#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Contains swagger related util functions. # set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # The root of the build/dist directory KUBE_ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../.." && pwd -P)" # Generates types_swagger_doc_generated file for the given group version. # $1: Name of the group version # $2: Path to the directory where types.go for that group version exists. This # is the directory where the file will be generated. kube::swagger::gen_types_swagger_doc() { local group_version=$1 local gv_dir=$2 local TMPFILE="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/types_swagger_doc_generated.$(date +%s).go" echo "Generating swagger type docs for ${group_version} at ${gv_dir}" sed 's/YEAR/2016/' hack/boilerplate/boilerplate.go.txt > "$TMPFILE" echo "package ${group_version##*/}" >> "$TMPFILE" cat >> "$TMPFILE" <> "$TMPFILE" echo "// AUTO-GENERATED FUNCTIONS END HERE" >> "$TMPFILE" gofmt -w -s "$TMPFILE" mv "$TMPFILE" ""${gv_dir}"/types_swagger_doc_generated.go" } # Generates API reference docs for the given API group versions. # Required env vars: # GROUP_VERSIONS: Array of group versions to be included in the reference # docs. # GV_DIRS: Array of root directories for those group versions. # Input vars: # $1: Root directory path for swagger spec # $2: Root directory path where the reference docs should be generated. kube::swagger::gen_api_ref_docs() { : "${GROUP_VERSIONS?Must set GROUP_VERSIONS env var}" : "${GV_DIRS?Must set GV_DIRS env var}" echo "Generating API reference docs for group versions: ${GROUP_VERSIONS[@]}, at dirs: ${GV_DIRS[@]}" GROUP_VERSIONS=(${GROUP_VERSIONS[@]}) GV_DIRS=(${GV_DIRS[@]}) local swagger_spec_path=${1} local output_dir=${2} echo "Reading swagger spec from: ${swagger_spec_path}" echo "Generating the docs at: ${output_dir}" # Use REPO_DIR if provided so we can set it to the host-resolvable path # to the repo root if we are running this script from a container with # docker mounted in as a volume. # We pass the host output dir as the source dir to `docker run -v`, but use # the regular one to compute diff (they will be the same if running this # test on the host, potentially different if running in a container). local repo_dir=${REPO_DIR:-"${KUBE_ROOT}"} local tmp_subpath="_output/generated_html" local output_tmp_in_host="${repo_dir}/${tmp_subpath}" local output_tmp="${KUBE_ROOT}/${tmp_subpath}" echo "Generating api reference docs at ${output_tmp}" for ver in "${GROUP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do mkdir -p "${output_tmp}/${ver}" done user_flags="-u $(id -u)" if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then # mapping in a uid from OS X doesn't make any sense user_flags="" fi for i in "${!GROUP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do local ver=${GROUP_VERSIONS[i]} local dir=${GV_DIRS[i]} local tmp_in_host="${output_tmp_in_host}/${ver}" local register_file="${dir}/register.go" local swagger_json_name="$(kube::util::gv-to-swagger-name "${ver}")" docker run ${user_flags} \ --rm -v "${tmp_in_host}":/output:z \ -v "${swagger_spec_path}":/swagger-source:z \ -v "${register_file}":/register.go:z \ --net=host -e "https_proxy=${KUBERNETES_HTTPS_PROXY:-}" \ gcr.io/google_containers/gen-swagger-docs:v8 \ "${swagger_json_name}" done # Check if we actually changed anything pushd "${output_tmp}" > /dev/null touch .generated_html find . -type f | cut -sd / -f 2- | LC_ALL=C sort > .generated_html popd > /dev/null if LANG=C sed --help 2>&1 | grep -q GNU; then SED="sed" elif which gsed &>/dev/null; then SED="gsed" else echo "Failed to find GNU sed as sed or gsed. If you are on Mac: brew install gnu-sed." >&2 exit 1 fi while read file; do if [[ -e "${output_dir}/${file}" && -e "${output_tmp}/${file}" ]]; then echo "comparing ${output_dir}/${file} with ${output_tmp}/${file}" # Remove the timestamp to reduce conflicts in PR(s) $SED -i 's/^Last updated.*$//' "${output_tmp}/${file}" # By now, the contents should be normalized and stripped of any # auto-managed content. if diff -NauprB "${output_dir}/${file}" "${output_tmp}/${file}" >/dev/null; then # actual contents same, overwrite generated with original. cp "${output_dir}/${file}" "${output_tmp}/${file}" fi fi done <"${output_tmp}/.generated_html" echo "Moving api reference docs from ${output_tmp} to ${output_dir}" # Create output_dir if doesn't exist. Prevents error on copy. mkdir -p "${output_dir}" cp -af "${output_tmp}"/* "${output_dir}" rm -r "${output_tmp}" }