Fix bad check in node e2e tests for GPUs.

When no nvidia device was attached, the -ne check had a syntax error:

    sh: -ne: argument expected

This resulted in 'Success' being echoed and the test passing incorrectly.
This was found while debugging issue #47216
Rohit Agarwal 2017-06-11 19:25:32 -07:00
parent 8fc4e17847
commit f7a563435f
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func makePod(gpus int64, name string) *v1.Pod {
v1.ResourceNvidiaGPU: *resource.NewQuantity(gpus, resource.DecimalSI),
gpuverificationCmd := fmt.Sprintf("if [[ %d -ne $(ls /dev/ | egrep '^nvidia[0-9]+$') ]]; then exit 1; fi; echo Success", gpus)
gpuverificationCmd := fmt.Sprintf("if [[ %d -ne $(ls /dev/ | egrep '^nvidia[0-9]+$' | wc -l) ]]; then exit 1; else echo Success; fi", gpus)
return &v1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,