# Cassandra on Kubernetes Custom Seed Provider: releases.k8s.io/HEAD Within any deployment of Cassandra a Seed Provider is used to for node discovery and communication. When a Cassandra node first starts it must discover which nodes, or seeds, for the information about the Cassandra nodes in the ring / rack / datacenter. This Java project provides a custom Seed Provider which communicates with the Kubernetes API to discover the required information. This provider is bundled with the Docker provided in this example. # Configuring the Seed Provider The following environment variables may be used to override the default configurations: | ENV VAR | DEFAULT VALUE | NOTES | | ------------- |:-------------: |:-------------:| | KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR | kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local | The hostname of the API server | | KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT | 443 | API port number | | CASSANDRA_SERVICE | cassandra | Default service name for lookup | | POD_NAMESPACE | default | Default pod service namespace | | K8S_ACCOUNT_TOKEN | /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token | Default path to service token | # Using If no endpoints are discovered from the API the seeds configured in the cassandra.yaml file are used. # Provider limitations This Cassandra Provider implements `SeedProvider`. and utilizes `SimpleSnitch`. This limits a Cassandra Ring to a single Cassandra Datacenter and ignores Rack setup. Datastax provides more documentation on the use of [_SNITCHES_](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.x/cassandra/architecture/archSnitchesAbout.html). Further development is planned to expand this capability. This in affect makes every node a seed provider, which is not a recommended best practice. This increases maintenance and reduces gossip performance. [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/examples/storage/cassandra/java/README.md?pixel)]()