This ensures nfs-common is installed on GCE, and provides a more
functional explanation/example. I launched two replication controllers
so that there were busybox pods to poke around at the NFS volume, and
so that the later wget actually works (the original example would have
to work on the node, or need some other access to the container
network). After switching to two controllers, it actually makes more
sense to use PV claims, and it's probably a configuration that makes
more sense for indirection for NFS anyways.
Flocker [1] is an open-source container data volume manager for
Dockerized applications.
This PR adds a volume plugin for Flocker.
The plugin interfaces the Flocker Control Service REST API [2] to
attachment attach the volume to the pod.
Each kubelet host should run Flocker agents (Container Agent and Dataset
The kubelet will also require environment variables that contain the
host and port of the Flocker Control Service. (see Flocker architecture
[3] for more).
The contribution introduces a new 'flocker' volume type to the API with
- `datasetName`: which indicates the name of the dataset in Flocker
added to metadata;
- `size`: a human-readable number that indicates the maximum size of the
requested dataset.
Full documentation can be found docs/user-guide/ and examples
can be found at the examples/ folder