mirror of https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s
@ -1,54 +1,59 @@
# Kubernetes Ansible
This playbook helps you to set up a Kubernetes cluster on machines where you
can't or don't want to use the salt scripts and cluster up/down tools. They
can be real hardware, VMs, things in a public cloud, etc.
This playbook and set of roles set up a Kubernetes cluster onto machines. They
can be real hardware, VMs, things in a public cloud, etc. Anything that you can connect to via SSH.
## Before starting
* Record the IP address/hostname of which machine you want to be your master (only support a single master)
* Record the IP address/hostname of the machine you want to be your etcd server (often same as master, only one)
* Record the IP addresses/hostname of the machines you want to be your nodes. (the master can also be a node)
* Make sure your ansible running machine has ansible 1.9 and python-netaddr installed.
### Configure the inventory file
## Setup
Stick the system information gathered above into the 'inventory' file.
### Configure inventory
### Configure your cluster
Add the system information gathered above into the 'inventory' file, or create a new inventory file for the cluster.
You will want to look though all of the options in `group_vars/all.yml` and
set the variables to reflect your needs. The options should be described there
### Configure Cluster options
Look though all of the options in `group_vars/all.yml` and
set the variables to reflect your needs. The options are described there
in full detail.
### Set up the actual kubernetes cluster
## Running the playbook
Now run the setup:
After going through the setup, run the setup script provided:
`$ ./setup.sh`
In generel this will work on very recent Fedora, rawhide or F21. Future work to
support RHEL7, CentOS, and possible other distros should be forthcoming.
### You can just set up certain parts instead of doing it all
Only etcd:
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=etcd`
Only the kubernetes master:
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=masters`
Only the kubernetes nodes:
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=nodes`
### You may overwrite the inventory file by doing
You may override the inventory file by doing:
`INVENTORY=myinventory ./setup.sh`
Only flannel:
$ ./setup.sh --tags=flannel
In general this will work on very recent Fedora, rawhide or F21. Future work to
support RHEL7, CentOS, and possible other distros should be forthcoming.
### Targeted runs
You can just setup certain parts instead of doing it all.
#### etcd
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=etcd`
#### Kubernetes master
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=masters`
#### kubernetes nodes
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=nodes`
### flannel
`$ ./setup.sh --tags=flannel`
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# This value determines how kubernetes binaries, config files, and service
# files are loaded onto the target machines. The following are the only
# valid options:
# localBuild - requires make release to have been run to build local binaries
# packageManager - will install packages from your distribution using yum/dnf/apt
source_type: localBuild
# will be used as the Internal dns domain name if DNS is enabled. Services
# will be discoverable under <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.<domainname>, e.g.
# myservice.default.svc.cluster.local
@ -50,6 +58,9 @@ cluster_logging: true
# Turn to false to disable cluster monitoring with heapster and influxdb
cluster_monitoring: true
# Turn to false to disable the kube-ui addon for this cluster
kube-ui: false
# Turn this varable to 'false' to disable whole DNS configuration.
dns_setup: true
# How many replicas in the Replication Controller
@ -27,6 +27,14 @@
has_rpm: true
when: s.stat.exists
- name: Init the has_firewalld fact
has_firewalld: false
- name: Init the has_iptables fact
has_iptables: false
# collect information about what packages are installed
- include: rpm.yml
when: has_rpm
@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
- name: Init the has_firewalld fact
has_firewalld: false
- name: Set the has_firewalld fact
has_firewalld: true
@ -20,10 +16,6 @@
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
- name: Init the has_iptables fact
has_iptables: false
- name: Set the has_iptables fact
has_iptables: true
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- name: DEBIAN | Make sure this is stretch or sid, jessies does not have docker
fail: msg="Docker.io only available in sid and stretch, https://wiki.debian.org/Docker"
when: ansible_lsb.codename != "stretch" and ansible_lsb.codename != "sid"
- name: DEBIAN | Install Docker
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: docker.io
state: latest
@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
name: docker
state: latest
when: not is_atomic
@ -1,32 +1,51 @@
- include: debian-install.yml
when: ansible_distribution == "Debian"
- include: generic-install.yml
when: not is_atomic
when: ansible_distribution != "Debian"
- name: Set docker config file directory
docker_config_dir: "/etc/sysconfig"
- name: Override docker config file directory for Debian
docker_config_dir: "/etc/default"
when: ansible_distribution == "Debian"
- name: Verify docker config files exists
file: path={{ docker_config_dir }}/{{ item }} state=touch
changed_when: false
- docker
- docker-network
- name: Turn down docker logging
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/docker regexp=^OPTIONS= line=OPTIONS="--selinux-enabled --log-level=warn"
lineinfile: dest={{ docker_config_dir }}/docker regexp=^OPTIONS= line=OPTIONS="--selinux-enabled --log-level=warn"
- restart docker
- name: Install http_proxy into docker-network
