mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
fencing off multiple rbd mount
Signed-off-by: Huamin Chen <hchen@redhat.com>pull/6/head
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func diskSetUp(manager diskManager, disk rbd, volPath string, mounter mount.Inte
// Perform a bind mount to the full path to allow duplicate mounts of the same disk.
options := []string{"bind"}
if disk.readOnly {
if disk.ReadOnly {
options = append(options, "ro")
err = mounter.Mount(globalPDPath, volPath, "", options)
@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ func (plugin *rbdPlugin) newBuilderInternal(spec *volume.Spec, podUID types.UID,
return &rbd{
podUID: podUID,
volName: spec.Name,
mon: source.CephMonitors,
image: source.RBDImage,
pool: pool,
id: id,
keyring: keyring,
secret: secret,
Mon: source.CephMonitors,
Image: source.RBDImage,
Pool: pool,
Id: id,
Keyring: keyring,
Secret: secret,
fsType: source.FSType,
readOnly: source.ReadOnly,
ReadOnly: source.ReadOnly,
manager: manager,
mounter: mounter,
plugin: plugin,
@ -155,14 +155,15 @@ func (plugin *rbdPlugin) newCleanerInternal(volName string, podUID types.UID, ma
type rbd struct {
volName string
podUID types.UID
mon []string
pool string
id string
image string
keyring string
secret string
// capitalized so they can be exported in persistRBD()
Mon []string
Pool string
Id string
Image string
Keyring string
Secret string
fsType string
readOnly bool
ReadOnly bool
plugin *rbdPlugin
mounter mount.Interface
// Utility interface that provides API calls to the provider to attach/detach disks.
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ func (rbd *rbd) SetUpAt(dir string) error {
// make mountpoint rw/ro work as expected
//FIXME revisit pkg/util/mount and ensure rw/ro is implemented as expected
mode := "rw"
if rbd.readOnly {
if rbd.ReadOnly {
mode = "ro"
rbd.plugin.execCommand("mount", []string{"-o", "remount," + mode, globalPDPath, dir})
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ limitations under the License.
package rbd
import (
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import (
@ -58,12 +60,125 @@ func makePDNameInternal(host volume.VolumeHost, pool string, image string) strin
type RBDUtil struct{}
func (util *RBDUtil) MakeGlobalPDName(rbd rbd) string {
return makePDNameInternal(rbd.plugin.host, rbd.pool, rbd.image)
return makePDNameInternal(rbd.plugin.host, rbd.Pool, rbd.Image)
func (util *RBDUtil) rbdLock(rbd rbd, lock bool) error {
var err error
var output, locker string
var cmd []byte
var secret_opt []string
if rbd.Secret != "" {
secret_opt = []string{"--key=" + rbd.Secret}
} else {
secret_opt = []string{"-k", rbd.Keyring}
// construct lock id using host name and a magic prefix
lock_id := "kubelet_lock_magic_" + node.GetHostname("")
l := len(rbd.Mon)
// avoid mount storm, pick a host randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all hosts until mount succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := rbd.Mon[i%l]
// cmd "rbd lock list" serves two purposes:
// for fencing, check if lock already held for this host
// this edge case happens if host crashes in the middle of acquiring lock and mounting rbd
// for defencing, get the locker name, something like "client.1234"
cmd, err = rbd.plugin.execCommand("rbd",
append([]string{"lock", "list", rbd.Image, "--pool", rbd.Pool, "--id", rbd.Id, "-m", mon}, secret_opt...))
output = string(cmd)
if err != nil {
if lock {
// check if lock is already held for this host by matching lock_id and rbd lock id
if strings.Contains(output, lock_id) {
// this host already holds the lock, exit
glog.V(1).Infof("rbd: lock already held for %s", lock_id)
return nil
// hold a lock: rbd lock add
cmd, err = rbd.plugin.execCommand("rbd",
append([]string{"lock", "add", rbd.Image, lock_id, "--pool", rbd.Pool, "--id", rbd.Id, "-m", mon}, secret_opt...))
