The LoadTLSFiles method is useful for configuration code that needs
to read the current client config and get values out for creating
other config files.
kube-controller-manager/v0.10.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/550b98e
<basename(os.Argv)>/<gitVersion> (<GOOS>/<GOARCH>) kubernetes/<shortGitCommit>
Can be set by other clients
client.Config describes how to make a client connection to a server
for HTTP traffic, but for connection upgrade scenarios cannot be
used because the underlying http.Transport object can't allow the
connection to be hijacked. Reorganize the TLS and connection wrapper
methods so that a sophisticated client can do:
cfg := &client.Config{...} // from somewhere
tlsConfig, _ := client.TLSConfigFor(cfg)
_ := conn.Dial(...)
rt := MyRoundTripper() // some func that implements grabbing requests
wrapper, _ := client.HTTPWrappersFor(cfg)
req := &http.Request{}
req.Header.Set("Connection-Upgrade", ...)
_, := wrapper.RoundTrip(req)
// rt has been invoked with a fully formed Req with auth
// read response for upgrade
It would be good to have utility function that does more of this,
but mostly enabling the HTTP2/SPDY client exec function right now.
* Allows consumers to provide their own transports for common cases.
* Supports KUBE_API_VERSION on test cases for controlling which
api version they test against
* Provides a common flag registration method for CLIs that need
to connect to an API server (to avoid duplicating flags)
* Ensures errors are properly returned by the server
* Add a Context field to client.Config