Merge pull request #10376 from lavalamp/e2eSSHKey

Fix service latency test.
Wojciech Tyczynski 2015-07-01 12:30:27 +02:00
commit fa60ad310b
1 changed files with 217 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -23,9 +23,13 @@ import (
. ""
@ -40,22 +44,32 @@ var _ = Describe("Service endpoints latency", func() {
f := NewFramework("svc-latency")
It("should not be very high", func() {
nodes, err := f.Client.Nodes().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
if err != nil {
Failf("Failed to list nodes: %v", err)
count := len(nodes.Items)
const (
// These are very generous criteria. Ideally we will
// get this much lower in the future. See issue
// #10436.
limitMedian = time.Second * 20
limitTail = time.Second * 40
// Numbers chosen to make the test complete in a short amount
// of time. This sample size is not actually large enough to
// reliably measure tails on a reasonably sized test cluster,
// but it should catch low hanging fruit.
var (
totalTrials = 20 * count
parallelTrials = 8 * count
minSampleSize = 10 * count
// Numbers chosen to make the test complete in a short amount
// of time. This sample size is not actually large enough to
// reliably measure tails (it may give false positives, but not
// false negatives), but it should catch low hanging fruit.
// Note that these are fixed and do not depend on the
// size of the cluster. Setting parallelTrials larger
// distorts the measurements. Perhaps this wouldn't be
// true on HA clusters.
totalTrials = 200
parallelTrials = 15
minSampleSize = 100
// Turn off rate limiting--it interferes with our measurements.
oldThrottle := f.Client.RESTClient.Throttle
f.Client.RESTClient.Throttle = util.NewFakeRateLimiter()
defer func() { f.Client.RESTClient.Throttle = oldThrottle }()
failing := util.NewStringSet()
d, err := runServiceLatencies(f, parallelTrials, totalTrials)
if err != nil {
@ -85,45 +99,64 @@ var _ = Describe("Service endpoints latency", func() {
Logf("50 %%ile: %v", p50)
Logf("90 %%ile: %v", p90)
Logf("99 %%ile: %v", p99)
Logf("Total sample count: %v", len(dSorted))
if p99 > 4*p50 {
failing.Insert("Tail latency is > 4x median latency")
if p50 > limitMedian {
failing.Insert("Median latency should be less than " + limitMedian.String())
if p50 > time.Second*20 {
failing.Insert("Median latency should be less than 20 seconds")
if p99 > limitTail {
failing.Insert("Tail (99 percentile) latency should be less than " + limitTail.String())
if failing.Len() > 0 {
Fail(strings.Join(failing.List(), "\n"))
errList := strings.Join(failing.List(), "\n")
helpfulInfo := fmt.Sprintf("\n50, 90, 99 percentiles: %v %v %v", p50, p90, p99)
Fail(errList + helpfulInfo)
func runServiceLatencies(f *Framework, inParallel, total int) (output []time.Duration, err error) {
next := make(chan int, total)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
next <- i
cfg := RCConfig{
Client: f.Client,
Image: "",
Name: "svc-latency-rc",
Namespace: f.Namespace.Name,
Replicas: 1,
PollInterval: time.Second,
if err := RunRC(cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer DeleteRC(f.Client, f.Namespace.Name, cfg.Name)
// Run a single watcher, to reduce the number of API calls we have to
// make; this is to minimize the timing error. It's how kube-proxy
// consumes the endpoints data, so it seems like the right thing to
// test.
endpointQueries := newQuerier()
startEndpointWatcher(f, endpointQueries)
defer close(endpointQueries.stop)
// run one test and throw it away-- this is to make sure that the pod's
// ready status has propagated.
singleServiceLatency(f, cfg.Name, endpointQueries)
// These channels are never closed, and each attempt sends on exactly
// one of these channels, so the sum of the things sent over them will
// be exactly total.
errs := make(chan error, total)
durations := make(chan time.Duration, total)
for i := 0; i < inParallel; i++ {
blocker := make(chan struct{}, inParallel)
for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
go func() {
defer GinkgoRecover()
for {
i, ok := <-next
if !ok {
if d, err := singleServiceLatency(f, i); err != nil {
errs <- err
} else {
durations <- d
blocker <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-blocker }()
if d, err := singleServiceLatency(f, cfg.Name, endpointQueries); err != nil {
errs <- err
} else {
durations <- d
@ -144,58 +177,167 @@ func runServiceLatencies(f *Framework, inParallel, total int) (output []time.Dur
return output, nil
func singleServiceLatency(f *Framework, i int) (time.Duration, error) {
// Make an RC with a single pod.
