# Kubernetes Ansible This playbook helps you to set up a Kubernetes cluster on machines where you can't or don't want to use the salt scripts and cluster up/down tools. They can be real hardware, VMs, things in a public cloud, etc. ## Before starting * Record the IP address/hostname of which machine you want to be your master (only support a single master) * Record the IP address/hostname of the machine you want to be your etcd server (often same as master, only one) * Record the IP addresses/hostname of the machines you want to be your nodes. (the master can also be a node) ### Configure the inventory file Stick the system information gathered above into the 'inventory' file. ### Configure your cluster You will want to look though all of the options in `group_vars/all.yml` and set the variables to reflect your needs. The options should be described there in full detail. ### Set up the actual kubernetes cluster Now run the setup: `$ ./setup.sh` In generel this will work on very recent Fedora, rawhide or F21. Future work to support RHEL7, CentOS, and possible other distros should be forthcoming. ### You can just set up certain parts instead of doing it all Only etcd: `$ ./setup.sh --tags=etcd` Only the kubernetes master: `$ ./setup.sh --tags=masters` Only the kubernetes nodes: `$ ./setup.sh --tags=nodes` ### You may overwrite the inventory file by doing `INVENTORY=myinventory ./setup.sh` Only flannel: $ ./setup.sh --tags=flannel [![Analytics](https://kubernetes-site.appspot.com/UA-36037335-10/GitHub/contrib/ansible/README.md?pixel)]()