load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_test") load("@io_kubernetes_build//defs:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar") load("@io_kubernetes_build//defs:build.bzl", "release_filegroup") go_test( name = "go_default_test", srcs = [ "apiserver_manifest_test.go", "configure_helper_test.go", ], data = [ ":scripts-test-data", "//cluster/gce/manifests", ], deps = [ "//pkg/api/legacyscheme:go_default_library", "//vendor/k8s.io/api/core/v1:go_default_library", "//vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime:go_default_library", ], ) # Having the COS code from the GCE cluster deploy hosted with the release is # useful for GKE. This list should match the list in # kubernetes/release/lib/releaselib.sh. release_filegroup( name = "gcs-release-artifacts", srcs = [ "configure.sh", "master.yaml", "node.yaml", "shutdown.sh", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) pkg_tar( name = "gci-trusty-manifests", files = { "//cluster/gce/gci/mounter": "gci-mounter", "configure-helper.sh": "gci-configure-helper.sh", "health-monitor.sh": "health-monitor.sh", }, mode = "0755", strip_prefix = ".", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) filegroup( name = "package-srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), tags = ["automanaged"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) filegroup( name = "all-srcs", srcs = [ ":package-srcs", "//cluster/gce/gci/mounter:all-srcs", ], tags = ["automanaged"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) filegroup( name = "scripts-test-data", srcs = [ "configure-helper.sh", ], )