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/docker-network regexp=^HTTP_PROXY= line=HTTP_PROXY="{{ http_proxy }}"
lineinfile: dest={{ docker_config_dir }}/docker-network regexp=^HTTP_PROXY= line=HTTP_PROXY="{{ http_proxy }}"
when: http_proxy is defined
- restart docker
- name: Install https_proxy into docker-network
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/docker-network regexp=^HTTPS_PROXY= line=HTTPS_PROXY="{{ https_proxy }}"
lineinfile: dest={{ docker_config_dir }}/docker-network regexp=^HTTPS_PROXY= line=HTTPS_PROXY="{{ https_proxy }}"
when: https_proxy is defined
- restart docker
- name: Install no-proxy into docker-network
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/docker-network regexp=^NO_PROXY= line=NO_PROXY="{{ no_proxy }}"
lineinfile: dest={{ docker_config_dir }}/docker-network regexp=^NO_PROXY= line=NO_PROXY="{{ no_proxy }}"
when: no_proxy is defined
- restart docker
- name: Add any insecure registrys to docker config
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/docker regexp=^INSECURE_REGISTRY= line=INSECURE_REGISTRY='{% for reg in insecure_registrys %}--insecure-registry="{{ reg }}" {% endfor %}'
lineinfile: dest={{ docker_config_dir }}/docker regexp=^INSECURE_REGISTRY= line=INSECURE_REGISTRY='{% for reg in insecure_registrys %}--insecure-registry="{{ reg }}" {% endfor %}'
when: insecure_registrys is defined and insecure_registrys > 0
- restart docker
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Description=Etcd Server
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
- name: reload systemd
command: systemctl --system daemon-reload
- name: restart etcd
service: name=etcd state=restarted
when: etcd_started.changed == false
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
- restart etcd
- name: Write etcd systemd unit file for Debian
copy: src=etcd.service dest=/etc/systemd/system
- reload systemd
- restart etcd
when: ansible_distribution == "Debian"
- name: Enable etcd
service: name=etcd enabled=yes
@ -16,3 +16,5 @@
- name: start docker
service: name=docker state=started
# This might fail if docker isn't installed yet
ignore_errors: yes
@ -1 +1,4 @@
kube_addons_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons"
local_temp_addon_dir: /tmp/kubernetes/addons
@ -47,16 +47,19 @@
KUBECTL=${TEST_KUBECTL:-} # substitute for tests
if [[ ! -x ${KUBECTL} ]]; then
echo "ERROR: kubectl command (${KUBECTL}) not found or is not executable" 1>&2
exit 1
# If an add-on definition is incorrect, or a definition has just disappeared
# from the local directory, the script will still keep on retrying.
# The script does not end until all retries are done, so
# one invalid manifest may block updates of other add-ons.
# Be careful how you set these parameters
NUM_TRIES=1 # will be updated based on input parameters
# remember that you can't log from functions that print some output (because
# logs are also printed on stdout)
@ -112,9 +115,11 @@ except Exception, ex:
# $1 yaml file path
function get-object-name-from-file() {
# returns a string of the form <namespace>/<name> (we call it nsnames)
function get-object-nsname-from-file() {
# prints to stdout, so log cannot be used
#WARNING: only yaml is supported
#addons that do not specify a namespace are assumed to be in "default".
cat $1 | python -c '''
import pipes,sys,yaml
@ -125,7 +130,10 @@ try:
# Otherwise we are ignoring them (the update will not work anyway)
print "ERROR"
print y["metadata"]["name"]
print "%s/%s" % (y["metadata"]["namespace"], y["metadata"]["name"])
except Exception, ex:
print "default/%s" % y["metadata"]["name"]
except Exception, ex:
print "ERROR"
@ -135,7 +143,7 @@ except Exception, ex:
# $2 addon type (e.g. ReplicationController)
# echoes the string with paths to files containing addon for the given type
# works only for yaml files (!) (ignores json files)
function get-addons-from-disk() {
function get-addon-paths-from-disk() {
# prints to stdout, so log cannot be used
local -r addon_dir=$1
local -r obj_type=$2
@ -183,9 +191,10 @@ function run-until-success() {
# $1 object type
function get-addons-from-server() {
# returns a list of <namespace>/<name> pairs (nsnames)
function get-addon-nsnames-from-server() {
local -r obj_type=$1
"${KUBECTL}" get "${obj_type}" -o template -t "{{range.items}}{{.metadata.name}} {{end}}" --api-version=v1 -l kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true
"${KUBECTL}" get "${obj_type}" --all-namespaces -o template -t "{{range.items}}{{.metadata.namespace}}/{{.metadata.name}} {{end}}" --api-version=v1 -l kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true
# returns the characters after the last separator (including)
@ -227,36 +236,52 @@ function get-basename() {
function stop-object() {
local -r obj_type=$1
local -r obj_name=$2
log INFO "Stopping ${obj_type} ${obj_name}"
run-until-success "${KUBECTL} stop ${obj_type} ${obj_name}" ${NUM_TRIES_FOR_STOP} ${DELAY_AFTER_STOP_ERROR_SEC}
local -r namespace=$2
local -r obj_name=$3
log INFO "Stopping ${obj_type} ${namespace}/${obj_name}"
run-until-success "${KUBECTL} stop --namespace=${namespace} ${obj_type} ${obj_name}" ${NUM_TRIES} ${DELAY_AFTER_ERROR_SEC}
function create-object() {
local -r obj_type=$1
local -r file_path=$2
log INFO "Creating new ${obj_type} from file ${file_path}"
run-until-success "${KUBECTL} create -f ${file_path}" ${NUM_TRIES_FOR_CREATE} ${DELAY_AFTER_CREATE_ERROR_SEC}
local nsname_from_file
nsname_from_file=$(get-object-nsname-from-file ${file_path})
if [[ "${nsname_from_file}" == "ERROR" ]]; then
log INFO "Cannot read object name from ${file_path}. Ignoring"
return 1
IFS='/' read namespace obj_name <<< "${nsname_from_file}"
log INFO "Creating new ${obj_type} from file ${file_path} in namespace ${namespace}, name: ${obj_name}"
