ROUTE_TABLE_ID --destination-cidr-block ${MASTER_IP_RANGE} --instance-id $master_id > $LOG break fi echo -e " ${color_yellow}[master not working yet]${color_norm}" attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 10 done # Check for SSH connectivity attempt=0 while true; do echo -n Attempt "$(($attempt+1))" to check for SSH to master local output local ok=1 output=$(ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" ${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP} uptime 2> $LOG) || ok=0 if [[ ${ok} == 0 ]]; then if (( attempt > 30 )); then echo echo "(Failed) output was: ${output}" echo echo -e "${color_red}Unable to ssh to master on ${KUBE_MASTER_IP}. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2 echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2 echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi else echo -e " ${color_green}[ssh to master working]${color_norm}" break fi echo -e " ${color_yellow}[ssh to master not working yet]${color_norm}" attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 10 done # We need the salt-master to be up for the minions to work attempt=0 while true; do echo -n Attempt "$(($attempt+1))" to check for salt-master local output local ok=1 output=$(ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" ${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP} pgrep salt-master 2> $LOG) || ok=0 if [[ ${ok} == 0 ]]; then if (( attempt > 30 )); then echo echo "(Failed) output was: ${output}" echo echo -e "${color_red}salt-master failed to start on ${KUBE_MASTER_IP}. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2 echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2 echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi else echo -e " ${color_green}[salt-master running]${color_norm}" break fi echo -e " ${color_yellow}[salt-master not working yet]${color_norm}" attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 10 done } # Creates an ASG for the minion nodes function start-minions() { echo "Creating minion configuration" generate-minion-user-data > "${KUBE_TEMP}/minion-user-data" local public_ip_option if [[ "${ENABLE_MINION_PUBLIC_IP}" == "true" ]]; then public_ip_option="--associate-public-ip-address" else public_ip_option="--no-associate-public-ip-address" fi ${AWS_ASG_CMD} create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name ${ASG_NAME} \ --image-id $KUBE_MINION_IMAGE \ --iam-instance-profile ${IAM_PROFILE_MINION} \ --instance-type $MINION_SIZE \ --key-name ${AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME} \ --security-groups ${MINION_SG_ID} \ ${public_ip_option} \ --block-device-mappings "${MINION_BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPINGS}" \ --user-data "file://${KUBE_TEMP}/minion-user-data" echo "Creating autoscaling group" ${AWS_ASG_CMD} create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name ${ASG_NAME} \ --launch-configuration-name ${ASG_NAME} \ --min-size ${NUM_MINIONS} \ --max-size ${NUM_MINIONS} \ --vpc-zone-identifier ${SUBNET_ID} \ --tags ResourceId=${ASG_NAME},ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,Key=Name,Value=${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX} \ ResourceId=${ASG_NAME},ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,Key=Role,Value=${MINION_TAG} \ ResourceId=${ASG_NAME},ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,Key=KubernetesCluster,Value=${CLUSTER_ID} # Wait for the minions to be running # TODO(justinsb): This is really not needed any more attempt=0 while true; do find-running-minions > $LOG if [[ ${#MINION_IDS[@]} == ${NUM_MINIONS} ]]; then echo -e " ${color_green}${#MINION_IDS[@]} minions started; ready${color_norm}" break fi if (( attempt > 30 )); then echo echo "Expected number of minions did not start in time" echo echo -e "${color_red}Expected number of minions failed to start. Your cluster is unlikely" >&2 echo "to work correctly. Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2 echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi echo -e " ${color_yellow}${#MINION_IDS[@]} minions started; waiting${color_norm}" attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 10 done } # Wait for the master to be started function wait-master() { detect-master > $LOG # TODO(justinsb): This is really not necessary any more # Wait 3 minutes for cluster to come up. We hit it with a "highstate" after that to # make sure that everything is well configured. # TODO: Can we poll here? echo "Waiting 3 minutes for cluster to settle" local i for (( i=0; i < 6*3; i++)); do printf "." sleep 10 done echo "Re-running salt highstate" ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" ${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP} sudo salt '*' state.highstate > $LOG echo "Waiting for cluster initialization." echo echo " This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable." echo " This might loop forever if there was some uncaught error during start" echo " up." echo until $(curl --insecure --user ${KUBE_USER}:${KUBE_PASSWORD} --max-time 5 \ --fail --output $LOG --silent https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}/healthz); do printf "." sleep 2 done echo "Kubernetes cluster created." } # Creates the ~/.kube/config file, getting the information from the master # The master much be running and set in