kube-controller-manager/v0.10.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/550b98e
<basename(os.Argv)>/<gitVersion> (<GOOS>/<GOARCH>) kubernetes/<shortGitCommit>
Can be set by other clients
This exposes the proper v1beta3 API endpoint when the user specifies
the --runtime_config=api/v1beta3 argument to the apiserver. v1beta3
is still considered experimental and subject to change.
--runtime_config is a map of string keys and values, that can be
specified by providing
Only the key must be specified, the value can be omitted.
Enables v1beta3 in hack/ and hack/
RESTClient is an abstraction on top of arbitrary HTTP endpoints that
follow the Kubernetes API conventions. Refactored RESTClientFor so that
assumptions that are Kube specific happen outside of that method (so
others can reuse the RESTClient). Added more validation to client.New
to ensure clients give good input. Exposed APIVersion on RESTClient
as a method so that wrapper code (code that adds typed / structured
methods over rest endpoints like client.Client) can more easily make
decisions about what APIVersion it is running under.
PUT allows an object to be created (http 201). This allows REST code to
indicate an object has been created and clients to react to it.
APIServer now deals with <-chan RESTResult instead of <-chan runtime.Object,
allowing more data to be passed through.
* Allows consumers to provide their own transports for common cases.
* Supports KUBE_API_VERSION on test cases for controlling which
api version they test against
* Provides a common flag registration method for CLIs that need
to connect to an API server (to avoid duplicating flags)
* Ensures errors are properly returned by the server
* Add a Context field to client.Config