# this will keep on failing if the ${file_path} disappeared in the meantime.
# Do not use too many retries.
run-until-success "${KUBECTL} create --namespace=${namespace} -f ${file_path}" ${NUM_TRIES} ${DELAY_AFTER_ERROR_SEC}
function update-object() {
local -r obj_type=$1
local -r obj_name=$2
local -r file_path=$3
log INFO "updating the ${obj_type} ${obj_name} with the new definition ${file_path}"
stop-object ${obj_type} ${obj_name}
local -r namespace=$2
local -r obj_name=$3
local -r file_path=$4
log INFO "updating the ${obj_type} ${namespace}/${obj_name} with the new definition ${file_path}"
stop-object ${obj_type} ${namespace} ${obj_name}
create-object ${obj_type} ${file_path}
# deletes the objects from the server
# $1 object type
# $2 a list of object names
# $2 a list of object nsnames
function stop-objects() {
local -r obj_type=$1
local -r obj_names=$2
local -r obj_nsnames=$2
local namespace
local obj_name
for obj_name in ${obj_names}; do
stop-object ${obj_type} ${obj_names} &
for nsname in ${obj_nsnames}; do
IFS='/' read namespace obj_name <<< "${nsname}"
stop-object ${obj_type} ${namespace} ${obj_name} &
@ -268,6 +293,12 @@ function create-objects() {
local -r file_paths=$2
local file_path
for file_path in ${file_paths}; do
# Remember that the file may have disappear by now
# But we don't want to check it here because
# such race condition may always happen after
# we check it. Let's have the race
# condition happen a bit more often so that
# we see that our tests pass anyway.
create-object ${obj_type} ${file_path} &
@ -275,22 +306,28 @@ function create-objects() {
# updates objects
# $1 object type
# $2 a list of update specifications
# each update specification is a ';' separated pair: <object name>;<file path>
# each update specification is a ';' separated pair: <nsname>;<file path>
function update-objects() {
local -r obj_type=$1 # ignored
local -r update_spec=$2
local objdesc
local nsname
local obj_name
local namespace
for objdesc in ${update_spec}; do
IFS=';' read -a array <<< ${objdesc}
update-object ${obj_type} ${array[0]} ${array[1]} &
IFS=';' read nsname file_path <<< "${objdesc}"
IFS='/' read namespace obj_name <<< "${nsname}"
update-object ${obj_type} ${namespace} ${obj_name} ${file_path} &
# Global variables set by function match-objects.
for_delete="" # a list of object names to be deleted
for_update="" # a list of pairs <obj_name>;<filePath> for objects that should be updated
for_ignore="" # a list of object nanes that can be ignored
new_files="" # a list of file paths that weren't matched by any existing objects (these objects must be created now)
nsnames_for_delete="" # a list of object nsnames to be deleted
for_update="" # a list of pairs <nsname>;<filePath> for objects that should be updated
nsnames_for_ignore="" # a list of object nsnames that will be ignored
new_files="" # a list of file paths that weren't matched by any existing objects (these objects must be created now)
# $1 path to files with objects
@ -302,32 +339,36 @@ function match-objects() {
local -r separator=$3
# output variables (globals)
addon_names_on_server=$(get-addons-from-server "${obj_type}")
addon_paths_in_files=$(get-addons-from-disk "${addon_dir}" "${obj_type}")
addon_nsnames_on_server=$(get-addon-nsnames-from-server "${obj_type}")
addon_paths_in_files=$(get-addon-paths-from-disk "${addon_dir}" "${obj_type}")
log DB2 "addon_names_on_server=${addon_names_on_server}"
log DB2 "addon_nsnames_on_server=${addon_nsnames_on_server}"
log DB2 "addon_paths_in_files=${addon_paths_in_files}"
local matched_files=""
local basename_on_server=""
local name_on_server=""
local basensname_on_server=""
local nsname_on_server=""
local suffix_on_server=""
local name_from_file=""
local nsname_from_file=""
local suffix_from_file=""
local found=0
local addon_path=""
for name_on_server in ${addon_names_on_server}; do
basename_on_server=$(get-basename ${name_on_server} ${separator})
suffix_on_server="$(get-suffix ${name_on_server} ${separator})"
# objects that were moved between namespaces will have different nsname
# because the namespace is included. So they will be treated
# like different objects and not updated but deleted and created again
# (in the current version update is also delete+create, so it does not matter)
for nsname_on_server in ${addon_nsnames_on_server}; do
basensname_on_server=$(get-basename ${nsname_on_server} ${separator})
suffix_on_server="$(get-suffix ${nsname_on_server} ${separator})"
log DB3 "Found existing addon ${name_on_server}, basename=${basename_on_server}"
log DB3 "Found existing addon ${nsname_on_server}, basename=${basensname_on_server}"