KUBE_MASTER_IP function build-config() { # TODO use token instead of kube_auth export KUBE_CERT="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubecfg.crt" export KUBE_KEY="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubecfg.key" export CA_CERT="/tmp/$RANDOM-kubernetes.ca.crt" export CONTEXT="aws_${INSTANCE_PREFIX}" local kubectl="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" # TODO: generate ADMIN (and KUBELET) tokens and put those in the master's # config file. Distribute the same way the htpasswd is done. ( umask 077 ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" "${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.crt >"${KUBE_CERT}" 2>"$LOG" ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" "${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.key >"${KUBE_KEY}" 2>"$LOG" ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" "${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" sudo cat /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt >"${CA_CERT}" 2>"$LOG" create-kubeconfig ) } # Sanity check the cluster and print confirmation messages function check-cluster() { echo "Sanity checking cluster..." sleep 5 detect-minions > $LOG # Don't bail on errors, we want to be able to print some info. set +e # Basic sanity checking # TODO(justinsb): This is really not needed any more local rc # Capture return code without exiting because of errexit bash option for (( i=0; i<${#KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES[@]}; i++)); do # Make sure docker is installed and working. local attempt=0 while true; do local minion_ip=${KUBE_MINION_IP_ADDRESSES[$i]} echo -n "Attempt $(($attempt+1)) to check Docker on node @ ${minion_ip} ..." local output=`check-minion ${minion_ip}` echo $output if [[ "${output}" != "working" ]]; then if (( attempt > 9 )); then echo echo -e "${color_red}Your cluster is unlikely to work correctly." >&2 echo "Please run ./cluster/kube-down.sh and re-create the" >&2 echo -e "cluster. (sorry!)${color_norm}" >&2 exit 1 fi else break fi attempt=$(($attempt+1)) sleep 30 done done # ensures KUBECONFIG is set get-kubeconfig-basicauth echo echo -e "${color_green}Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo -e "${color_yellow} https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo echo -e "${color_green}The user name and password to use is located in ${KUBECONFIG}.${color_norm}" echo } function kube-down { local vpc_id=$(get_vpc_id) if [[ -n "${vpc_id}" ]]; then local elb_ids=$(get_elbs_in_vpc ${vpc_id}) if [[ -n "${elb_ids}" ]]; then echo "Deleting ELBs in: ${vpc_id}" for elb_id in ${elb_ids}; do $AWS_ELB_CMD delete-load-balancer --load-balancer-name=${elb_id} done echo "Waiting for ELBs to be deleted" while true; do elb_ids=$(get_elbs_in_vpc ${vpc_id}) if [[ -z "$elb_ids" ]]; then echo "All ELBs deleted" break else echo "ELBs not yet deleted: $elb_ids" echo "Sleeping for 3 seconds..." sleep 3 fi done fi echo "Deleting instances in VPC: ${vpc_id}" instance_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId) asg_groups=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-instances \ --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].Tags[?Key==`aws:autoscaling:groupName`].Value[]' \ --instance-ids ${instance_ids}) for asg_group in ${asg_groups}; do if [[ -n $(${AWS_ASG_CMD} --output text describe-auto-scaling-groups --auto-scaling-group-names ${asg_group} --query AutoScalingGroups[].AutoScalingGroupName) ]]; then echo "Deleting auto-scaling group: ${asg_group}" ${AWS_ASG_CMD} delete-auto-scaling-group --force-delete --auto-scaling-group-name ${asg_group} fi if [[ -n $(${AWS_ASG_CMD} --output text describe-launch-configurations --launch-configuration-names ${asg_group} --query LaunchConfigurations[].LaunchConfigurationName) ]]; then echo "Deleting auto-scaling launch configuration: ${asg_group}" ${AWS_ASG_CMD} delete-launch-configuration --launch-configuration-name ${asg_group} fi done if [[ -n "${instance_ids}" ]]; then $AWS_CMD terminate-instances --instance-ids ${instance_ids} > $LOG echo "Waiting for instances to be deleted" while true; do local instance_states=$($AWS_CMD describe-instances --instance-ids ${instance_ids} | expect_instance_states terminated) if [[ -z "${instance_states}" ]]; then echo "All instances deleted" break else echo "Instances not yet deleted: ${instance_states}" echo "Sleeping for 3 seconds..." sleep 3 fi done fi echo "Deleting VPC: ${vpc_id}" default_sg_id=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-security-groups \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ Name=group-name,Values=default \ --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId \ | tr "\t" "\n") sg_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-security-groups \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query SecurityGroups[].GroupId \ | tr "\t" "\n") # First delete any inter-security group ingress rules # (otherwise we get dependency violations) for sg_id in ${sg_ids}; do # EC2 doesn't let us delete the default security group if [[ "${sg_id}" == "${default_sg_id}" ]]; then continue fi echo "Cleaning up security group: ${sg_id}" other_sgids=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id "${sg_id}" --query SecurityGroups[].IpPermissions[].UserIdGroupPairs[].GroupId --output text) for other_sgid in ${other_sgids}; do $AWS_CMD revoke-security-group-ingress --group-id "${sg_id}" --source-group "${other_sgid}" --protocol all > $LOG done done for sg_id in ${sg_ids}; do # EC2 doesn't let us delete the default security group if [[ "${sg_id}" == "${default_sg_id}" ]]; then continue fi echo "Deleting security group: ${sg_id}" $AWS_CMD delete-security-group --group-id ${sg_id} > $LOG done subnet_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-subnets \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query Subnets[].SubnetId \ | tr "\t" "\n") for subnet_id in ${subnet_ids}; do $AWS_CMD delete-subnet --subnet-id ${subnet_id} > $LOG done igw_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-internet-gateways \ --filters Name=attachment.vpc-id,Values=${vpc_id} \ --query InternetGateways[].InternetGatewayId \ | tr "\t" "\n") for igw_id in ${igw_ids}; do $AWS_CMD detach-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id $igw_id --vpc-id $vpc_id > $LOG $AWS_CMD delete-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id $igw_id > $LOG done route_table_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-route-tables \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$vpc_id \ Name=route.destination-cidr-block,Values= \ --query RouteTables[].RouteTableId \ | tr "\t" "\n") for route_table_id in ${route_table_ids}; do $AWS_CMD delete-route --route-table-id $route_table_id --destination-cidr-block > $LOG done route_table_ids=$($AWS_CMD --output text describe-route-tables \ --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$vpc_id \ Name=tag:KubernetesCluster,Values=${CLUSTER_ID} \ --query RouteTables[].RouteTableId \ | tr "\t" "\n") for route_table_id in ${route_table_ids}; do $AWS_CMD delete-route-table --route-table-id $route_table_id > $LOG done $AWS_CMD delete-vpc --vpc-id $vpc_id > $LOG fi } # Update a kubernetes cluster with latest source function kube-push { detect-master # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage find-release-tars upload-server-tars ( echo "#! /bin/bash" echo "mkdir -p /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "cd /var/cache/kubernetes-install" echo "readonly SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL='${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}'" echo "readonly SALT_TAR_URL='${SALT_TAR_URL}'" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/common.sh" grep -v "^#" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/aws/templates/download-release.sh" echo "echo Executing configuration" echo "sudo salt '*' mine.update" echo "sudo salt --force-color '*' state.highstate" ) | ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" ${SSH_USER}@${KUBE_MASTER_IP} sudo bash get-kubeconfig-basicauth echo echo "Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo " https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster specific test helpers used from hack/e2e-test.sh # Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env. # # Assumed Vars: # KUBE_ROOT function test-build-release { # Make a release "${KUBE_ROOT}/build/release.sh" } # Execute prior to running tests to initialize required structure. This is # called from hack/e2e.go only when running -up (it is run after kube-up). # # Assumed vars: # Variables from config.sh function test-setup { VPC_ID=$(get_vpc_id) detect-security-groups # Open up port 80 & 8080 so common containers on minions can be reached # TODO(roberthbailey): Remove this once we are no longer relying on hostPorts. authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr" authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--protocol tcp --port 8080 --cidr" # Open up the NodePort range # TODO(justinsb): Move to main setup, if we decide whether we want to do this by default. authorize-security-group-ingress "${MINION_SG_ID}" "--protocol all --port 30000-32767 --cidr" echo "test-setup complete" } # Execute after running tests to perform any required clean-up. This is called # from hack/e2e.go function test-teardown { # (ingress rules will be deleted along with the security group) echo "Shutting down test cluster." "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-down.sh" } # SSH to a node by name ($1) and run a command ($2). function ssh-to-node { local node="$1" local cmd="$2" if [[ "${node}" == "${MASTER_NAME}" ]]; then node=$(get_instanceid_from_name ${MASTER_NAME}) if [[ -z "${node-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" exit 1 fi fi local ip=$(get_instance_public_ip ${node}) if [[ -z "$ip" ]]; then echo "Could not detect IP for ${node}." exit 1 fi for try in $(seq 1 5); do if ssh -oLogLevel=quiet -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" ${SSH_USER}@${ip} "${cmd}"; then break fi done } # Restart the kube-proxy on a node ($1) function restart-kube-proxy { ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-proxy restart" } # Restart the kube-apiserver on a node ($1) function restart-apiserver { ssh-to-node "$1" "sudo /etc/init.d/kube-apiserver restart" } # Perform preparations required to run e2e tests function prepare-e2e() { # (AWS runs detect-project, I don't think we need to anything) # Note: we can't print anything here, or else the test tools will break with the extra output return } function get-tokens() { KUBELET_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) }