/* Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package config_test import ( "reflect" "sort" "testing" "time" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api" . "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/proxy/config" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/wait" ) const TomcatPort int = 8080 const TomcatName = "tomcat" var TomcatEndpoints = map[string]string{"c0": "", "c1": ""} const MysqlPort int = 3306 const MysqlName = "mysql" var MysqlEndpoints = map[string]string{"c0": "", "c3": ""} type sortedServices []api.Service func (s sortedServices) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s sortedServices) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s sortedServices) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Name < s[j].Name } type ServiceHandlerMock struct { updated chan []api.Service waits int } func NewServiceHandlerMock() *ServiceHandlerMock { return &ServiceHandlerMock{updated: make(chan []api.Service, 5)} } func (h *ServiceHandlerMock) OnServiceUpdate(services []api.Service) { sort.Sort(sortedServices(services)) h.updated <- services } func (h *ServiceHandlerMock) ValidateServices(t *testing.T, expectedServices []api.Service) { // We might get 1 or more updates for N service updates, because we // over write older snapshots of services from the producer go-routine // if the consumer falls behind. var services []api.Service for { select { case services = <-h.updated: if reflect.DeepEqual(services, expectedServices) { return } // Unittests will hard timeout in 5m with a stack trace, prevent that // and surface a clearer reason for failure. case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout): t.Errorf("Timed out. Expected %#v, Got %#v", expectedServices, services) return } } } type sortedEndpoints []api.Endpoints func (s sortedEndpoints) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s sortedEndpoints) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s sortedEndpoints) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Name < s[j].Name } type EndpointsHandlerMock struct { updated chan []api.Endpoints waits int } func NewEndpointsHandlerMock() *EndpointsHandlerMock { return &EndpointsHandlerMock{updated: make(chan []api.Endpoints, 5)} } func (h *EndpointsHandlerMock) OnEndpointsUpdate(endpoints []api.Endpoints) { sort.Sort(sortedEndpoints(endpoints)) h.updated <- endpoints } func (h *EndpointsHandlerMock) ValidateEndpoints(t *testing.T, expectedEndpoints []api.Endpoints) { // We might get 1 or more updates for N endpoint updates, because we // over write older snapshots of endpoints from the producer go-routine // if the consumer falls behind. Unittests will hard timeout in 5m. var endpoints []api.Endpoints for { select { case endpoints = <-h.updated: if reflect.DeepEqual(endpoints, expectedEndpoints) { return } // Unittests will hard timeout in 5m with a stack trace, prevent that // and surface a clearer reason for failure. case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout): t.Errorf("Timed out. Expected %#v, Got %#v", expectedEndpoints, endpoints) return } } } func CreateServiceUpdate(op Operation, services ...api.Service) ServiceUpdate { ret := ServiceUpdate{Op: op} ret.Services = make([]api.Service, len(services)) for i, value := range services { ret.Services[i] = value } return ret } func CreateEndpointsUpdate(op Operation, endpoints ...api.Endpoints) EndpointsUpdate { ret := EndpointsUpdate{Op: op} ret.Endpoints = make([]api.Endpoints, len(endpoints)) for i, value := range endpoints { ret.Endpoints[i] = value } return ret } func TestNewServiceAddedAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewServiceConfig() channel := config.Channel("one") handler := NewServiceHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) serviceUpdate := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 10}}}, }) channel <- serviceUpdate handler.ValidateServices(t, serviceUpdate.Services) } func TestServiceAddedRemovedSetAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewServiceConfig() channel := config.Channel("one") handler := NewServiceHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) serviceUpdate := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 10}}}, }) channel <- serviceUpdate handler.ValidateServices(t, serviceUpdate.Services) serviceUpdate2 := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 20}}}, }) channel <- serviceUpdate2 services := []api.Service{serviceUpdate2.Services[0], serviceUpdate.Services[0]} handler.ValidateServices(t, services) serviceUpdate3 := CreateServiceUpdate(REMOVE, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, }) channel <- serviceUpdate3 services = []api.Service{serviceUpdate2.Services[0]} handler.ValidateServices(t, services) serviceUpdate4 := CreateServiceUpdate(SET, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foobar"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 99}}}, }) channel <- serviceUpdate4 services = []api.Service{serviceUpdate4.Services[0]} handler.ValidateServices(t, services) } func TestNewMultipleSourcesServicesAddedAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewServiceConfig() channelOne := config.Channel("one") channelTwo := config.Channel("two") if channelOne == channelTwo { t.Error("Same channel handed back for one and two") } handler := NewServiceHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) serviceUpdate1 := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 10}}}, }) serviceUpdate2 := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 20}}}, }) channelOne <- serviceUpdate1 channelTwo <- serviceUpdate2 services := []api.Service{serviceUpdate2.Services[0], serviceUpdate1.Services[0]} handler.ValidateServices(t, services) } func TestNewMultipleSourcesServicesMultipleHandlersAddedAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewServiceConfig() channelOne := config.Channel("one") channelTwo := config.Channel("two") handler := NewServiceHandlerMock() handler2 := NewServiceHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) config.RegisterHandler(handler2) serviceUpdate1 := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 10}}}, }) serviceUpdate2 := CreateServiceUpdate(ADD, api.Service{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: "TCP", Port: 20}}}, }) channelOne <- serviceUpdate1 channelTwo <- serviceUpdate2 services := []api.Service{serviceUpdate2.Services[0], serviceUpdate1.Services[0]} handler.ValidateServices(t, services) handler2.ValidateServices(t, services) } func TestNewMultipleSourcesEndpointsMultipleHandlersAddedAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewEndpointsConfig() channelOne := config.Channel("one") channelTwo := config.Channel("two") handler := NewEndpointsHandlerMock() handler2 := NewEndpointsHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) config.RegisterHandler(handler2) endpointsUpdate1 := CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) endpointsUpdate2 := CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) channelOne <- endpointsUpdate1 channelTwo <- endpointsUpdate2 endpoints := []api.Endpoints{endpointsUpdate2.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate1.Endpoints[0]} handler.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) handler2.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) } func TestNewMultipleSourcesEndpointsMultipleHandlersAddRemoveSetAndNotified(t *testing.T) { config := NewEndpointsConfig() channelOne := config.Channel("one") channelTwo := config.Channel("two") handler := NewEndpointsHandlerMock() handler2 := NewEndpointsHandlerMock() config.RegisterHandler(handler) config.RegisterHandler(handler2) endpointsUpdate1 := CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) endpointsUpdate2 := CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) channelOne <- endpointsUpdate1 channelTwo <- endpointsUpdate2 endpoints := []api.Endpoints{endpointsUpdate2.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate1.Endpoints[0]} handler.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) handler2.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) // Add one more endpointsUpdate3 := CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foobar"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) channelTwo <- endpointsUpdate3 endpoints = []api.Endpoints{endpointsUpdate2.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate1.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate3.Endpoints[0]} handler.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) handler2.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) // Update the "foo" service with new endpoints endpointsUpdate1 = CreateEndpointsUpdate(ADD, api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "foo"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{{ Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 80}}, }}, }) channelOne <- endpointsUpdate1 endpoints = []api.Endpoints{endpointsUpdate2.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate1.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate3.Endpoints[0]} handler.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) handler2.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) // Remove "bar" service endpointsUpdate2 = CreateEndpointsUpdate(REMOVE, api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "testnamespace", Name: "bar"}}) channelTwo <- endpointsUpdate2 endpoints = []api.Endpoints{endpointsUpdate1.Endpoints[0], endpointsUpdate3.Endpoints[0]} handler.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) handler2.ValidateEndpoints(t, endpoints) } // TODO: Add a unittest for interrupts getting processed in a timely manner. // Currently this module has a circular dependency with config, and so it's // named config_test, which means even test methods need to be public. This // is refactoring that we can avoid by resolving the dependency.