# check if the addon is present in the directory and decide
# what to do with it
@ -335,36 +376,41 @@ function match-objects() {
# again. But for small number of addons it doesn't matter so much.
for addon_path in ${addon_paths_in_files}; do
name_from_file=$(get-object-name-from-file ${addon_path})
if [[ "${name_from_file}" == "ERROR" ]]; then
nsname_from_file=$(get-object-nsname-from-file ${addon_path})
if [[ "${nsname_from_file}" == "ERROR" ]]; then
log INFO "Cannot read object name from ${addon_path}. Ignoring"
log DB2 "Found object name '${name_from_file}' in file ${addon_path}"
log DB2 "Found object name '${nsname_from_file}' in file ${addon_path}"
suffix_from_file="$(get-suffix ${name_from_file} ${separator})"
suffix_from_file="$(get-suffix ${nsname_from_file} ${separator})"
log DB3 "matching: ${basename_on_server}${suffix_from_file} == ${name_from_file}"
if [[ "${basename_on_server}${suffix_from_file}" == "${name_from_file}" ]]; then
log DB3 "matched existing ${obj_type} ${name_on_server} to file ${addon_path}; suffix_on_server=${suffix_on_server}, suffix_from_file=${suffix_from_file}"
log DB3 "matching: ${basensname_on_server}${suffix_from_file} == ${nsname_from_file}"
if [[ "${basensname_on_server}${suffix_from_file}" == "${nsname_from_file}" ]]; then
log DB3 "matched existing ${obj_type} ${nsname_on_server} to file ${addon_path}; suffix_on_server=${suffix_on_server}, suffix_from_file=${suffix_from_file}"
matched_files="${matched_files} ${addon_path}"
if [[ "${suffix_on_server}" == "${suffix_from_file}" ]]; then
for_ignore="${for_ignore} ${name_from_file}"
nsnames_for_ignore="${nsnames_for_ignore} ${nsname_from_file}"
for_update="${for_update} ${name_on_server};${addon_path}"
for_update="${for_update} ${nsname_on_server};${addon_path}"
if [[ ${found} -eq 0 ]]; then
log DB2 "No definition file found for replication controller ${name_on_server}. Scheduling for deletion"
for_delete="${for_delete} ${name_on_server}"
log DB2 "No definition file found for replication controller ${nsname_on_server}. Scheduling for deletion"
nsnames_for_delete="${nsnames_for_delete} ${nsname_on_server}"
log DB3 "matched_files=${matched_files}"
# note that if the addon file is invalid (or got removed after listing files
# but before we managed to match it) it will not be matched to any
# of the existing objects. So we will treat it as a new file
# and try to create its object.
for addon_path in ${addon_paths_in_files}; do
echo ${matched_files} | grep "${addon_path}" >/dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
@ -381,12 +427,12 @@ function reconcile-objects() {
local -r separator=$3 # name separator
match-objects ${addon_path} ${obj_type} ${separator}
log DBG "${obj_type}: for_delete=${for_delete}"
log DBG "${obj_type}: nsnames_for_delete=${nsnames_for_delete}"
log DBG "${obj_type}: for_update=${for_update}"
log DBG "${obj_type}: for_ignore=${for_ignore}"
log DBG "${obj_type}: nsnames_for_ignore=${nsnames_for_ignore}"
log DBG "${obj_type}: new_files=${new_files}"
stop-objects "${obj_type}" "${for_delete}"
stop-objects "${obj_type}" "${nsnames_for_delete}"
# wait for jobs below is a protection against changing the basename
# of a replication controllerm without changing the selector.
# If we don't wait, the new rc may be created before the old one is deleted
@ -400,9 +446,9 @@ function reconcile-objects() {
create-objects "${obj_type}" "${new_files}"
update-objects "${obj_type}" "${for_update}"
local obj
for obj in ${for_ignore}; do
log DB2 "The ${obj_type} ${obj} is already up to date"
local nsname
for nsname in ${nsnames_for_ignore}; do
log DB2 "The ${obj_type} ${nsname} is already up to date"
@ -435,11 +481,21 @@ function update-addons() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters" 1>&2
# input parameters:
# $1 input directory
# $2 retry period in seconds - the script will retry api-server errors for approximately
# this amound of time (it is not very precise), at interval equal $DELAY_AFTER_ERROR_SEC.
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters. Usage $0 addon-dir [retry-period]" 1>&2
exit 1
if [[ ${NUM_TRIES} -le 0 ]]; then
update-addons ${addon_path}
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ KUBECTL=${KUBECTL_BIN:-/usr/local/bin/kubectl}
function create-kubeconfig-secret() {
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ contexts:
- context:
cluster: local
user: ${username}
namespace: ${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE}
name: service-account-context
current-context: service-account-context
@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ contexts:
- context:
cluster: local
user: ${username}
namespace: ${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE}
name: service-account-context
current-context: service-account-context
@ -84,36 +88,39 @@ metadata:
name: token-${safe_username}
type: Opaque
create-resource-from-string "${secretyaml}" 100 10 "Secret-for-token-for-user-${username}" &
# TODO: label the secrets with special label so kubectl does not show these?
create-resource-from-string "${secretyaml}" 100 10 "Secret-for-token-for-user-${username}" "${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE}" &
# $1 filename of addon to start.
# $2 count of tries to start the addon.
# $3 delay in seconds between two consecutive tries
# $4 namespace
function start_addon() {
local -r addon_filename=$1;
local -r tries=$2;
local -r delay=$3;
local -r namespace=$4
create-resource-from-string "$(cat ${addon_filename})" "${tries}" "${delay}" "${addon_filename}"
create-resource-from-string "$(cat ${addon_filename})" "${tries}" "${delay}" "${addon_filename}" "${namespace}"
