The documentation defines a couple of replication-controller and service
to provision a docker-registry somewhere on the cluster and have it
available by the name viz. A record of
On each node, http-proxies are placed as daemon-set with the
kube-registry DNS name set as upstream, so that the registry is
available on each host under endpoint localhost:5000
Because in the documentation, selector-identifiers are the same for
"upstream" registry and proxies, the proxies themselves register under
the service intended for the upstream and now have themselves as
upstream under a different port, where connection attempts result in
"connection refused".
Adapting selectors to be unique as in this patch fixes the problem.
modified: cluster/addons/registry/
modified: cluster/addons/registry/registry-rc.yaml
modified: cluster/addons/registry/registry-svc.yaml
This registry can be accessed through proxies that run on each node
listening on port 5000. We send the proxy images to the nodes directly
to avoid requests that hit the network during cluster launch. For now,
we continue to pull the registry itself over the network, especially
given its large size (we should be able to dramatically shrink the
image). On GCE we create a PD and use that for storage, otherwise we
use an emptyDir. The registry is not enabled outside of GCE. All
communication is currently plain HTTP. In order to use SSL, we will
need to be able to request a certificate/key from the apiserver signed
by the apiserver's CA cert.