#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # If we have any arguments at all, this is a push and not just setup. is_push=$@ readonly KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE="/srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver/known_tokens.csv" readonly BASIC_AUTH_FILE="/srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver/basic_auth.csv" function ensure-basic-networking() { # Deal with GCE networking bring-up race. (We rely on DNS for a lot, # and it's just not worth doing a whole lot of startup work if this # isn't ready yet.) until getent hosts metadata.google.internal &>/dev/null; do echo 'Waiting for functional DNS (trying to resolve metadata.google.internal)...' sleep 3 done until getent hosts $(hostname -f) &>/dev/null; do echo 'Waiting for functional DNS (trying to resolve my own FQDN)...' sleep 3 done until getent hosts $(hostname -i) &>/dev/null; do echo 'Waiting for functional DNS (trying to resolve my own IP)...' sleep 3 done echo "Networking functional on $(hostname) ($(hostname -i))" } function ensure-install-dir() { INSTALL_DIR="/var/cache/kubernetes-install" mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR} cd ${INSTALL_DIR} } function salt-apiserver-timeout-grain() { cat <>/etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf minRequestTimeout: '$1' EOF } function set-broken-motd() { echo -e '\nBroken (or in progress) GCE Kubernetes node setup! Suggested first step:\n tail /var/log/startupscript.log\n' > /etc/motd } function set-good-motd() { echo -e '\n=== GCE Kubernetes node setup complete ===\n' > /etc/motd } function curl-metadata() { curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/${1}" } function set-kube-env() { local kube_env_yaml="${INSTALL_DIR}/kube_env.yaml" until curl-metadata kube-env > "${kube_env_yaml}"; do echo 'Waiting for kube-env...' sleep 3 done # kube-env has all the environment variables we care about, in a flat yaml format eval $(python -c ''' import pipes,sys,yaml for k,v in yaml.load(sys.stdin).iteritems(): print "readonly {var}={value}".format(var = k, value = pipes.quote(str(v))) ''' < "${kube_env_yaml}") } function remove-docker-artifacts() { echo "== Deleting docker0 ==" # Forcibly install bridge-utils (options borrowed from Salt logs). until apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef install bridge-utils; do echo "== install of bridge-utils failed, retrying ==" sleep 5 done # Remove docker artifacts on minion nodes, if present iptables -t nat -F || true ifconfig docker0 down || true brctl delbr docker0 || true echo "== Finished deleting docker0 ==" } # Retry a download until we get it. # # $1 is the URL to download download-or-bust() { local -r url="$1" local -r file="${url##*/}" rm -f "$file" until curl --ipv4 -Lo "$file" --connect-timeout 20 --retry 6 --retry-delay 10 "${url}"; do echo "Failed to download file (${url}). Retrying." done } validate-hash() { local -r file="$1" local -r expected="$2" local actual actual=$(sha1sum ${file} | awk '{ print $1 }') || true if [[ "${actual}" != "${expected}" ]]; then echo "== ${file} corrupted, sha1 ${actual} doesn't match expected ${expected} ==" return 1 fi } # Install salt from GCS. See README.md for instructions on how to update these # debs. install-salt() { if dpkg -s salt-minion &>/dev/null; then echo "== SaltStack already installed, skipping install step ==" return fi echo "== Refreshing package database ==" until apt-get update; do echo "== apt-get update failed, retrying ==" echo sleep 5 done mkdir -p /var/cache/salt-install cd /var/cache/salt-install DEBS=( libzmq3_3.2.3+dfsg-1~bpo70~dst+1_amd64.deb python-zmq_13.1.0-1~bpo70~dst+1_amd64.deb salt-common_2014.1.13+ds-1~bpo70+1_all.deb salt-minion_2014.1.13+ds-1~bpo70+1_all.deb ) URL_BASE="https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/salt" for deb in "${DEBS[@]}"; do if [ ! -e "${deb}" ]; then download-or-bust "${URL_BASE}/${deb}" fi done # Based on # https://major.io/2014/06/26/install-debian-packages-without-starting-daemons/ # We do this to prevent Salt from starting the salt-minion # daemon. The other packages don't have relevant daemons. (If you # add a package that needs a daemon started, add it to a different # list.) cat > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d <&2 exit 101 EOF chmod 0755 /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d for deb in "${DEBS[@]}"; do echo "== Installing ${deb}, ignore dependency complaints (will fix later) ==" dpkg --skip-same-version --force-depends -i "${deb}" done # This will install any of the unmet dependencies from above. echo "== Installing unmet dependencies ==" until apt-get install -f -y; do echo "== apt-get install failed, retrying ==" echo sleep 5 done rm /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d # Log a timestamp echo "== Finished installing Salt ==" } # Ensure salt-minion isn't running and never runs stop-salt-minion() { if [[ -e /etc/init/salt-minion.override ]]; then # Assume this has already run (upgrade, or baked into containervm) return fi # This ensures it on next reboot echo manual > /etc/init/salt-minion.override update-rc.d salt-minion disable while service salt-minion status >/dev/null; do echo "salt-minion found running, stopping" service salt-minion stop sleep 1 done } # Mounts a persistent disk (formatting if needed) to store the persistent data # on the master -- etcd's data, a few settings, and security certs/keys/tokens. # # This function can be reused to mount an existing PD because all of its # operations modifying the disk are idempotent -- safe_format_and_mount only # formats an unformatted disk, and mkdir -p will leave a directory be if it # already exists. mount-master-pd() { # TODO(zmerlynn): GKE is still lagging in master-pd creation if [[ ! -e /dev/disk/by-id/google-master-pd ]]; then return fi