# $1 string with json or yaml.
# $2 count of tries to start the addon.
# $3 delay in seconds between two consecutive tries
# $3 name of this object to use when logging about it.
# $4 name of this object to use when logging about it.
# $5 namespace for this object
function create-resource-from-string() {
local -r config_string=$1;
local tries=$2;
local -r delay=$3;
local -r config_name=$4;
local -r namespace=$5;
while [ ${tries} -gt 0 ]; do
echo "${config_string}" | ${KUBECTL} create -f - && \
echo "== Successfully started ${config_name} at $(date -Is)" && \
echo "${config_string}" | ${KUBECTL} --namespace="${namespace}" create -f - && \
echo "== Successfully started ${config_name} in namespace ${namespace} at $(date -Is)" && \
return 0;
let tries=tries-1;
echo "== Failed to start ${config_name} at $(date -Is). ${tries} tries remaining. =="
echo "== Failed to start ${config_name} in namespace ${namespace} at $(date -Is). ${tries} tries remaining. =="
sleep ${delay};
return 1;
@ -122,7 +129,7 @@ function create-resource-from-string() {
# The business logic for whether a given object should be created
# was already enforced by salt, and /etc/kubernetes/addons is the
# managed result is of that. Start everything below that directory.
echo "== Kubernetes addon manager started at $(date -Is) with ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC=${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC}=="
echo "== Kubernetes addon manager started at $(date -Is) with ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC=${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC} =="
# Load the kube-env, which has all the environment variables we care
# about, in a flat yaml format.
@ -136,6 +143,18 @@ for k,v in yaml.load(sys.stdin).iteritems():
''' < "${kube_env_yaml}")
# Create the namespace that will be used to host the cluster-level add-ons.
start_addon /etc/kubernetes/addons/namespace.yaml 100 10 "" &
# Wait for the default service account to be created in the kube-system namespace.
while [ -z "${token_found}" ]; do
sleep .5
token_found=$(${KUBECTL} get --namespace="${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE}" serviceaccount default -o template -t "{{with index .secrets 0}}{{.name}}{{end}}" || true)
echo "== default service account in the ${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE} namespace has token ${token_found} =="
# Generate secrets for "internal service accounts".
# TODO(etune): move to a completely yaml/object based
# workflow so that service accounts can be created
@ -143,6 +162,7 @@ fi
# NOTE: needs to run as root to read this file.
# Read each line in the csv file of tokens.
# Expect errors when the script is started again.
# NOTE: secrets are created asynchronously, in background.
while read line; do
# Split each line into the token and username.
IFS=',' read -a parts <<< "${line}"
@ -154,25 +174,29 @@ while read line; do
# Set the server to https://kubernetes. Pods/components that
# do not have DNS available will have to override the server.
create-kubeconfig-secret "${token}" "${username}" "https://kubernetes"
create-kubeconfig-secret "${token}" "${username}" "https://kubernetes.default"
done < ${token_dir}/known_tokens.csv
done < "${token_dir}/known_tokens.csv"
# Create admission_control objects if defined before any other addon services. If the limits
# are defined in a namespace other than default, we should still create the limits for the
# default namespace.
for obj in $(find /etc/kubernetes/admission-controls \( -name \*.yaml -o -name \*.json \)); do
start_addon ${obj} 100 10 &
start_addon ${obj} 100 10 default &
echo "++ obj ${obj} is created ++"
# Check if the configuration has changed recently - in case the user
# created/updated/deleted the files on the master.
while true; do
start_sec=$(date +"%s")
#kube-addon-update.sh must be deployed in the same directory as this file
`dirname $0`/kube-addon-update.sh /etc/kubernetes/addons
`dirname $0`/kube-addon-update.sh /etc/kubernetes/addons ${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC}
end_sec=$(date +"%s")
# subtract the time passed from the sleep time
if [[ ${len_sec} -lt ${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC} ]]; then
sleep ${sleep_time}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- name: reload and restart kube-addons
command: systemctl daemon-reload
command: systemctl --system daemon-reload
- restart kube-addons
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- name: LOGGING | Assures {{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-logging dir exists
file: path={{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-logging state=directory
- name: LOGGING | Assures {{ kube_addons_dir }}/cluster-logging dir exists
file: path={{ kube_addons_dir }}/cluster-logging state=directory
- name: LOGGING | Download logging files from Kubernetes repo
url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/master/cluster/addons/fluentd-elasticsearch/{{ item }}
dest="{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-logging/"
dest="{{ kube_addons_dir }}/cluster-logging/"
- es-controller.yaml
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- name: MONITORING | Assures {{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-monitoring dir exists
file: path={{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-monitoring state=directory
file: path={{ kube_addons_dir }}/cluster-monitoring state=directory
- name: MONITORING | Download monitoring files from Kubernetes repo
url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/master/cluster/addons/cluster-monitoring/influxdb/{{ item }}
dest="{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/cluster-monitoring/"
dest="{{ kube_addons_dir }}/cluster-monitoring/"
- grafana-service.yaml
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- name: DNS | Assures {{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/dns dir exists
file: path={{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/dns state=directory
- name: DNS | Assures {{ kube_addons_dir }}/dns dir exists
file: path={{ kube_addons_dir }}/dns state=directory
- name: DNS | Assures local dns addon dir exists
local_action: file
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
src: "{{ local_temp_addon_dir }}/dns/skydns-rc.yaml.j2"
dest: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/dns/skydns-rc.yaml"
dest: "{{ kube_addons_dir }}/dns/skydns-rc.yaml"
mode: 0755
owner: root
group: root
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
src: "{{ local_temp_addon_dir }}/dns/skydns-svc.yaml.j2"
dest: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/dns/skydns-svc.yaml"
dest: "{{ kube_addons_dir }}/dns/skydns-svc.yaml"
mode: 0755
owner: root
group: root
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
- name: Install PyYAML
- name: Set pyyaml package name
pyyaml_name: python-yaml
- name: Overwrite pyyaml package name for non-Debian
pyyaml_name: PyYAML
when: ansible_distribution != "Debian"
- name: Install PyYAML for non-debian
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: PyYAML
name: "{{ pyyaml_name }}"
state: latest
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- name: KUBE-UI | Assures {{ kube_addons_dir }}/kube-ui dir exists
file: path={{ kube_addons_dir }}/kube-ui state=directory
- name: KUBE-UI | Download kube-ui files from Kubernetes repo
url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/master/cluster/addons/kube-ui/{{ item }}
dest="{{ kube_addons_dir }}/kube-ui/"
- kube-ui-rc.yaml
- kube-ui-svc.yaml
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- name: Assures /etc/kubernetes/addons/ dir exists
file: path=/etc/kubernetes/addons/ state=directory
- name: Assures addons dir exists
file: path={{ kube_addons_dir }} state=directory
- include: generic-install.yml
when: not is_atomic
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
sudo: no
- name: Make sure the system services namespace exists
dest="{{ kube_config_dir }}/addons/"
- include: dns.yml
when: dns_setup
@ -20,6 +26,9 @@
- include: cluster-logging.yml
when: cluster_logging
- include: kube-ui.yml
when: kube-ui
#- name: Get kube-addons script from Kubernetes
# get_url:
# url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/master/cluster/saltbase/salt/kube-addons/kube-addons.sh
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# The port that the Kubernetes apiserver component listens on.