cfg := RCConfig{
Client: f.Client,
Image: "",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("trial-%v", i),
Namespace: f.Namespace.Name,
Replicas: 1,
PollInterval: time.Second,
if err := RunRC(cfg); err != nil {
return 0, err
defer DeleteRC(f.Client, f.Namespace.Name, cfg.Name)
type endpointQuery struct {
endpointsName string
endpoints *api.Endpoints
result chan<- struct{}
// Now make a service that points to that pod.
type endpointQueries struct {
requests map[string]*endpointQuery
stop chan struct{}
requestChan chan *endpointQuery
seenChan chan *api.Endpoints
func newQuerier() *endpointQueries {
eq := &endpointQueries{
requests: map[string]*endpointQuery{},
stop: make(chan struct{}, 100),
requestChan: make(chan *endpointQuery),
seenChan: make(chan *api.Endpoints, 100),
go eq.join()
return eq
// join merges the incoming streams of requests and added endpoints. It has
// nice properties like:
// * remembering an endpoint if it happens to arrive before it is requested.
// * closing all outstanding requests (returning nil) if it is stopped.
func (eq *endpointQueries) join() {
defer func() {
// Terminate all pending requests, so that no goroutine will
// block indefinitely.
for _, req := range eq.requests {
if req.result != nil {
for {
select {
case <-eq.stop:
case req := <-eq.requestChan:
if cur, ok := eq.requests[req.endpointsName]; ok && cur.endpoints != nil {
// We've already gotten the result, so we can
// immediately satisfy this request.
delete(eq.requests, req.endpointsName)
req.endpoints = cur.endpoints
} else {
// Save this request.
eq.requests[req.endpointsName] = req
case got := <-eq.seenChan:
if req, ok := eq.requests[got.Name]; ok {
if req.result != nil {
// Satisfy a request.
delete(eq.requests, got.Name)
req.endpoints = got
} else {
// We've already recorded a result, but
// haven't gotten the request yet. Only
// keep the first result.
} else {
// We haven't gotten the corresponding request
// yet, save this result.
eq.requests[got.Name] = &endpointQuery{
endpoints: got,
// request blocks until the requested endpoint is seen.
func (eq *endpointQueries) request(endpointsName string) *api.Endpoints {
result := make(chan struct{})
req := &endpointQuery{
endpointsName: endpointsName,
result: result,
eq.requestChan <- req
return req.endpoints
// marks e as added; does not block.
func (eq *endpointQueries) added(e *api.Endpoints) {
eq.seenChan <- e
// blocks until it has finished syncing.
func startEndpointWatcher(f *Framework, q *endpointQueries) {
_, controller := framework.NewInformer(
ListFunc: func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return f.Client.Endpoints(f.Namespace.Name).List(labels.Everything())
WatchFunc: func(rv string) (watch.Interface, error) {
return f.Client.Endpoints(f.Namespace.Name).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything(), rv)
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
if e, ok := obj.(*api.Endpoints); ok {
if len(e.Subsets) > 0 && len(e.Subsets[0].Addresses) > 0 {
UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
if e, ok := cur.(*api.Endpoints); ok {
if len(e.Subsets) > 0 && len(e.Subsets[0].Addresses) > 0 {
go controller.Run(q.stop)
// Wait for the controller to sync, so that we don't count any warm-up time.
for !controller.HasSynced() {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func singleServiceLatency(f *Framework, name string, q *endpointQueries) (time.Duration, error) {
// Make a service that points to that pod.
svc := &api.Service{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: cfg.Name,
GenerateName: "latency-svc-",
Spec: api.ServiceSpec{
Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Protocol: api.ProtocolTCP, Port: 80}},
Selector: map[string]string{"name": cfg.Name},
Selector: map[string]string{"name": name},
Type: api.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
SessionAffinity: api.ServiceAffinityNone,
startTime := time.Now()
gotSvc, err := f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Create(svc)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
Logf("Created: %v", gotSvc.Name)
defer f.Client.Services(gotSvc.Namespace).Delete(gotSvc.Name)
// Now time how long it takes for the endpoints to show up.
startTime := time.Now()
defer f.Client.Services(f.Namespace.Name).Delete(gotSvc.Name)
w, err := f.Client.Endpoints(f.Namespace.Name).Watch(labels.Everything(), fields.Set{"": cfg.Name}.AsSelector(), gotSvc.ResourceVersion)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if e := q.request(gotSvc.Name); e == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Never got a result for endpoint %v", gotSvc.Name)
defer w.Stop()
for {
val, ok := <-w.ResultChan()
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("watch closed")
if e, ok := val.Object.(*api.Endpoints); ok {
if e.Name == cfg.Name && len(e.Subsets) > 0 && len(e.Subsets[0].Addresses) > 0 {
stopTime := time.Now()
return stopTime.Sub(startTime), nil
stopTime := time.Now()
d := stopTime.Sub(startTime)
Logf("Got endpoints: %v [%v]", gotSvc.Name, d)
return d, nil