mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
Merge pull request #72093 from WanLinghao/client_builder_log_fix
fix log information errorpull/564/head
@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ func (b SAControllerClientBuilder) Config(name string) (*restclient.Config, erro
validConfig, valid, err := b.getAuthenticatedConfig(sa, string(secret.Data[v1.ServiceAccountTokenKey]))
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("error validating API token for %s/%s in secret %s: %v", sa.Name, sa.Namespace, secret.Name, err)
klog.Warningf("error validating API token for %s/%s in secret %s: %v", sa.Namespace, sa.Name, secret.Name, err)
// continue watching for good tokens
return false, nil
if !valid {
klog.Warningf("secret %s contained an invalid API token for %s/%s", secret.Name, sa.Name, sa.Namespace)
klog.Warningf("secret %s contained an invalid API token for %s/%s", secret.Name, sa.Namespace, sa.Name)
// try to delete the secret containing the invalid token
if err := b.CoreClient.Secrets(secret.Namespace).Delete(secret.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.Warningf("error deleting secret %s containing invalid API token for %s/%s: %v", secret.Name, sa.Name, sa.Namespace, err)
klog.Warningf("error deleting secret %s containing invalid API token for %s/%s: %v", secret.Name, sa.Namespace, sa.Name, err)
// continue watching for good tokens
return false, nil
@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ func (b SAControllerClientBuilder) getAuthenticatedConfig(sa *v1.ServiceAccount,
tokenReview := &v1authenticationapi.TokenReview{Spec: v1authenticationapi.TokenReviewSpec{Token: token}}
if tokenResult, err := b.AuthenticationClient.TokenReviews().Create(tokenReview); err == nil {
if !tokenResult.Status.Authenticated {
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s did not authenticate correctly", sa.Name, sa.Namespace)
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s did not authenticate correctly", sa.Namespace, sa.Name)
return nil, false, nil
if tokenResult.Status.User.Username != username {
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s authenticated as unexpected username: %s", sa.Name, sa.Namespace, tokenResult.Status.User.Username)
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s authenticated as unexpected username: %s", sa.Namespace, sa.Name, tokenResult.Status.User.Username)
return nil, false, nil
klog.V(4).Infof("Verified credential for %s/%s", sa.Name, sa.Namespace)
klog.V(4).Infof("Verified credential for %s/%s", sa.Namespace, sa.Name)
return clientConfig, true, nil
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ func (b SAControllerClientBuilder) getAuthenticatedConfig(sa *v1.ServiceAccount,
err = client.Get().AbsPath("/apis").Do().Error()
if apierrors.IsUnauthorized(err) {
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s did not authenticate correctly: %v", sa.Name, sa.Namespace, err)
klog.Warningf("Token for %s/%s did not authenticate correctly: %v", sa.Namespace, sa.Name, err)
return nil, false, nil
Reference in New Issue