# *** ERROR: *** docs are out of sync between cli and markdown
# run hack/run-gendocs.sh > docs/kubectl.md to regenerate
# Your commit will be aborted unless you regenerate docs.
As we prepare to expose additional endpoints for pod status, cloning,
binding, and templating, we should clarify the terminology and
distinctions. Use pod status as an example of an alternative "resource"
that shares the same "kind" (schema) as pods.
* Separate metadata from objects
* Treat lists differently from resources
* Add UID and Annotations on Metadata
* Introduce BoundPod(s) as distinct from Pod to represent pods
scheduled onto a host
* Use "spec" instead of "state" and "status" instead of "currentState"
* Identify current status of objects consistently
* Use "condition" as the string label for substatus
* All string constants should be PublicGoCapitalized
* Rename Minion -> Node
* Rename ServerOp -> Operation
* Remove ContainerManifest
* Add api-conventions.md document
* Replace PodTemplateSpec in ReplCtrl with ObjectReference