kube_master_api_port: 443
# This directory is where all the additional scripts go
# that Kubernetes normally puts in /srv/kubernetes.
# This puts them in a sane location
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ set -o pipefail
# Caller should set in the ev:
# MASTER_IP - this may be an ip or things like "_use_gce_external_ip_"
# MASTER_NAME - DNS name for the master
# DNS_DOMAIN - which will be passed to minions in --cluster_domain
# SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE - where all service IPs are allocated
# MASTER_NAME - I'm not sure what it is...
# Also the following will be respected
# CERT_DIR - where to place the finished certs
@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
- name: Install openssl for easy-rsa stuff
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
- openssl
- curl
#- name: Get create ca cert script from Kubernetes
# get_url:
# url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/master/cluster/saltbase/salt/generate-cert/make-ca-cert.sh
@ -15,12 +24,12 @@
# FIXME This only generates a cert for one master...
- name: Run create cert script on master
"{{ kube_script_dir }}/make-ca-cert.sh {{ inventory_hostname }}"
"{{ kube_script_dir }}/make-ca-cert.sh"
creates: "{{ kube_cert_dir }}/server.crt"
MASTER_IP: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
MASTER_NAME: "kubernetes"
MASTER_NAME: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
DNS_DOMAIN: "{{ dns_domain }}"
SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE: "{{ kube_service_addresses }}"
CERT_DIR: "{{ kube_cert_dir }}"
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ KUBE_LOG_LEVEL="--v=0"
# How the replication controller, scheduler, and proxy
KUBE_MASTER="--master=https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443"
KUBE_MASTER="--master=https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}"
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
- name: reload systemd
command: systemctl --system daemon-reload
- restart daemons
- name: restart daemons
command: /bin/true
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- name: Open firewalld port for apiserver
firewalld: port=443/tcp permanent=false state=enabled
firewalld: port={{ kube_master_api_port }}/tcp permanent=false state=enabled
# in case this is also a node with firewalld turned off
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Save firewalld port for apiserver
firewalld: port=443/tcp permanent=true state=enabled
firewalld: port={{ kube_master_api_port }}/tcp permanent=true state=enabled
# in case this is also a node with firewalld turned off
ignore_errors: yes
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
always_run: yes
- name: Open apiserver port with iptables
command: /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "kube-apiserver"
command: /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport {{ kube_master_api_port }} -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "kube-apiserver"
when: "'kube-apiserver' not in iptablesrules.stdout"
- restart iptables
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- name: Copy master binaries
src: ../../_output/local/go/bin/{{ item }}
dest: /usr/bin/
mode: 755
- kube-apiserver
- kube-scheduler
- kube-controller-manager
- kubectl
notify: restart daemons
- name: Copy master service files
src: ../init/systemd/{{ item }}
dest: /etc/systemd/system/
mode: 644
- kube-apiserver.service
- kube-scheduler.service
- kube-controller-manager.service
notify: reload systemd
- name: Copy systemd tmpfile for apiserver
src: ../init/systemd/tmpfiles.d/
dest: /etc/tmpfiles.d/
mode: 644
notify: reload systemd
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
- include: generic-install.yml
when: not is_atomic and not ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: packageManagerInstall.yml
when: source_type == "packageManager"
- binary-update
- include: centos.yml
when: not is_atomic and ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: localBuildInstall.yml
when: source_type == "localBuild"
- binary-update
- name: write the config file for the api server
template: src=apiserver.j2 dest={{ kube_config_dir }}/apiserver
@ -21,7 +25,7 @@
- name: Enable apiserver
service: name=kube-apiserver enabled=yes state=started
- name: Get the node token values
- name: Get the master token values
src: "{{ kube_token_dir }}/{{ item }}-{{ inventory_hostname }}.token"
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/centos-install.yml
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- name: Set fact saying we did CentOS package install
did_install: true
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/fedora-install.yml
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_release != "Rawhide"
- name: Set fact saying we did Fedora package install
did_install: true
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_release != "Rawhide"
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/generic-install.yml
when: not did_install
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
- name: CentOS | Install kubernetes master
- name: CentOS | Install kubernetes master
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- name: Fedora | Install kubernetes master
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: kubernetes-master
state: latest
enablerepo: "updates-testing"
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- name: Install kubernetes
- name: Generic | Install kubernetes master
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: kubernetes-master
state: latest
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# The port on the local server to listen on.
