package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@io_k8s_repo_infra//defs:build.bzl", "release_filegroup") load(":code_generation_test.bzl", "code_generation_test_suite") load(":container.bzl", "multi_arch_container", "multi_arch_container_push") load(":platforms.bzl", "SERVER_PLATFORMS", "for_platforms") code_generation_test_suite( name = "code_generation_tests", ) filegroup( name = "package-srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), tags = ["automanaged"], ) filegroup( name = "all-srcs", srcs = [ ":package-srcs", "//build/debs:all-srcs", "//build/release-tars:all-srcs", "//build/rpms:all-srcs", "//build/visible_to:all-srcs", ], tags = ["automanaged"], ) # This list should roughly match kube::build::get_docker_wrapped_binaries() # in build/ DOCKERIZED_BINARIES = { "cloud-controller-manager": { "base": "@debian-base-{ARCH}//image", "target": "//cmd/cloud-controller-manager:cloud-controller-manager", }, "kube-apiserver": { "base": "@debian-base-{ARCH}//image", "target": "//cmd/kube-apiserver:kube-apiserver", }, "kube-controller-manager": { "base": "@debian-base-{ARCH}//image", "target": "//cmd/kube-controller-manager:kube-controller-manager", }, "kube-scheduler": { "base": "@debian-base-{ARCH}//image", "target": "//cmd/kube-scheduler:kube-scheduler", }, "kube-proxy": { "base": "@debian-iptables-{ARCH}//image", "target": "//cmd/kube-proxy:kube-proxy", }, } # In the bash-based build (build/lib/, the images built for amd64 do not use # an arch in their name (but other arches do), and the GCE cluster scripts # (which sideload the images via tarfiles) expect there not to be an arch. # When pushing to, we want to use an arch, since the archless name is now used for a # manifest list. Bazel doesn't support manifest lists (yet), so we can't do that either. # For now, we use the archless name for the image tars saved in the server tarball, # to satisfy GCE and other similar providers. (If one were to pull the images via the manifest # list, the arch wouldn't appear in the name either.) [multi_arch_container( name = binary, architectures = SERVER_PLATFORMS["linux"], base = meta["base"], cmd = ["/usr/bin/" + binary], debs = select(for_platforms( for_server = ["//build/debs:%s-{ARCH}.deb" % binary], only_os = "linux", )), # Since the multi_arch_container macro replaces the {ARCH} format string, # we need to escape the stamping vars. # Also see comment above about why the push tags use ARCH while the # non-push tags do not. docker_push_tags = ["{{STABLE_DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY}}/%s-{ARCH}:{{STABLE_DOCKER_TAG}}" % binary], docker_tags = ["{{STABLE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}}/%s:{{STABLE_DOCKER_TAG}}" % binary], stamp = True, symlinks = { # Some cluster startup scripts expect to find the binaries in /usr/local/bin, # but the debs install the binaries into /usr/bin. "/usr/local/bin/" + binary: "/usr/bin/" + binary, }, tags = ["manual"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) for binary, meta in DOCKERIZED_BINARIES.items()] # Also roll up all images into a single bundle to push with one target. multi_arch_container_push( name = "server-images", architectures = SERVER_PLATFORMS["linux"], docker_tags_images = { "{{STABLE_DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY}}/%s-{ARCH}:{{STABLE_DOCKER_TAG}}" % binary: "%s-internal" % binary for binary in DOCKERIZED_BINARIES.keys() }, tags = ["manual"], ) [genrule( name = binary + "_docker_tag", srcs = [meta["target"]], outs = [binary + ".docker_tag"], cmd = "grep ^STABLE_DOCKER_TAG bazel-out/stable-status.txt | awk '{print $$2}' >$@", stamp = 1, ) for binary, meta in DOCKERIZED_BINARIES.items()] genrule( name = "os_package_version", outs = ["version"], cmd = """ grep ^STABLE_BUILD_SCM_REVISION bazel-out/stable-status.txt \ | awk '{print $$2}' \ | sed -e 's/^v//' -Ee 's/-([a-z]+)/~\\1/' -e 's/-/+/g' \ >$@ """, stamp = 1, ) release_filegroup( name = "docker-artifacts", srcs = [":%s.tar" % binary for binary in DOCKERIZED_BINARIES.keys()] + [":%s.docker_tag" % binary for binary in DOCKERIZED_BINARIES.keys()], ) # KUBE_CLIENT_TARGETS release_filegroup( name = "client-targets", conditioned_srcs = for_platforms(for_client = [ "//cmd/kubectl", ]), ) # KUBE_NODE_TARGETS release_filegroup( name = "node-targets", conditioned_srcs = for_platforms(for_node = [ "//cmd/kube-proxy", "//cmd/kubeadm", "//cmd/kubelet", ]), ) # KUBE_SERVER_TARGETS # No need to duplicate CLIENT_TARGETS or NODE_TARGETS here, # since we include them in the actual build rule. release_filegroup( name = "server-targets", conditioned_srcs = for_platforms(for_server = [ "//cluster/gce/gci/mounter", "//cmd/cloud-controller-manager", "//cmd/hyperkube", "//cmd/kube-apiserver", "//cmd/kube-controller-manager", "//cmd/kube-scheduler", ]), ) # kube::golang::test_targets filegroup( name = "test-targets", srcs = select(for_platforms( for_server = [ "//cmd/kubemark", "//test/e2e_node:e2e_node.test_binary", ], for_test = [ "//cmd/gendocs", "//cmd/genkubedocs", "//cmd/genman", "//cmd/genswaggertypedocs", "//cmd/genyaml", "//cmd/linkcheck", "//test/e2e:e2e.test_binary", "//vendor/", ], )), ) # KUBE_TEST_PORTABLE filegroup( name = "test-portable-targets", srcs = [ "//hack:e2e.go", "//", "//", "//hack/e2e-internal:all-srcs", "//hack/lib:all-srcs", "//test/e2e/testing-manifests:all-srcs", "//test/kubemark:all-srcs", ], )