deployment_controller.go:299] Error syncing deployment
Deployment.extensions "e2e-test-nginx-deployment" is invalid:
status.unavailableReplicas: Invalid value: -1:
must be greater than or equal to 0
The validation error above occurs usually when a Deployment is
scaled down. In such a case we should default unavailableReplicas
to 0 instead of making an invalid api call.
Automatic merge from submit-queue
Restore event messages for replica sets in the deployment controller
Needed to unblock release upgrade tests (see
@kubernetes/deployment ptal
This commit adds support for failing deployments based on a timeout
parameter defined in the spec. If there is no progress for the amount
of time defined as progressDeadlineSeconds then the deployment will be
marked as failed by adding a condition with a ProgressDeadlineExceeded
reason in it. Progress in the context of a deployment means the creation
or adoption of a new replica set, scaling up new pods, and scaling down
old pods.
* Estimate available pods for a deployment by using minReadySeconds on
the replica set.
* Stop requeueing deployments on pod events, superseded by following the
replica set status.
* Cleanup redundant deployment utilities
When a new rollout with a different size than the previous size of the
deployment is initiated then only the new replica set will notice the
new size. Old replica sets are not updated by the rollout path.
* moved waiting for synced caches before starting any work
* refactored worker() to really quit on quit
* changed queue to a ratelimiting queue and added retries on errors
* deep-copy deployments before mutating - we still need to deep-copy
replica sets and pods
* rolling.go (has all the logic for rolling deployments)
* recreate.go (has all the logic for recreate deployments)
* sync.go (has all the logic for getting and scaling replica sets)
* rollback.go (has all the logic for rolling back a deployment)
* util.go (contains all the utilities used throughout the controller)
Leave back at deployment_controller.go all the necessary bits for
creating, setting up, and running the controller loop.
Also add package documentation.