KUBE_API_PORT="--secure-port={{ kube_master_api_port }}"
# Port nodes listen on
# KUBELET_PORT="--kubelet_port=10250"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ preferences: {}
- cluster:
certificate-authority: {{ kube_cert_dir }}/ca.crt
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}
name: {{ cluster_name }}
- context:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ preferences: {}
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: {{ kube_ca_cert|b64encode }}
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}
name: {{ cluster_name }}
- context:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ preferences: {}
- cluster:
certificate-authority: {{ kube_cert_dir }}/ca.crt
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}
name: {{ cluster_name }}
- context:
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
- name: reload systemd
command: systemctl --system daemon-reload
- restart daemons
- name: restart daemons
command: /bin/true
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: Copy node binaries
src: ../../_output/local/go/bin/{{ item }}
dest: /usr/bin/
mode: 755
- kubelet
- kube-proxy
- kubectl
- restart daemons
- name: Copy node service files
src: ../init/systemd/{{ item }}
dest: /etc/systemd/system/
mode: 644
- kube-proxy.service
- kubelet.service
notify: reload systemd
- name: Create the /var/lib/kubelet working directory
path: /var/lib/kubelet
state: directory
@ -3,16 +3,21 @@
command: getenforce
register: selinux
changed_when: false
when: ansible_selinux
- name: Set selinux permissive because tokens and selinux don't work together
selinux: state=permissive policy=targeted
when: "'Enforcing' in selinux.stdout"
when: ansible_selinux and 'Enforcing' in selinux.stdout
- include: generic-install.yml
when: not is_atomic and not ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: packageManagerInstall.yml
when: source_type == "packageManager"
- binary-update
- include: centos.yml
when: not is_atomic and ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: localBuildInstall.yml
when: source_type == "localBuild"
- binary-update
- name: Make sure manifest directory exists
file: path={{ kube_manifest_dir }} state=directory
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/centos-install.yml
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- name: Set fact saying we did CentOS package install
did_install: true
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/fedora-install.yml
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_release != "Rawhide"
- name: Set fact saying we did Fedora package install
did_install: true
when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_release != "Rawhide"
- include: pkgMgrInstallers/generic-install.yml
when: not did_install
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- name: Fedora | Install kubernetes node
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: kubernetes-node
state: latest
enablerepo: "updates-testing"
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- name: Install kubernetes
- name: Generic | Install kubernetes node
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }}"
name: kubernetes-node
state: latest
- restart daemons
when: not is_atomic
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ KUBELET_ADDRESS="--address="
KUBELET_HOSTNAME="--hostname_override={{ inventory_hostname }}"
# location of the api-server
KUBELET_API_SERVER="--api_servers=https://{{ groups['masters'][0]}}:443"
KUBELET_API_SERVER="--api_servers=https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}"
# Add your own!
{% if dns_setup %}
KUBELET_ARGS="--cluster_dns={{ dns_server }} --cluster_domain={{ dns_domain }} --kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir}}/kubelet.kubeconfig --config={{ kube_manifest_dir }}"
{% else %}
KUBELET_ARGS="--kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir}}/kubelet.kubeconfig --config={{ kube_manifest_dir }}"
KUBELET_ARGS="--kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }}/kubelet.kubeconfig --config={{ kube_manifest_dir }}"
{% endif %}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ preferences: {}
- cluster:
certificate-authority: {{ kube_cert_dir }}/ca.crt
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}
name: {{ cluster_name }}
- context:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ contexts:
- cluster:
certificate-authority: {{ kube_cert_dir }}/ca.crt
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:443
server: https://{{ groups['masters'][0] }}:{{ kube_master_api_port }}
name: {{ cluster_name }}
- name: proxy
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
## Vagrant deployer for Kubernetes Ansible
This deployer sets up a vagrant cluster and installs kubernetes with flannel on it.
## Before you start !
You will need a functioning vagrant provider. Currently supported are openstack, libvirt, and virtualbox.
In general all that should be needed it to run
vagrant up
If you export an env variable such as
export NUM_MINIONS=4
The system will create that number of nodes. Default is 2.
## Provider Specific Information
Vagrant tries to be intelligent and pick the first provider supported by your installation. If you want to specify a provider you can do so by running vagrant like so:
vagrant up --provider=openstack
### OpenStack
Make sure to install the openstack provider for vagrant.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-provider --plugin-version ">= 0.6.1"
NOTE This is a more up-to-date provider than the similar `vagrant-openstack-plugin`.
Also note that current (required) versions of `vagrant-openstack-provider` are not compatible with ruby 2.2.
So make sure you get at least version 0.6.1.
To use the vagrant openstack provider you will need
- Copy `openstack_config.yml.example` to `openstack_config.yml`
- Edit `openstack_config.yml` to include your relevant details.
For vagrant (1.7.2) does not seem to ever want to pick openstack as the provider. So you will need to tell it to use openstack explicitly.
###### Libvirt
The libvirt vagrant provider is non-deterministic when launching VMs. This is a problem as we need ansible to only run after all of the VMs are running. To solve this when using libvirt one must
do the following
vagrant up --no-provision
vagrant provision
### VirtualBox
Nothing special with VirtualBox. Hopefully `vagrant up` just works.