device_info=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/google-master-pd) relative_path=${device_info##* } device_path="/dev/disk/by-id/${relative_path}" # Format and mount the disk, create directories on it for all of the master's # persistent data, and link them to where they're used. echo "Mounting master-pd" mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd /usr/share/google/safe_format_and_mount -m "mkfs.ext4 -F" "${device_path}" /mnt/master-pd &>/var/log/master-pd-mount.log || \ { echo "!!! master-pd mount failed, review /var/log/master-pd-mount.log !!!"; return 1; } # Contains all the data stored in etcd mkdir -m 700 -p /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd # Contains the dynamically generated apiserver auth certs and keys mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/kubernetes # Contains the cluster's initial config parameters and auth tokens mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/salt-overlay # Directory for kube-apiserver to store SSH key (if necessary) mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/sshproxy ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd /var/etcd ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/kubernetes /srv/kubernetes ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/sshproxy /srv/sshproxy ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/salt-overlay /srv/salt-overlay # This is a bit of a hack to get around the fact that salt has to run after the # PD and mounted directory are already set up. We can't give ownership of the # directory to etcd until the etcd user and group exist, but they don't exist # until salt runs if we don't create them here. We could alternatively make the # permissions on the directory more permissive, but this seems less bad. if ! id etcd &>/dev/null; then useradd -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/etcd etcd fi chown -R etcd /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd chgrp -R etcd /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd } # Create the overlay files for the salt tree. We create these in a separate # place so that we can blow away the rest of the salt configs on a kube-push and # re-apply these. function create-salt-pillar() { # Always overwrite the cluster-params.sls (even on a push, we have # these variables) mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/pillar cat </srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls instance_prefix: '$(echo "$INSTANCE_PREFIX" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' node_instance_prefix: '$(echo "$NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' cluster_cidr: '$(echo "$CLUSTER_IP_RANGE" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' allocate_node_cidrs: '$(echo "$ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' service_cluster_ip_range: '$(echo "$SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' enable_cluster_monitoring: '$(echo "$ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' enable_cluster_logging: '$(echo "$ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' enable_cluster_ui: '$(echo "$ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' enable_node_logging: '$(echo "$ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' logging_destination: '$(echo "$LOGGING_DESTINATION" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' elasticsearch_replicas: '$(echo "$ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' enable_cluster_dns: '$(echo "$ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' dns_replicas: '$(echo "$DNS_REPLICAS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' dns_server: '$(echo "$DNS_SERVER_IP" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' dns_domain: '$(echo "$DNS_DOMAIN" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' admission_control: '$(echo "$ADMISSION_CONTROL" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF if [ -n "${APISERVER_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]; then cat <>/srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls apiserver_test_args: '$(echo "$APISERVER_TEST_ARGS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi if [ -n "${KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]; then cat <>/srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls kubelet_test_args: '$(echo "$KUBELET_TEST_ARGS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi if [ -n "${CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]; then cat <>/srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls controller_manager_test_args: '$(echo "$CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi if [ -n "${SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]; then cat <>/srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls scheduler_test_args: '$(echo "$SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi if [ -n "${KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS:-}" ]; then cat <>/srv/salt-overlay/pillar/cluster-params.sls kubeproxy_test_args: '$(echo "$KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi } # This should only happen on cluster initialization. # # - Uses KUBE_PASSWORD and KUBE_USER to generate basic_auth.csv. # - Uses KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN, KUBELET_TOKEN, and KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN to generate # known_tokens.csv (KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE). # - Uses CA_CERT, MASTER_CERT, and MASTER_KEY to populate the SSL credentials # for the apiserver. # - Optionally uses KUBECFG_CERT and KUBECFG_KEY to store a copy of the client # cert credentials. # # After the first boot and on upgrade, these files exists on the master-pd # and should never be touched again (except perhaps an additional service # account, see NB below.) function create-salt-master-auth() { if [[ ! -e /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt ]]; then if [[ ! -z "${CA_CERT:-}" ]] && [[ ! -z "${MASTER_CERT:-}" ]] && [[ ! -z "${MASTER_KEY:-}" ]]; then mkdir -p /srv/kubernetes (umask 077; echo "${CA_CERT}" | base64 -d > /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt; echo "${MASTER_CERT}" | base64 -d > /srv/kubernetes/server.cert; echo "${MASTER_KEY}" | base64 -d > /srv/kubernetes/server.key; # Kubecfg cert/key are optional and included for backwards compatibility. # TODO(roberthbailey): Remove these two lines once GKE no longer requires # fetching clients certs from the master VM. echo "${KUBECFG_CERT:-}" | base64 -d > /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.crt; echo "${KUBECFG_KEY:-}" | base64 -d > /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.key) fi fi if [ ! -e "${BASIC_AUTH_FILE}" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver (umask 077; echo "${KUBE_PASSWORD},${KUBE_USER},admin" > "${BASIC_AUTH_FILE}") fi if [ ! -e "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver (umask 077; echo "${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN},admin,admin" > "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}"; echo "${KUBELET_TOKEN},kubelet,kubelet" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}"; echo "${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN},kube_proxy,kube_proxy" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}") # Generate tokens for other "service accounts". Append to known_tokens. # # NB: If this list ever changes, this script actually has to # change to detect the existence of this file, kill any deleted # old tokens and add any new tokens (to handle the upgrade case). local -r service_accounts=("system:scheduler" "system:controller_manager" "system:logging" "system:monitoring" "system:dns") for account in "${service_accounts[@]}"; do token=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) echo "${token},${account},${account}" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}" done fi } # This should happen both on cluster initialization and node upgrades. # # - Uses CA_CERT, KUBELET_CERT, and KUBELET_KEY to generate a kubeconfig file # for the kubelet to securely connect to the apiserver. function create-salt-kubelet-auth() { local -r kubelet_kubeconfig_file="/srv/salt-overlay/salt/kubelet/kubeconfig" if [ ! -e "${kubelet_kubeconfig_file}" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/kubelet (umask 077; cat > "${kubelet_kubeconfig_file}" < "${kube_proxy_kubeconfig_file}" < /dev/null } function download-release() { # In case of failure checking integrity of release, retry. until try-download-release; do sleep 15 echo "Couldn't download release. Retrying..." done echo "Running release install script" sudo kubernetes/saltbase/install.sh "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL##*/}" } function fix-apt-sources() { sed -i -e "\|^deb.*http://http.debian.net/debian| s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list sed -i -e "\|^deb.*http://ftp.debian.org/debian| s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list } function salt-run-local() { cat </etc/salt/minion.d/local.conf file_client: local file_roots: base: - /srv/salt EOF } function salt-debug-log() { cat </etc/salt/minion.d/log-level-debug.conf log_level: debug log_level_logfile: debug EOF } function salt-master-role() { cat </etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf grains: roles: - kubernetes-master cbr-cidr: ${MASTER_IP_RANGE} cloud: gce EOF if ! [[ -z "${PROJECT_ID:-}" ]] && ! [[ -z "${TOKEN_URL:-}" ]] && ! [[ -z "${NODE_NETWORK:-}" ]] ; then cat </etc/gce.conf [global] token-url = ${TOKEN_URL} project-id = ${PROJECT_ID} network-name = ${NODE_NETWORK} EOF EXTERNAL_IP=$(curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip") cat <>/etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf cloud_config: /etc/gce.conf advertise_address: '${EXTERNAL_IP}' proxy_ssh_user: '${PROXY_SSH_USER}' EOF fi } function salt-node-role() { cat </etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf grains: roles: - kubernetes-pool cbr-cidr: cloud: gce EOF } function salt-docker-opts() { DOCKER_OPTS="" if [[ -n "${EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS-}" ]]; then DOCKER_OPTS="${EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS}" fi if [[ -n "{DOCKER_OPTS}" ]]; then cat <>/etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf docker_opts: '$(echo "$DOCKER_OPTS" | sed -e "s/'/''/g")' EOF fi } function salt-set-apiserver() { cat <>/etc/salt/minion.d/grains.conf api_servers: '${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME}' EOF } function configure-salt() { fix-apt-sources mkdir -p /etc/salt/minion.d salt-run-local if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER}" == "true" ]]; then salt-master-role if [ -n "${KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT:-}" ]; then salt-apiserver-timeout-grain $KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT fi else salt-node-role salt-docker-opts salt-set-apiserver fi install-salt stop-salt-minion } function run-salt() { echo "== Calling Salt ==" salt-call --local state.highstate || true } #################################################################################### if [[ -z "${is_push}" ]]; then echo "== kube-up node config starting ==" set-broken-motd ensure-basic-networking ensure-install-dir set-kube-env [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER}" == "true" ]] && mount-master-pd create-salt-pillar if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER}" == "true" ]]; then create-salt-master-auth else create-salt-kubelet-auth create-salt-kubeproxy-auth fi download-release configure-salt remove-docker-artifacts run-salt set-good-motd echo "== kube-up node config done ==" else echo "== kube-push node config starting ==" ensure-basic-networking ensure-install-dir set-kube-env create-salt-pillar download-release run-salt echo "== kube-push node config done ==" fi