.TH "KUBERNETES" "1" " kubernetes User Manuals" "Eric Paris" "Jan 2015" "" .SH NAME .PP kubectl config use\-context \- Sets the current\-context in a kubeconfig file .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBkubectl config use\-context\fP [OPTIONS] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Sets the current\-context in a kubeconfig file .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .PP \fB\-\-alsologtostderr\fP=false log to standard error as well as files .PP \fB\-\-api\-version\fP="" DEPRECATED: The API version to use when talking to the server .PP \fB\-\-as\fP="" Username to impersonate for the operation. .PP \fB\-\-certificate\-authority\fP="" Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority. .PP \fB\-\-client\-certificate\fP="" Path to a client certificate file for TLS. .PP \fB\-\-client\-key\fP="" Path to a client key file for TLS. .PP \fB\-\-cluster\fP="" The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use .PP \fB\-\-context\fP="" The name of the kubeconfig context to use .PP \fB\-\-insecure\-skip\-tls\-verify\fP=false If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. .PP \fB\-\-kubeconfig\fP="" use a particular kubeconfig file .PP \fB\-\-log\-backtrace\-at\fP=:0 when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace .PP \fB\-\-log\-dir\fP="" If non\-empty, write log files in this directory .PP \fB\-\-log\-flush\-frequency\fP=5s Maximum number of seconds between log flushes .PP \fB\-\-logtostderr\fP=true log to standard error instead of files .PP \fB\-\-match\-server\-version\fP=false Require server version to match client version .PP \fB\-\-namespace\fP="" If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request. .PP \fB\-\-password\fP="" Password for basic authentication to the API server. .PP \fB\-s\fP, \fB\-\-server\fP="" The address and port of the Kubernetes API server .PP \fB\-\-stderrthreshold\fP=2 logs at or above this threshold go to stderr .PP \fB\-\-token\fP="" Bearer token for authentication to the API server. .PP \fB\-\-user\fP="" The name of the kubeconfig user to use .PP \fB\-\-username\fP="" Username for basic authentication to the API server. .PP \fB\-\-v\fP=0 log level for V logs .PP \fB\-\-vmodule\fP= comma\-separated list of pattern=N settings for file\-filtered logging .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBkubectl\-config(1)\fP, .SH HISTORY .PP January 2015, Originally compiled by Eric Paris (eparis at redhat dot com) based on the kubernetes source material, but hopefully they have been automatically generated since!