## Random Information
If you just want to update the binaries on your systems (either pkgManager or localBuild) you can do so using the ansible binary-update tag. To do so with vagrant provision you would need to run
ANSIBLE_TAGS="binary-update" vagrant provision
@ -1,46 +1,142 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
require "yaml"
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "chef/centos-7.0"
### This is a new provider, different then cloudbau's.
### RUN: vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-openstack-plugin"
### Then RUN: "vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-provider"
require 'vagrant-openstack-provider'
# config.vm.network "public_network"
$num_nodes = (ENV['NUM_NODES'] || 2).to_i
ansible_tags = ENV['ANSIBLE_TAGS']
config.vm.define "master", primary: true do |master|
master.vm.hostname = "master.vms.local"
master.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
# Openstack providers are best used with latest versions.
Vagrant.require_version ">= 1.7"
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# By default, Vagrant 1.7+ automatically inserts a different
# insecure keypair for each new VM created. The easiest way
# to use the same keypair for all the machines is to disable
# this feature and rely on the legacy insecure key.
config.ssh.insert_key = false
# This explicitly sets the order that vagrant will use by default if no --provider given
config.vm.provider "openstack"
config.vm.provider "libvirt"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox"
def set_openstack(os, config, n)
# common config
config.vm.box = "dummy"
config.vm.box_url = "https://github.com/cloudbau/vagrant-openstack-plugin/raw/master/dummy.box"
# this crap is to make it not fail if the file doesn't exist (which is ok if we are using a different provisioner)
__filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "openstack_config.yml")
if File.exist?(__filename)
_config = YAML.load(File.open(__filename, File::RDONLY).read)
_config = Hash.new("")
_config['security_group'] = []
config.ssh.username = "fedora"
config.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
config.vm.boot_timeout = 60*10
### The below parameters need to be modified per your openstack instance.
os.username = _config['os_username']
os.password = _config['os_password']
os.tenant_name = _config['os_tenant']
os.keypair_name = _config['os_ssh_key_name']
os.openstack_auth_url = _config['os_auth_url']
os.region = _config['os_region_name']
os.floating_ip_pool = _config['os_floating_ip_pool']
os.flavor = _config['os_flavor']
os.image = _config['os_image']
os.security_groups = _config['os_security_groups']
os.server_name = n.vm.hostname
(1..1).each do |i|
config.vm.define "node-#{i}" do |node|
node.vm.hostname = "node-#{i}.vms.local"
node.vm.network "private_network", ip: "{i}"
node.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.host_key_checking = false
ansible.extra_vars = {
ansible_ssh_user: 'vagrant',
ansible_ssh_pass: 'vagrant',
user: 'vagrant'
#ansible.verbose = 'vvv'
ansible.playbook = "../cluster.yml"
ansible.inventory_path = "vinventory"
def set_vbox(vb, config)
config.vm.box = "chef/centos-7.0"
config.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp"
vb.gui = false
vb.memory = 2048
vb.cpus = 2
ansible.limit = 'all'
# Use faster paravirtualized networking
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype1", "virtio"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype2", "virtio"]
def set_libvirt(lv, config)
config.vm.box = "kube-centos-7"
config.vm.box_url = "http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/vagrant/x86_64/images/CentOS-7.LibVirt.box"
lv.memory = 2048
lv.cpus = 2
lv.nested = true
lv.volume_cache = 'none'
def set_provider(n)
n.vm.provider :openstack do |os, override|
set_openstack(os, override, n)
n.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb, override|
set_vbox(vb, override)
n.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv, override|
set_libvirt(lv, override)
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# Display the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
vb.gui = false
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vb.memory = "2048"
# vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
nodes = Array.new()
$num_nodes.times do |i|
# multi vm config
name = "kube-node-#{i+1}"
config.vm.define "#{name}" do |n|
n.vm.hostname = name
# This is how we create the ansible inventory, see it in .vagrant
# if you want to debug, run 'VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant up'
# and you'll see exactly how the cluster comes up via ansible inv.
groups = {
"etcd" => ["kube-master"],
"masters" => ["kube-master"],
"nodes" => nodes,
"all_groups:children" => ["etcd","masters","nodes"]
config.vm.define "kube-master" do |n|
name = "kube-master"
n.vm.hostname = name
if ansible_tags.nil?
# This set up the vagrant hosts before we run the main playbook
# Today this just creates /etc/hosts so machines can talk via their
# 'internal' IPs instead of the openstack public ip.
n.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.groups = groups
ansible.playbook = "./vagrant-ansible.yml"
ansible.limit = "all" #otherwise the metadata wont be there for ipv4?
# This sets up both flannel and kube.
n.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.groups = groups
ansible.playbook = "../cluster.yml"
ansible.limit = "all" #otherwise the metadata wont be there for ipv4?
ansible.tags = ansible_tags
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
os_username: eparis
os_password: redhat
os_tenant: "RH US Business Group"
os_auth_url: "http://os1-public.osop.rhcloud.com:5000/v2.0"
os_region_name: "OS1Public"
os_ssh_key_name: "eparis"
os_flavor: "m1.small"
os_image: "Fedora 22 Cloud Base x86_64 (final)"
- "default"
#- some_other_group
os_floating_ip_pool: "os1_public"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
os_username: eparis
os_password: password
os_tenant: "RH US Business Group"
os_auth_url: "http://os1-public.osop.rhcloud.com:5000/v2.0"
os_region_name: "OS1Public"
os_ssh_key_name: "eparis"
os_flavor: "m1.small"
os_image: "Fedora 22 Cloud Base x86_64 (final)"
- "default"
#- some_other_group
os_floating_ip_pool: "os1_public"
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: "Build hosts file"
regexp=".*{{ item }}$"
line="{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{item}}"
when: hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined
with_items: groups['all']
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Reference in New Issue