kubectl explain ingress.spec.rules.http.paths. is valid
and defaults to kubectl explain ingress.spec.rules.http.paths
Rational: We use kubectl explain by adding fields
(e.g. service, then service.spec, then service.spec.ports ...)
so it's very easy to forget a trailing . at the end. We should
ignore the trailing period and display the result without it.
In error case, the condition “gotErr != test.err && gotPath !=
test.expectedPath” never fulfill because in this case both gotPath and
test.expectedPath always an empty string. So the err “err: `field "what?"
does not exist`” doesn’t get tasted. For example, if you change the value of
“err” to anything, the test still will pass. Also, since gotPath is empty
string in case of err, in the output error we probably don’t want to display