} else {
// defencing, find locker name
ind := strings.LastIndex(output, lock_id) - 1
for i := ind; i >= 0; i-- {
if output[i] == '\n' {
locker = output[(i + 1):ind]
// remove a lock: rbd lock remove
cmd, err = rbd.plugin.execCommand("rbd",
append([]string{"lock", "remove", rbd.Image, lock_id, locker, "--pool", rbd.Pool, "--id", rbd.Id, "-m", mon}, secret_opt...))
if err == nil {
//lock is acquired
return err
func (util *RBDUtil) persistRBD(rbd rbd, mnt string) error {
file := path.Join(mnt, "rbd.json")
fp, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: create err %s/%s", file, err)
defer fp.Close()
encoder := json.NewEncoder(fp)
if err = encoder.Encode(rbd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: encode err: %v.", err)
return nil
func (util *RBDUtil) loadRBD(rbd *rbd, mnt string) error {
file := path.Join(mnt, "rbd.json")
fp, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: open err %s/%s", file, err)
defer fp.Close()
decoder := json.NewDecoder(fp)
if err = decoder.Decode(rbd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: decode err: %v.", err)
return nil
func (util *RBDUtil) fencing(rbd rbd) error {
// no need to fence readOnly
if rbd.ReadOnly {
return nil
return util.rbdLock(rbd, true)
func (util *RBDUtil) defencing(rbd rbd) error {
// no need to fence readOnly
if rbd.ReadOnly {
return nil
return util.rbdLock(rbd, false)
func (util *RBDUtil) AttachDisk(rbd rbd) error {
var err error
devicePath := strings.Join([]string{"/dev/rbd", rbd.pool, rbd.image}, "/")
devicePath := strings.Join([]string{"/dev/rbd", rbd.Pool, rbd.Image}, "/")
exist := waitForPathToExist(devicePath, 1)
if !exist {
// modprobe
@ -72,19 +187,19 @@ func (util *RBDUtil) AttachDisk(rbd rbd) error {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to modprobe rbd error:%v", err)
// rbd map
l := len(rbd.mon)
l := len(rbd.Mon)
// avoid mount storm, pick a host randomly
start := rand.Int() % l
// iterate all hosts until mount succeeds.
for i := start; i < start+l; i++ {
mon := rbd.mon[i%l]
mon := rbd.Mon[i%l]
glog.V(1).Infof("rbd: map mon %s", mon)
if rbd.secret != "" {
if rbd.Secret != "" {
_, err = rbd.plugin.execCommand("rbd",
[]string{"map", rbd.image, "--pool", rbd.pool, "--id", rbd.id, "-m", mon, "--key=" + rbd.secret})
[]string{"map", rbd.Image, "--pool", rbd.Pool, "--id", rbd.Id, "-m", mon, "--key=" + rbd.Secret})
} else {
_, err = rbd.plugin.execCommand("rbd",
[]string{"map", rbd.image, "--pool", rbd.pool, "--id", rbd.id, "-m", mon, "-k", rbd.keyring})
[]string{"map", rbd.Image, "--pool", rbd.Pool, "--id", rbd.Id, "-m", mon, "-k", rbd.Keyring})
if err == nil {
@ -113,6 +228,17 @@ func (util *RBDUtil) AttachDisk(rbd rbd) error {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to mkdir %s, error", globalPDPath)
// fence off other mappers
if err := util.fencing(rbd); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: image %s is locked by other nodes", rbd.Image)
// rbd lock remove needs ceph and image config
// but kubelet doesn't get them from apiserver during teardown
// so persit rbd config so upon disk detach, rbd lock can be removed
// since rbd json is persisted in the same local directory that is used as rbd mountpoint later,
// the json file remains invisible during rbd mount and thus won't be removed accidentally.
util.persistRBD(rbd, globalPDPath)
if err = rbd.mounter.Mount(devicePath, globalPDPath, rbd.fsType, nil); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to mount rbd volume %s [%s] to %s, error %v", devicePath, rbd.fsType, globalPDPath, err)
@ -135,6 +261,13 @@ func (util *RBDUtil) DetachDisk(rbd rbd, mntPath string) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rbd: failed to unmap device %s:Error: %v", device, err)
// load ceph and image/pool info to remove fencing
if err := util.loadRBD(&rbd, mntPath); err == nil {
// remove rbd lock
glog.Infof("rbd: successfully unmap device %s", device)
return nil
Reference in New Issue