/* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "github.com/golang/glog" "k8s.io/api/admission/v1alpha1" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" ) // Config contains the server (the webhook) cert and key. type Config struct { CertFile string KeyFile string } func (c *Config) addFlags() { flag.StringVar(&c.CertFile, "tls-cert-file", c.CertFile, ""+ "File containing the default x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated "+ "after server cert).") flag.StringVar(&c.KeyFile, "tls-private-key-file", c.KeyFile, ""+ "File containing the default x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.") } func toAdmissionReviewStatus(err error) *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus { return &v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus{ Result: &metav1.Status{ Message: err.Error(), }, } } // only allow pods to pull images from specific registry. func admitPods(ar v1alpha1.AdmissionReview) *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus { glog.V(2).Info("admitting pods") podResource := metav1.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods"} if ar.Spec.Resource != podResource { err := fmt.Errorf("expect resource to be %s", podResource) glog.Error(err) return toAdmissionReviewStatus(err) } raw := ar.Spec.Object.Raw pod := corev1.Pod{} deserializer := codecs.UniversalDeserializer() if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(raw, nil, &pod); err != nil { glog.Error(err) return toAdmissionReviewStatus(err) } reviewStatus := v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus{} reviewStatus.Allowed = true var msg string for k, v := range pod.Labels { if k == "webhook-e2e-test" && v == "webhook-disallow" { reviewStatus.Allowed = false msg = msg + "the pod contains unwanted label; " } } for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers { if strings.Contains(container.Name, "webhook-disallow") { reviewStatus.Allowed = false msg = msg + "the pod contains unwanted container name; " } } if !reviewStatus.Allowed { reviewStatus.Result = &metav1.Status{Message: strings.TrimSpace(msg)} } return &reviewStatus } // deny configmaps with specific key-value pair. func admitConfigMaps(ar v1alpha1.AdmissionReview) *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus { glog.V(2).Info("admitting configmaps") configMapResource := metav1.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "configmaps"} if ar.Spec.Resource != configMapResource { glog.Errorf("expect resource to be %s", configMapResource) return nil } raw := ar.Spec.Object.Raw configmap := corev1.ConfigMap{} deserializer := codecs.UniversalDeserializer() if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(raw, nil, &configmap); err != nil { glog.Error(err) return toAdmissionReviewStatus(err) } reviewStatus := v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus{} reviewStatus.Allowed = true for k, v := range configmap.Data { if k == "webhook-e2e-test" && v == "webhook-disallow" { reviewStatus.Allowed = false reviewStatus.Result = &metav1.Status{ Reason: "the configmap contains unwanted key and value", } } } return &reviewStatus } func admitCRD(ar v1alpha1.AdmissionReview) *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus { glog.V(2).Info("admitting crd") cr := struct { metav1.ObjectMeta Data map[string]string }{} raw := ar.Spec.Object.Raw err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &cr) if err != nil { glog.Error(err) return toAdmissionReviewStatus(err) } reviewStatus := v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus{} reviewStatus.Allowed = true for k, v := range cr.Data { if k == "webhook-e2e-test" && v == "webhook-disallow" { reviewStatus.Allowed = false reviewStatus.Result = &metav1.Status{ Reason: "the custom resource contains unwanted data", } } } return &reviewStatus } type admitFunc func(v1alpha1.AdmissionReview) *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus func serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, admit admitFunc) { var body []byte if r.Body != nil { if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body); err == nil { body = data } } // verify the content type is accurate contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-Type") if contentType != "application/json" { glog.Errorf("contentType=%s, expect application/json", contentType) return } var reviewStatus *v1alpha1.AdmissionReviewStatus ar := v1alpha1.AdmissionReview{} deserializer := codecs.UniversalDeserializer() if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(body, nil, &ar); err != nil { glog.Error(err) reviewStatus = toAdmissionReviewStatus(err) } else { reviewStatus = admit(ar) } if reviewStatus != nil { ar.Status = *reviewStatus } resp, err := json.Marshal(ar) if err != nil { glog.Error(err) } if _, err := w.Write(resp); err != nil { glog.Error(err) } } func servePods(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { serve(w, r, admitPods) } func serveConfigmaps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { serve(w, r, admitConfigMaps) } func serveCRD(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { serve(w, r, admitCRD) } func main() { var config Config config.addFlags() flag.Parse() http.HandleFunc("/pods", servePods) http.HandleFunc("/configmaps", serveConfigmaps) http.HandleFunc("/crd", serveCRD) clientset := getClient() server := &http.Server{ Addr: ":443", TLSConfig: configTLS(config, clientset), } server.ListenAndServeTLS("", "") }